I thought this was the first time I’d be playing Substitute Teacher for Ye Olde Hippo but I discovered that I had previously substituted when he decided to boycott the Super Bowl when Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Bucs beat the same KC Chiefs playing the Philly Eagles in this year’s game. Maybe he knew that Brady would win (he was right!) and he didn’t want to be subjected to the never-ending dick-slobbering that would ensue.
I’m guessing he doesn’t want to watch this year because he doesn’t want to watch Mahomes win, which is funny and ironic given the last time this happened.
Anyhoo, he’s not here to give you his recap, so I am here to fill in and recap the really important things that happened yesterday. Here we go:
DATELINE: 6:30 AM Pacific Time
LOCATION: Greater Los Angeles Area, My Bedroom
What the fuck is this bullshit?!? Who the fuck has two thumbs and forgot to delete the alarm on his phone from the last time he woke up early to play golf? THIS IDIOT.
I’m going back to sleep.
7:45 AM – Now, my stomach decides it’s a good time to take a shit. I get out of bed (because I’m not German) to go to the bathroom. I also take advantage and open up DFO to start editing this post.
7:55 AM – Played Spam in a game of Yahtzee on Boardgame arena even though he wasn’t present and I was playing by myself. Scored 356 points with one Yahtzee.
8:05 – I post a comment on DFO about Horatio’s SB party and his friends that want to vacation with him and the wife. As the kids say these days, “Sus”. I check the house and everything is okay so CRITICAL DECISION #1 of the day is upon me: Do I stay awake and do shit or do I go back to bed/sleep?
11:48 – Wake up #2. Time to get something to eat and read about Abby Normal, Nosferatu.
1:55 PM – just finished Bite Me. That’s the fifth Christopher Moore book this year. So. Fucking. Good. I think the Vampire series is my favorite. So far.
1:56 PM – Pipi time.
2:33 PM – Game is over and Barcelona has won. Please note this also happened the last time I filled in for Hippo. Maybe I should fill in for Hippo more often. I’ve just uploaded the latest episode of the Golf Tales series and scheduled it for Wednesday. Time to take a shower and beat the bishop. Not in that order.
3:17 PM – The game is supposed to start soon. I’ve the pregame show on mute on one phone while I update this post on the other. On the TV, we are watching replays of La Liga soccer.
KICKOFF – Yeah, I have made a good choice. I was oblivious to whatever those pictures were and that trombone and the rest of the bullshit that happened prior to the game starting. Philly is starting off well…
3:47 PM – Yes, that was offensive PI. Nothing nefarious is happening. Yet.
4:06 PM – Tush Push Touchdown Eagles! Go birds
4:20 PM – End of the first quarter and the Eagles are winning 7-0. Litre needs to light up a blunt or munch an edible or something.
4:36 PM – Smart call to try to draw them offsides and take the FG. Eagles FG good!! Philly 10 KC 0.
4:43 PM – VAR gives a penalty to Atlético Madrid. They score. Mahomes throws a pick six. Eagles score!
5:05 PM – Mahomes throws another pick. Not for six but it sets up Philly at the 14. Philly scores two plays later. Philly 24 KC 0.
HALFTIME – It’s a 24 Nothing lead for Philly at the half and they just need to keep doing what they’ve been doing. KC is nervous and making mistakes. That dropped pass was huge before the half. KC gets the ball to start the second half.
5:48 PM – Fucking hell, that was a long halftime!
Start of 3rd Quarter – That was a good stop by the Philly D. Cannot give the Chiefs hope. TV now has Barcelona v Sevilla.
6:08 PM – Eagles drive down the field, eat up a lot of clock, and get a FG. Eagles 27 KC 0.
6:16 PM – The Chiefs just went for it on fourth down from their own territory and failed. Philly takes over and can drive a stake through their hearts on this drive.
6:20 PM – There it is! Long bomb from Hurts and it’s Philly 34 KC 0.
6:26 PM – Shutout is gone. Two long passes from Mahomes and KC gets on the scoreboard. They can’t get the two, so it’s Philly 34 KC 6 at the end of the third quarter.
6:34 PM – Philly chews up a good chunk of clock and gets another FG. Philly 37 KC 6 with less than 10 minutes to play.
6:44 PM – Oh, this is delightful! The Philly D forces a fumble by Mahomes on the first play. Despite a penalty, Philly retains possession inside KC territory.
6:50 PM – Philly burns a little more time and gets another FG. Philly 40 KC 6.
7:03 PM – Another consolation TD for KC and this time they get the conversion. They don’t get the onside kick. Philly 40 KC 14. Less than 3 minutes to go.
7:07 PM – Gatorade bath! The winning colour was yellow.
7:09 PM – Kenny Pickett got a Super Bowl snap! Two minute warning. If Mahomes comes out for the next KC series, I hope they snap his legs. Game is over. Learn how to lose.
7:14 PM – Seriously, Philly, WTF? You’re just going to GIVE them another TD? Celebrate when the final whistle blows for fuck’s sake! Philly 40 KC 22. As Hippo would say, that’s a flattering and deceiving score.
7:18 PM – Finally, the game is over. Litre can start running around the house with a green bandanna around his ding dong.
Overall, I can’t remember a Super Bowl I’ve enjoyed watching more than this one. Not because of who won because I honestly didn’t give a shit. It’s because of HOW it was won.
Despite all the rule changes and the bullshit that the NFL tries to force feed us, a good running game and a good defense wins championships.
