Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Another Mobile Edition

Sorry folks, no Boots on the Ground from last night. One, the semi-anonymity of the site means that although my exploits are known here I don’t need Google putting two and two together. (I will be happy to answer questions below, when I’m not playing on my gig tonight.) Two, I haven’t gotten to my lappy to push everything onto it and trim Madre Weaselo’s video to put onto my YouTube page, as I went to Senorita Weaselo’s because my gig tonight is closer to her and I don’t want to deal with the BQE or Jackie Robinson Parkway at rush hour.

What I will say from last night is that the coolest part was hearing the singing of God Bless America and Take Me Out to the Ballgame coming from the home dugout.

In the meantime, I’m gonna keep the space intentionally blank. Senorita Weaselo has to go teach at drafting time, so depending on the free time in her schedule I may go to that area around and hang around at Green-Wood Cemetery, because the catacombs are apparently really interesting and have stuff going on all the time, and/or busk, if I am walking distance from a subway station. (Update: The stonework at Green-Wood is exquisite, and I didn’t even get to the Steinway mausoleum or Bernstein’s grave site, sorry Maestro. As for busking, after walking I said no more and went to get cool somewhere that are not notoriously not air-conditioned subway stations. And outdoor stations? Right out. Busking remains on the summer to-do list.) Meanwhile here’s some news:

-Holy shit, that was a lot of picks, but the Nova Knicks are (almost, come back Archi) complete! (Mikal Bridges goes across the East River for a lot of picks.)

-Stadium money bullshit time in Jacksonville and Charlotte! I look forward to that money coming back to the—yeah, I can’t even finish that one.

-CrimeBeat! update: No contest for Chandler Jones (who may avoid jail time), and Isaiah Buggs (KC) has been released.

What’s on tonight?

At the Copaaaaaaa, you’ll fall on the pitch because it’s hot in Kansas City in the summer:

Coriolis Fuckery vs. John Candy’s Bobsleds (Ecuador vs. Jamaica, in progress, FS1)

”Give up a goal? Jail.” vs. SexyMexy FC (Venezuela vs. Mexico, 9:00, FS1)

Senor continues to bitch about Amazon Prime: Congestion Pricing Series (Flushing-Main St. to Hudson Yards leg) (NYY vs. NYM, 7:10, Amazon Prime)

I’m gonna go ahead and get out of the car before I melt.

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Senor Weaselo
Senor Weaselo plays the violin. He tucks it right under his chin. When he isn't doing that, he enjoys watching his teams (Yankees, Jets, Knicks, and Rangers), trying to ingest enough capsaicin to make himself breathe fire (it hasn't happened yet), and scheming to acquire the Bryant Park zamboni.
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Don’t you even think about starting your day without shaking your pudding, I shake mine up and down the street.


Onto 6




Going to shake my pudding up and down the street


Finally the week from hell has ended so now I’m going to drink,hard!

First though here comes a bowl of fine medicinal strength happy elation.

Puff, puff

Just opened beer number 4 but lets not forget the 3 whiskey shots all in in 87 minutes.


Your turn,how many beers can you drink in two hours?

Not sure if this safe.


Meanwhile in Texas…

Doktor Zymm

At Mr. Bing’s!

No Frenet in sight thankfully, that’s the worst ever SF bar thing


“Could I be any more drunk?”


“Hmm. Maybe if I also knocked back like four quaaludes…”


I told y’all that México was going to suck!


“I prefer to receive” — Ron Mexico


Don’t be a Margaret, my peeps, be a Jenny!


Pretty sure Adam Silver is jealous of the NFL. I am pretty sure he was counting on Bronie James for a ratings boost. Not sure anyone really gave a donkey’s dick about it, though.


Lakers gonna pick him at #55 so they can father/son this bitch.

Horatio Cornblower

This is what Mexico gets for electing a woman president, amirite?


Las perras están arruinando el fútbol, ​​¿verdad?

Horatio Cornblower


Horatio Cornblower

Massive thunderstorm just rolled through here.

My dog may never recover.


aw give him/her a weed cookie.

