TGIF! We have three glorious days of footed ball ahead of us, so let’s get to it.
Survival – Personal Edition
Let’s talk about purifying water in the wilderness. There are four methods: filter, chemical, distillation, and boiling.
- This is a general first step and should be used on any source of water.
- Use or make a filter. Coffee filters, paper towels, paper, even tightly woven clothing. Another effective filter is a sock filled with alternating layers of small crushed rocks, crushed charcoal, and sand.
- Pour the water through the filter. The more times, the better the results.
- Remember this will not do anything about bacteria or microorganisms in the water. Follow up with a chemical treatment or boiling.
- Bleach: Two drop for each quart of water. Use three drops if the water is really cold or cloudy.
- Iodine: One tablet or five drops of 2% iodine per quart.
- Whichever one you have or choose, mix with the water and let sit at one (1) hour. Ideally you’ll let it mix overnight.
- Boil for at least one (1) minute. If you’re above 1k feet, add another minute for 1k feet of elevation.
- For safest results, boil for 10 minutes. Anything longer isn’t necessary.
- Let cool and drink!
- Build a solar still to use the heat of the sun to evaporate ground water into a container.
- Dig a one foot hole in the ground that can accommodate your container.
- Put the container in the middle of the hole.
- Cover the hole with plastic. A tarp or garbage bag is perfect for this.
- Seal the cover to the ground with sticks or stones. You don’t want air to escape around the edges.
- Poke a 1/4″ to 1/2″ hole in the middle of the cover. This hole should obviously be over the container.
- Place a small stone near the hole so the cover looks like a funnel. Make sure the hole is not touching the top of the container.
- Now just wait. Heat for the sun will cause the water to evaporate, and it will condense on your cover, then drip into the container below.
- Note this will not produce much water and will take several hours and up to an entire day depending on the strength of the sun and the amount of ground water.
They you go, next time bring enough water with you or have one of the straw filters handy.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
It’s so very Friday tonight, both here and… well, here. There’s some strangeness in the Yinzer atmosphere this morning.
On reflection, I don’t think I did unemployment right
If you bought a Jesus chain and didn’t roll up any pant legs because you didn’t have pants on, you’re all square.
They used to have a cop stationed at the door. He helped underage me and my friends carry our booze, and broke into my friend’s car when she locked her keys in it. When the Feds came for the owner I heard he clogged the toilet trying to flush cash. Hero. Wouldn’t fuck him, but still, hero.
The weekend anthem!
Say what you will about Miley Cyrus, that woman can solid fucking sing.
Nice, never heard this before. am old.
My only exposure to Miley Cyrus was on The Voice and I found her to be a perfectly pleasant, affable weirdo.
Say what I like? Eh, why bother, we have enough confirmed lizard people or ‘wyoming residents’ without me speculating
Lizard people?
Kill me. Kill me now.
“Me too”
-Billy Corgan suiciding politely
My last 2 hour hiatus was because I watched Blue Velvet in it’s entirety.
I owed that.
Fuck. That movie is amazing.
The speech that Laura Dern gives about the goodness in the world.
It is a damn fine movie and song. My karaoke song has traditionally been My Way because I respect what a complete dickhead Sinatra was, but when I am in Chicago in a week I should go to Bobby Loves and sing Blue Velvet
You could totally pull that off.
““You know, there are a bunch of Academy members and all sorts of other awards activity going on out there. And people solve problems with money normally; well, I don’t have any money. And I also feel that the Academy members must be sick of seeing ad after ad after ad costing a fortune with no one really paying attention. Honestly, I’m out there with the cow, and meeting the greatest bunch of people”
for Inland Empire
I don’t know how we got on Variety’s radar but they have spent an absolute fucking *fortune* sending us magazines stuffed with the kind of ads he’s talking about.
Though of a someone check on John Waters when reading the news earlier this week and found this pic today on a Bobs Big Burger Memoriam page of all places
Jason Kelce has his own late night show now, who is this for?
Late Night with the Dummy
Folks who don’t know the AO is on right now?
I did watch it that last two weeks. Wish I could have that time back.
I would absolutely use a Tardis to get away from a Kielce talk show.
The end of North America at Redondo Beach, Calif.
The island in the distance on the right is Japan.
A lot less fires and tsunamis than I expected
The end of North America begins Monday sir.
Here’s another from Side 1, New Day Rising
Wilmington, Calif.
Did a hard ass murder one trial that took place in Wilmington.
I was the jury foreman.
Avalon and D St.
That’s all I have to say about that.
The photo I posted below (with the red door) is one block away from that, on C St.
Cool picture
One guy with an AR-15 and about 10 clips of ammo would absolutely clean house in the Dune universe.