At work this morning one of my coworkers was like “even if you’re an Eagles fan wouldn’t you prefer a close game?”
To which there was a unanimous ‘no’ (not entirely unanimous, but unanimous from the people who actually know about football)
Stillers radio kept talking the whole season that the Chefs’ offensive tackles were shit, and the best way to slow Mahomes is to use the defensive line to create pressure.
Looks like Fangio figured that part out. Having Jalen Carter and Sweat help, too.
That was like watching the first Gints-Pats Owl. Mahomet (and Brady) can’t pick a defense apart if he’s getting hit literally a second after the ball was snapped.
&, like in the Gint/Pats, G men were able to get pressure by bringing 4, so the ILB’s could hang back and fuck up the short passing game.
That’s correct.
Zone blitzes for Mahomes and Brady are Golden Corral for Andy Reid: give him just a bit of time, and he’ll pick it apart completely.
If the down guys create enough havoc, those gaps in the defense don’t have time to develop to exploit.
Yup. Which is why Stillers always went down to Brady in the playoffs. Dick LeBeau just HAD to blitz, that was his thing. & Brady would see where it was coming from & zip the ball into the vacant space, where one of the sultans of scraptitude would be waiting…
And he holds the ball for a while as well, he’s spoiled by frequently having a lot of time
Sigh, but now begins the long, dark offseason of the soul….
Not sure if this is correct but have read that Fangio had so much confidence that his d-line would overpower the Chiefs o-line that he didn’t call a single blitz the entire game. That’s a brilliant call if true.
Yup. They were consistently getting pressure with just bringing 4.
Whelp, that game was won & lost in the trenches.
Jalen had time to make some nice passes while, for the most part, Patty did not. Feel kinda justified with my:
“People seem to be anointing KC as “The Team of Destiny”, but Jalen & Philly’s D might have something to say about that.” take last week…
Woo, me.
& “the gang” didn’t even need to kidnap TayTay….
(OR DIDN’T THEY??? Maybe that was her double in the stands while negotiations were ongoing)
“Drop the ball, Kelce, or she’s toast…”
Well, to be fair, Tay-Tay would never say no, because of the implication.
Excellent light read:
Great recap Balls. And now for some art appreciation.
That is indeed art at its very finest!
My new phone has everything in dark mode, claims it saves battery. How much of a difference does that make? I’m used to light mode, and I would like some damn things to stay the same in my life, am I asking for too fucking much?!!!
You know what they say…
Once you go dark…
Your phones never stark…
I like light
It is a delight
I don’t like dark
Fuck! Aardvark!
My new phone was like that. I just flipped it back to light mode and didn’t worry about the battery usage.
Ditto. I’m too damn old to be distracted by such fripperies & get used to a new look.
The poor NFL person assigned the job of creating and editing this video. It starts with KC down 34-0
It said 3 TD. It didn’t specify garbage time!
You know, lost in all the Owlery we forgot something important that I just heard about right now:
“Plymouth Argyle” sounds like a type of sock you’d find in an L.L. Bean catalog.
Philly gonna Philly.
“That’s so Philly!”
Oh that is great,
“It’s not easy being whupped by green”
I didn’t see the game. But I am happy for Litre. He lives a cold dark existence in the USPS-Northern Division office in Calgary.
Already sound married 😅

I don’t think there’s a single genre of porn you could be into that would leave me more disappointed in you than I’d have been if in the top right it indicated that you actually follow that shit-for-brains.
“This defense is making me feel things for longer than four hours.”
Also, as a Bengals fan, I can corroborate his Bengals reaction.
I can’t stand the ESPN football shows, but if they’re going to spend all morning shitting all over the Chiefs, Andy Reid, and Mahomes, I suppose I can watch it.
And, like Balls, I’m not even (more than 25%) German!
Today the “S” in ESPN stands for schiesseporn?
I have drawn the line at Pat MacAfee.
2025 is starting out more Chaotic Neutral than usual.
I guess it’s better than Josh Mandel?
DeWine is a Republican but not a Trumpublican.
Distinction without a difference in the Year of Our Lord 2025. And I am unreasonable in my opinion that DeWine is a miserable weaselly POS.
Sorry I missed out on Yahtzee. I’ll wake up early next Sunday (note: I will not)
I almost forgot I had a dentist appointment this am, but that’s why old men learn to set they alarms in advance.
From page 238 of “All the Pretty Horses” and did this ever resonate:
In the end we all come to be cured of our sentiments. Those whom life does not cure death will.
Fuckin’ poetry, ain’t it? Also, FUCK THE CHIEFS IN ANY AND ALL FUCKHOLES.
God this is so fucking satisfying. I don’t think I’ve ever watched the tape of an entire Super Bowl before, but I can find myself a Spanish broadcast I actually just might.
Your reverse kibosh worked!!!
I imagine it was well worth the initial bet of, what was it, $20?
Yeah, just $20. Thank God it was at 6:1 odds or it wouldn’t have felt like enough.
Wow, The Script moves fast.
Very much looking forward to the Meow Mix Bowl.
One of those teams will have a Fancy Feast.
Good for Saquon.
The Giants should go get Aaron to put themselves at the top of NFC East once again.
I’m not sure that’s gonna work…
You think Trump gonna let the NFL have a player with a husband? Come on.
All of them. Every player that’s ever played named Aaron. Even Hank.