Sexy Friday – 20240712

TGIF! There’s nothing on today, unless you’re a sicko like me watching the Frenchy bike race replay. I had to get it in early because the power company has decided I won’t have any after 9pm BCT today. Fortunately, the vodka is frozen, and the kindle is charged.

Survival – Personal Edition

Let’s say you made the mistake of planting bamboo. And let’s say you are in a warm and moist climate that promotes and accelerates bamboo growth. Well, you’re going to need to do something with that bamboo. So, let’s make a fire! As all of you erudite readers know, bamboo is essentially wood, so this will be easy.

  • Alright, this first part is not so easy. You need dried bamboo. So you’ll need to cut a length of bamboo stalk off in advance and let it dry out. You’ll know it’s dried out sufficiently when it changes to brown in color.
  • Now, cut that sucker in half length wise. The grain of the bamboo will make this easy, but just to be sure, get the biggest and sharpest machete you can. Watch those fingers though.
  • Take one of those halves, and lay it on the ground, round side down, middle part up. Secure it in place on each end with wooden stakes. No, not through the middle of the bamboo half stalk. Angle them into the ground at an angle to support the bamboo half stalk.
  • On the other half stalk, we’re going to make a notch through it. This notch needs to be about one inch wide on the outside (rounded) part of the half stalk, and just a slit on the inside of the half stalk.
  • Now shave out the filament from this stalk with your huge and sharp machete and pile it up over that notch. This is your tinder!
  • We’re almost ready, but first we need something to keep a sustained fire. So go forage up a bunch of small, dried wood sticks. They’ll burn longer than bamboo.
  • Time for fire! Rub that notched stalk back and forth over the half stalk on the ground. It won’t happen right away, but eventually the friction will start smoking and then result in a fire.
  • Once the fire starts, use those small wooden sticks to get a proper fire going.

Now, this might upset some giant pandas, but as stated before, there’s tons of bamboo and it regrows really fast. Seriously, up to 3 feet a day. They’ll be fine. In the meantime you have a nice fire to cook some panda meat. Haha, just kidding, don’t do that. Kill a cow instead, their meat is way better.

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Survival – Species Edition

Time to put the sexy in Friday!

Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!

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Doktor Zymm

Airports are a fascinating study of how stupid a lot of crowd behavioUr is


Agreed. I feel like a super genius just for not holding up the line going through the scanner.

Brick Meathook

Go through an airport with wheelchair assistance and it’s great. I’m already TSA Pre, but the wheelchair attendants just take you straight to the head of the line (and surprisingly no one objects) and they know all the the TSA people; they put your bags on the conveyer and pick them up later, and then just take you to the gate or the club or wherever you’re going. And I’m legit with asking for the wheelchair so I have no guilt. I always tip ten bucks per ride. Also, I usually have a camera out and am filming every ride through every terminal. I’ve got a whole library of them.

Brick Meathook

This is an electric cart ride through MSP I took during a five hour wildfire smoke delayed layover. I went back and forth between the two Delta clubs about six times, and filmed every one of them. I love airports.


Is there AFL or something?

Brick Meathook

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Trying for three Darwin Awards simultaneously?

Doktor Zymm

More if you count all the ‘unborn children’ in his testes!

Brick Meathook

“Nutsack” is a funnier word.

Brick Meathook

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Tonight is as close to that TV show as I’ll ever experience, at least in terms of “everything weird happening in a stoopidly short amount of time” sense.

yeah right

You forgot the Funyuns.


Bring me a Philly cheese stea, cheddar, peppers and onions, no mayo or dressing


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Brick Meathook

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Also the Netflix show about NFL Receivers seems Rocking!


Last funny:

this is by far the craziest longshot candidate replacement idea I’ve heard, but if the technology’s there I’ll hear them out

yeah right


That week was fucking crazy.



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I’m seeing the Flo actress out of character on “After Midnight”. This feels weird, like seeing a Muppet with the puppeteer visible or a Mall Santa in the Parking Lot drunk off his ass.


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She was one of the phone operators in early Mad Men

Doktor Zymm

Gotta be land sharks


That’s Rocking

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

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Doktor Zymm

What did Will ever do to you?


Crowd at Biden Rally: “Four More Years! Four More Years!”

Me: “Biden will live four more years? Well, this wouldn’t be the first-time idealistic Democrats overpromised and underdelivered.”

Doktor Zymm

Gotta use all the ice before it melts!

Senor Weaselo

It’s always a good day when you can use Antonio Bastardo in your Immaculate Grid!


Is it really true 501c3 Organizations aren’t allowed to participate in politics??


That Natterjack Cask Strength packs a kick!

Doktor Zymm

Interesting phrasing, “we need to all remain seated during this turbulent time”


Oh look at that Ayo. Lady number 2 knows exactly how I like my coffee. Great hack on the bamboo, all the nice villas around here grow 20 foot walls of it as a privacy barrier.
This lady does footie “analysis” on TV over here also. FYI.


Whoa! People Magazine is writing about Project
People Magazine!


Yeah if the “liberal” media would talk about that instead of verbal gaffes, it would be less shitty.

Doktor Zymm

“Trump wants to ban porn” would be pretty effective for the Dems to focus on, but they won’t because they suck at being persuasive


That’s exactly why I became a Republican as a Teenager. It was less a credit towards the Ohio GOP but against the Ohio Democratic Party.

If a Democrat walked into a bar with cash in their one hand and a copy of their autobiography “1001 Ways to the G-Spot” in their other hand, they’re walking out alone at Last Call.