“Oh, you have a knife?’
pip-pip-pip, dead.
That’s what the shields are for. They stop fast-moving objects. And Frank Herbert says that if a laser hits a shield, both the shield and the laser blow up. So no lasers.
I’mma take my chances with the guns.
I can use a normal sight, lasers are great for playing with cats though
What about remote-controlled lasers?
“Shut up,” he explained.
And the Brain?
Husker Du from ‘New Day Rising,’ perhaps the best album ever.
Never apologize for this selection.
Excellent choice counselor.
This is a controversial opinion, but I’m not afraid to stake it out: Florence Pugh is not unattractive.
Pictures or it didn’t happen
Like I said, a bold stance, but one I’m not afraid to take.
They owe $3900 in property tax. Shit, I pay that much in a month Cali rent + Chicago mortgage
I am reasonably confident that will get you a 3 bed, 2 bath with an acre of land in Mansfield, CT.
I suspect you are right, but also fuck Connecticut and all the other rectangular states
Even the fake ones like Wyoming. In fact, especially the fake ones like Wyoming
In the fake state of Wyoming, you’d have a mansion, horse stable, horses, stable hands, and 10 acres of land for that much money.
Victorian imperialism plus the 4 fake citizens are MAGA as fuck? And someone called Jackson has a really expensive Hole? Imma stick with fuck Wyoming
Hmm. You may know too much.
Four CIA directors haven’t been able to stop me (since Wyoming doesn’t exist it isn’t domestic, so comes under the CIA rather than FBI) if you want to try please drop by for tea and scones and booze!
You keep playing this Wyoming card, Dok.
I’m about to take it seriously.
Hey, we have a tail!
That’s far healthier than thinking of it as America’s shitty cold weather wang!
Wow, I’m kinda bitchy when I’m drunk and frustrated. Gonna roll with it though.
How many good states are there really in this country,
Wilmington, Calif.
They underestimated the overspray. Just pointing that out.
That red door is some sort of signal Bro.
Watching Dune 2 and we’re at the part where Zendaya runs in yelling “Paul! Paul!” and I desperately want her to follow-up with “WHAT SAY YEW ‘BOUT THE SEC PAAAAAUUUUUULLLLLLL!?!?!?”
“First time, long time, do you think Lisan al-agrhib is the true Messiah, and also what does ‘Bama need to do to address their secondary weaknesses?”
ya’ll think the Weirding Way will werk in the S E Cee or will it go the way of the Air Raid?
Ew on reusing the condom floating in the hottub
/lying in a hammock (that I bought in the hammock district) ala Homer Simpson
Yeah, they’ll do that.
High as a giraffe ass!
Better already
Senorita Weaselo found her family’s old record player. In case anyone was wondering why we’re currently listening to a Music Minus One of the Schumann Piano Concerto.
I set up my parents old turntable last year, it was a great decision.
Just assumed that’s Weaselo foreplay
Mrs. Horatio got me a turntable for Xmas.
Hoping to have time to set it up this weekend.
Even got one for Lowratio.
He was so happy!
Sweet. Getting mine going is how I discovered Sharkbait 2.0 loves Rumours. My parents had it
After wasting 30 years having bought into the CD sound quality is superior line… I am so glad I held on to my albums. We were lied to people.
The only problem is LPs take up so much goddamn room.
Just stand them on their side, problem solved
Solid survival advice here Mr Ayo. Lady number 8 has my vote this week. Keep up the sensational work Buddy.
What a bunch of idiots. I should go watch Next Friday instead
I feel like that most of the people in gritty dramas/horror movies
YES! Or Friday After Next, my favourite.
I like Not This Friday, But One In The Future
Listening to Dire Straits – Making Movies. My favorite Dire Straits album. I wore the grooves out way back when. Better than Brothers In Arms IMO.
It’s got a 98% approval rating, which seems a bit low. Philistines!
Can’t go wrong with either. But anyone who hates Skateaway is dead to me. YOU HEAR THAT, ENEMY WHO IS ONLY IN MY HEAD???
Solid Rock
Name five albums with a better Side One than Making Movies. You can’t!
/completely earnest about this one, you really can’t.
If I ever get control of the media apparatus down here (wife and her mother are watching a K-drama) I may just have to throw back a few and listen to it. Just thinking about the solo in “Tunnel of Love” is giving me frisson.
“Oh, I’m watching the same thing”
-Stephen Miller, watching KKK-Drama
You know he’s typing with one hand while watching it.
You just gave me an idea for a biopic:
triumph of the will.i.am
Husker Du, New Day Rising.
Steely Dan – Aja
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
Oh fuck, LOL, quoting Poe. This is actually solid humor.