Our dogs hate thunder too (like every five years).

Horatio Cornblower

Mrs. Horatio went up to bed and he couldn’t run up there fast enough.


4th of July is like their Pearl Harbor

Mr. Ayo

How did Lowratio handle it? Is he cuddled up in your lap? Or did he also run upstairs?


Luckily he was in a time out in the iron maiden

Horatio Cornblower

Not sure. The outside shed door is open a crack, so that would be my guess.


There were coyotes making noise just now. Where did all this wildlife that is dangerous to my pets come from all of a sudden?

Mr. Ayo

¡bola de cara!

King Hippo

DFO. We live, we learn, we enjoy freezer vodka.


Ordered, shipped, received and installed a new CPU today. America sucks at a lot of things, but this didnt suck


Looks like I’ll finally get a run in this morning after being rained out the past few days. How come you are always doing your best sleeping when the alarm goes off?

King Hippo

I know my brain hates me. Maybe ALL brains hate their humans?


Likely my friend.


I mean, I’m steadily killing mine with alcohol, so a certain amount of hostility is to be expected.


Ruh roh Mexico.

King Hippo

Venezuela? Y’all Murrika’s Pants is losing to VENEZUELA???


Which soccer nation underachieves the most in international competitions? Mexico, England, Scotland have to be high on that list.


Scotland is never supposed to win. They are there for the party. That is it. There are 0 expectations.

King Hippo

Could be worse, eh? Wales, just there to fuck the livestock.


Berhalter has dirt on someone high up right? He should NOT have this job, again.


Take a dump truck full of money and back it up to the front door of Jurgen Klopp


I have watched so much futbol this last 2 weeks, it has been glorioUs.


It really has


If I had my druthers we would be at this game right now.



Btw, six games today. SIX!


Tomorrow daytime is going to suck.


A.I. recreation of Al Michaels’ voice will be part of Peacock’s Olympics coverage – The Athletic (nytimes.com)

I wonder if the AI is programmed to brag about where it went to dinner with Collinsworth (someplace that doesn’t serve vegetables, naturally), and make cutesy gambling references.

Horatio Cornblower

Gets increasingly hammered as the game wears on.

Doktor Zymm

Very optimistic requests for referrals from Uber and Lyft. Why do they think I know people who don’t use their services but would love to be doing so? Are there actually people out there with smartphones and credit cards who have never heard of these services? How does their phone get reception under that rock?

Doktor Zymm

This is nice!

Doktor Zymm

And I arrived just before the rush on the bar and buffet!


Ok so where in the world is Dok now?

Cleveland? Abu Dhabi? Guam?


In Wichita, at the most neutral of airport lounges!


Putting a presentation together for Larry in Regina which he will fumble tomorrow miserably.

Horatio Cornblower



Jay Bilas just described Detroit’s pick as a “driver/slasher” which also describes the occupants of a certain white Bronco.


Humblebrag time:

I just went for some afternoon coffee, took my older dog Jezebel like I always do – she loves going there for the attention she receives. The two baristas told me that the entire staff took a vote on who was the most bestest favorite customer dog and that Jezebel was the clear winner.

Never been so proud.

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I got all the emotions.

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Ok now the screen just has a couple questions then you can go over there and wait for your coffee.


Coriolis Fuckery vs. John Candy’s Bobsleds (Ecuador vs. Jamaica, in progress, FS1)

Again, you have a specific skill set and it’s whatever this is.

And the nice thing about un-airconditioned subway stations is it really gives the urine scent an extra zing, like adding Old Bay to expired tuna.

Doktor Zymm

Going to a cocktail thing tonight put on by United for 10k miles. Should be fun, and complementary food and drinks are always welcome!


You paid for those drinks in time and background radiation and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise

Game Time Decision

The background rads are part of Zymm’s origin story on the way to becoming a “doktor”

Doktor Zymm

I think we also have to listen to a brief speech from United’s head of California or whatever


The speech, Artist’s Interpretation:

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Doktor Zymm

The speech was under 5 minutes!