Was that what I was doing wrong?!


This CFL game is bananas.


Padres vs Braves tonight ⚾️
The Braves seem like a good team!
Hopefully Petco Park is Rocking!

Goooooo Padres!


I’ve seen the Braves play at Petco and at Jack Murphy Stadium. Fun times.

I hope it’s a good game


Fuck Atlanta! Go Padres


ArmedandHammered was possessed by the ghost of General Sherman so gradually etc


Hate the town, the pro sports teams, and even the college teams in GA.


We all respect good hate!


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Be glad you don’t do call duty in Florida.


Why? That’d be great.

“No, no help coming. Thank your elected officials. Piss off.”


you dumb libtards just dont no u can jus shoot fire to put it out STAND UR GOURND

Doktor Zymm



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Last edited 6 months ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

This Stamps/Bombers game has been fantastic


Just superb.

Doktor Zymm

I’m going to Australia for a couple days since I found award space in Qantas F, and it looks like it’s Bulldogs@Swans in Sydney that weekend. I should see how much tickets are!

Brick Meathook

The “secret” Westchester Vons:

Doktor Zymm

They should take the sign down, I don’t have a big sign saying ‘Volcano Lair’ on my place because that would make it far less secret

Doktor Zymm

Although the address, 1 Volcano Lair Court is still a bit of a giveaway


What they didn’t expect was the pit of saltwater crocodiles…

Doktor Zymm

They keep eating the attack geese

Game Time Decision

You’re welcome for the cobra chickens

Senor Weaselo

That is definitely not Caucasian Plains.
/Which is what Senorita Weaselo’s best friend calls White Plains. We’ll see him tomorrow as he just got back from the land of Wafels & Dinges & Dr. Evil!

Doktor Zymm

I would go with Paleface Plains myself


Isn’t that Wyoming?


i am watching a mark jackson-fumble-the-steph-curry-bag speedrun wr getting smashed in real time over in the wnba by caitlin clark’s coach

31 point lead tonight almost blown to a team missing diana taurasi and brittney griner

take a bow, women’s basketball. you build the most interesting tanks.

Senor Weaselo

Awful Coaching has had a field day with the Fever.


somebody on reddit called her marjorie taylor sides and now and forever i can never unsee it

basketball terrorist


Honorary Negroni Time!

King Hippo

I mean WEARS teh no ofence smgdh


That drink sounds like what Flanders calls a black guy

Doktor Zymm

Is that like an honorary college degree where it’s really some other drink and you’ve just declared that it gets to be an honorary negroni?

Doktor Zymm

Why are cords so short on everything nowadays? Even most power strips and phone chargers have short cords. I suspect this is the work of Big Extension Cord


The ascendance of Lowratio means I don’t make as many Doug Martin jokes as I used to.


Ever time a word starts with “lo” the first auto suggestion is always Lowratio.


The ones I have bought from Amazon, were I could choose the cord length. I am messed up. I reread the first sentence and for some reason I thought gerund, then I started to diagram the sentence.

King Hippo

How come Yankee Candle don’t sell “Rotting Corpse” as a signature scent? I assume that’s #BigWoke again smh

Doktor Zymm

Maybe it’s an exclusive to their flagship store?


That seems like a really complicated way to make coffee.

Last edited 6 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury

Found a funny:

baby gronk’s silence is deafening


Nice to know you guys here at the end of civilization. Let’s hope for a shorter Dark Ages this time, but the Evangelicals are already gettin’ their Inquisition together.


I though no one expected the inquisition?


To me, if you did not expect the Inquisition you were innocent. Because the guilty expects the Inquisition at any moment. Or something.

Doktor Zymm

At ORD about to head back to SFO. Gonna eat some airplane food!

Doktor Zymm

There are a LOT of GS on this flight, and like 50 1ks

Last edited 6 months ago by Doktor Zymm

Girl Scouts?


Groping Scotsmen


Oh Hai!


Is there any other kind?

Brick Meathook

Hey everybody!

My on-line order at Vons is ready for pickup! I am SO going to go and pick it up!

This is awesome! I CAN’T WAIT!

Doktor Zymm


Brick Meathook

I enjoy doing that as well, but the Vons specials were lackluster today.

King Hippo

I expect both a y’all to re-enact Rollin’ Down Rodeo with a Shotgun


Didja get me any Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies?


I never realized how nasty that sounded. Vanity 6 was a great band.


Nothing on tonight? There are TWO (2) AFL games starting at 1145 pm Eastern/845 pm Ballsy time


/watching a Canuck Doc called Mr. Jane and Finch

It reminded me of an exchange I had with my sister-she’s a 911 operator that took calls from that area.

Sister: “Any black guy that drives a nice car through that area is a drug dealer.”

Me: “There are no successful black businessmen that live in that area? Real estate agents, dudes that own restaurants, anything?”

Sister: “Nope. If they drive a nice car thru the Jane and Finch area they deal drugs.”

Me: ……..

Last edited 6 months ago by scotchnaut
King Hippo

I guess that’s how 9-1-1 Is A Joke got started


My reaction to #1 based on how she left the flat surface of her board lying on top of a rock, just *begging* to be given a key to ding city:

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Doktor Zymm

I react this way a lot when authors try to have a character that rides horses but don’t bother to do any research on horseback riding

Brick Meathook

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King Hippo

but those shoulders MEIN GOTT, the lady can do no wrong in HippoBook