I was a kid then, but we kinda forget that the early 90s were as bad or worse than the 70s for crime and no one with means lived in cities. It was my shitty temporal peers that gentrified everything, although we really did have the best of intentions and were pretty egalitarian but just a bit cringe in how we glorified ‘gritty’ and then people a bit younger took that and went full on hipster
Here’s my new pizza parlor I opened on Monday.
In our first week we moved 1200 lbs of cocaine from Florida to local distribution networks, laundered about $600,000 in cash up to New York, delivered 400 stolen Glock-19s in sets of 20 pistols each, and we also sold 4 pizzas.
So much time in the suburbs….
Let me know when you want to expand your pizza empire to the PNW
A little heavy on the pizza, don’t you think?
“Tits Up In Coke Until You Can Barely Breathe?”, that’s the Fuxley Difference!”
-Handlebar Mustache Guy wearing a dumb Legion baseball cap giving two thumbs-up
I prefer the original Hippo’s Pillzza
Didja get that thing I sent you within 30 minutes of your order?
Ok here we go, some decent tunes, and some fight scenes. Overly contrived premise be damned!
If we’re talking about ex’s with problematic taste in movies I was dating a girl once and we went to rent a movie, (related, I am old), and we were going to get a porno, giggling all the while, and then all of a sudden she gets al excited because she found a ‘Faces of Death’ video and wanted to watch that instead.
Now I didn’t know the term ‘red flag’ back then, but I sure as shit knew I wasn’t going to be closing my eyes near her any time soon.
The bad guys are seriously cliche. Kinda embarrassed for them and the writers and pretty much everyone involved with this except Brandon Lee
Pretty sure Brandon Lee would tell you he had some regrets about his participation in this film as well.
Just like Ashlii Babbitt probably regrets that tour of the Capitol.
Oh wow, goddamn. Sucks to be kids today
Dear god what now?
Naw, just that they don’t appreciate skateboards and fishnets enough
I thought we were back on giardia.
They don’t appreciate that either!
Nah, although it’s possible the young people are shitting because their music is just that bad
My first ‘boyfriend’ when I was like 14 was obsessed with the movie ‘The Crow’. He turned out to eventually be a dick (although not until years later, and years after we ‘broke up’ despite nothing actually happening). I remember watching that movie ages ago and liking it, but haven’t seen it in ages, should rewatch and verify
The only two things I know about The Crow is that the dude in it died and The Cure made a great song for the soundtrack.
Thats one more thing I know about The Crow
Trent Reznor too.
It’s actually a decent film. Haven’t seen it in about 20 years though.
Brandon Lee dude. Born in Oakland, and the second wave of Hong Kong kung fu. Bruce Lee’s kid
I really wanted to like it but ultimately found it pretty meh. Brandon Lee had serious martial arts skills (see the Rapid Fire clip below) that were completely wasted in The Crow.
1st in NHL history to have a goal and an assist too.
Needs a fight for the Gordie Howe hat trick.
Which is something I understand that Howe himself had no more than 3 times. Might even have only been one.
Very cool
No shit! Love it.
sorta related, we should do ice skating or curling at a dfo meetup
Yes! Also DFO going to a hockey game should be a move.
Not Carolina.
We gotta get rinkside
Maybe if the Blackhawks suck we can get rinkside next year. Or maybe a suite? Either that or San Jose unless they vastly improve
Dig it. I’ve only done nosebleeds for blackhawks, and midtier for Sharks and Caps. I bet Golden Knights would be fun maybe early season?
Can confirm Vegas games are fun. I went their first season. Its ridiculous and over the top, but it works for Vegas.
Vegas is great. Was just there a few weeks ago and the only thing that sucked was the Kraken.
The Leafs are Home during DFOCAN.
They’re playing Detroit! Thursday 4-17.
Still questionable if I can make that or not. I really hope I can, but August is gonna take a big chunk of time and change.
There’s no way we find tickets for any size of group or without being hundreds of dollars per ticket for the 300s
DFO-Con on 2/2/25 in Salisbury, CT. They have the ski jumping competition.
One year they set up a curling exhibition and you could try it.
I am not good at curling.
I’m okay at curling, sore the next day though, it’s basically slow lunges
I saw a great suggestion in the comments of an Onion IG post (I know. Kill me, please):
Start referring to Xiaohongshu as X.
I’m watching the new Futurama that I think is based on squid game. Never actually watched it. I’m just gonna assume battle royale is better
Squid Game s2 can eat a bag of dicks.
Real cheap shot ending.
Get paid thousands to millions of dollars, spend months only to press Select All and Ctrl+B? I chose the wrong profession.
It’s the Rams new unis!
Am I being pedantic or is the new one genuinely (and significantly) worse?
Agreed. It’s too blobby. Almost like running ink.
dark blue is probably now like 2% cheaper or something
It’s still an asshole. Just like the Amazon logo is a dick.
Does anyone have a logo that is boobs?
These light makers should.
Ooh, looks a bit chilly in there
Imagine what lovely dreams one would have falling asleep in that room.
Olivia Coleman is a national treasure.
For, um, Britain, I guess.
I see nothing wrong with that
Almost every company is rebranding just making them easier to read
That’s actually great, especially if part of it is making sure everything is compatible with accesibility settings
Graphic design is my passion!
A) I need that t-shirt
1) we should totally recruit this chick even though it might get weird
The weirder the better
Seems like she’d be a fanstastic mother for those Astartes I have been looking to breed.
Las Vegas Open this weekend for all your tastefully painted needs
I have a new weird game to explore – Trench Crusade. Basically during one of the Crusades, the gates of hell apparated in Jerusalem and since then it has been continuous trench warfare between The Church and well, the Dukes of Hell, a lot less laid back than the Dukes of Hazzard.
Trench Crusade also sounds like the Rivers code word for sexy night
Naw, that’s ‘Once More Unto the Breech’.
I’ve been binge-watching Evil. It’s silly and ridiculous but fun in the same way that the X-Files was.
Plus it features sexy shoegaze songs like this one:
Sounds a little too close to reality.
I’m in
For those gaming inclined, Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is fun as hell
Shohei Ohtani is gaming-inclined.
Can’t tell you how many times after that episode, on guy trips to Vegas, we said “keep gaming” but let’s just say it was way too many
I used to make fresh water from seawater, 8000 gallons per day. Some of it was filtered through an ion exchanger that made it so pure that drinking it would give you diarrhea.
Brick was the island of Aruba this whole time and we never knew!
Starting working Sunday, just finished up.
I do believe I’m going to have a beer or 8* tonight.
*2.* We’re doing that arcade thing tomorrow and I somehow doubt that “arcade” “50+” and “hangover” are a good mix.
*OK, maybe 3.
I’m trying to figure out whether it’ll be box wine or Cuba libres. Given that the cocktail of the week was island-themed perhaps I should choose the latter. Plus, I have sour cream and cheddar potato chips I was going to eat.
Why Generations X and Y have issues?
I’m Gen X and I don’t have issues.
/King Hippo judges me WASPily
Millenial here and I’ve managed to balance my loves of video games and light bondage just fine
Bondage is not getting tangled in a hammock
Once my then gf was mad because I was playing a video game and not paying attention to her and my pointing out that we’d just had sex did not help matters. At all.
GIRLFRIEND: [preparing to leave] Well, I guess you got what you wanted.
HORATIO: [not looking up from his game of Doom] Not really, I need more ammunition for my plasma rifle but all that’s here is shotgun shells…
In my defense I was only
I’m tired enough and in the suburbs enough and drinking enough that I really kinda want to do something unwise but am far too lazy. Is this aging?
Depends on what the “unwise” thing is.
Eh, I’m unwisely open to unwise suggestions
I’m so old my definition of being unwise is to eat a pastrami sandwich.
I don’t really like pastrami, but I still have nae gotten old enough to switch to dietary choices instead of Dorothy Parker quotes for wisdom
I presume you’re too far away from where you started to look up old flames?
Yeah, lost touch with most of em, and the pervasive lack of wisdom in that area over the past 15 years or so has kinda negated its value for short term fun poor decisions
I used a sawyer mini when hiking in Guyana. Friend of mine said she met a guy once that just drank water from wherever. “I’ve had giardia 3 times and I’m fine” he said as he shat out his own liver
Is giardia new? When I was a kid we drank out of everything, especially when we were hiking in the woods. No filters, and I don’t ever remember shitting my brains out afterwards.
Giardia isn’t new, but the ubiquity of agricultural pollution probably is
I can SO RELATE to #1…
Being too drunk or hungover to get into bed properly?
Or too sleepy to get out of bed properly
That may be me tonight as I’m pretty tired
Agreed. Went to bed late at 1:30am. Got up early then worked all day. Got home and then slaved over this post and finished it with 5 minutes to spare.
Time to power up with some freezer vodka. First game isn’t until after noon tomorrow so I can sleep in.
I’ve had multiple days in a row of 5-6 hrs sleep and my horseback riding lessons have been canceled because of the battery fire so I’m totally with you on the booze-sleep train
Same on the sleep. We’re leaving at 4:20 pm tomorrow, (those of you who have met Mrs. Horatio will know that is not a coincidence), and I told her “I’m sleeping in tomorrow. Get me up at 4.”
Best time of the day!