TGIF! It’s Valentines Day, what are you doing here? No matter, things get better after that because some of us have a 3 day weekend!
Survival – Personal Edition
This weekend would be a good time to do some grilling. So here’s some grilling tips!
- Start those steaks by lightly coating them with some olive oil. Then rub in that kosher salt.
- Never trim fat from a steak. First, buy a steak that’s not overrun with fat. Second, if you’re cooking for someone that wants it trimmed, wait until after the steak is cooked before trimming. That way they’ll get the flavoUr without having to chew the fat.
- Don’t be impatient heating up the grill. Give it at least a good 10 minutes.
- If you’re cooking more than one type of meat, make sure you setup your grill for hot and medium zones. That way everything can cook together and come out a close to the same time for serving.
- Burgers can only be flipped once. Each additional flip makes the burger meaner and that won’t taste good.
- Use a spatula for flipping, not a fork. It’s already dead, you don’t need to stab it anymore.
- Meat thermometers are not cheating. Just make sure you placed them properly in the thickest part of the meat. And don’t forget your steak will continue to cook while its resting so take it off before it hits your desired temp.
Now get out there and eat some good meats. Be sure to loudly proclaim that you have the meats to anyone within earshot.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
Hope he hasn’t scored at home either, lol
Good week.
Busy and quick passing like we like it.
Life is good.
This guy is killing it, until . . .
Amateur hour
Happy 3 day weekend Friday night!
Laundry is done.
Cuz that’s how this guy parties.
Finishing up 1917 because that movie is fucking awesome.
Then I’ll be right back.
Fuck yes.
I’m digging lady number 9 here Ayo. She looks like just as much fun as my lunch date here.
What a lovely lunch
Nearly every time I’ve read “Happy VD” I keep thinking “happy venereal disease” and get slightly confused for a moment.
Victory Day?
Only if you’re in Rhode Island
Full disclosure.
Gonorrhea once Chlamydia once.
The first was fucking horrible.
The second required the most difficult phone call that I ever made.
I’ll let you visualize that.
Same chick ?
Hell no.
My buddy has had a rough go of it lately. I didn’t realize just how much until we ran through the timeline last night:
— Cancerous tumor growing inside right hand caused him to have two fingers and part of another amputated Dec. 2023
— Cancer returned in spring 2024, and required further surgery,
— Some point during that, his biological father suddenly reaches out; they haven’t spoken in decades.
— Between all of that, he had a flu/cold that he just couldn’t shake for six weeks, but then it finally went and stayed away
— His lately cancer screening was clear, but, he was finally diagnosed the underlying issue: he’s got HIV. Talk about VD.
Chlamydia twice, yes, different women.
Okay, Brick and Spammy.
I love this, especially since I love surf music.
And rock a billy.
What about billying a rock?
There are not many people that you can audible out of flowers on the fly. But Senorita Weaselo is one of those people, and especially with food.
I got her a thing of water buffalo butter that she mentioned seeing at the grocery store. And also in fairness I’m driving us upstate tomorrow for a long weekend.
Upstate. So, like Yonkers or….
Fishkill, so high enough in the Hudson Valley that we’re north of 84 (just). Coincidentally we’d been to that same hotel a few years ago when we did Harriman State Park and Breakneck Ridge!
We are not doing Breakneck in February.
I kept reading this as Brokeback, so I was a bit confused as that should be Buddy Cole’s destination.
Water. Buffalo. Butter.
Wow. Happy VD to you guys!
Butter is so unappreciated as a core ingredient.
I’mma do my best to fix that.
Alright old man alert [shifts in chair groaningly]. Fuck body count. Much better stat, women you’ve bought jewelry too. A return of jewel by throw makes a great anecdote too.
MUCH better stat!
Three rings.
Married only once.
In retrospect I got off cheap!
1, though technically it’s more of the costume jewelry kind. (I gave Senorita the crystal dagger from Princess Mononoke, because she is absolutely San.)
Leftovers from Request Line, and extended debuts:
heh heh huh huh extended huh huh heh
I actually had their debut album in vinyl, I got better.
Happy VD woooo! I got a bottle of Japanese whisky today
Its tybhg45
Ooo Japanese whisky is excellent

Went with the missus to a local Mexican place. Nothing fancy, but the boss wanted it. First drink I’ve had since my medical issues. It was the world’s weakest michelada x 2.
A couple at another table had this:
Love a good beerita. Congrats on getting back on that horse (gingerly)!
Finished my burger and beer, and despite being very full I think I will attempt a gin tasting at the Three Wolves distillery
You owe it to those of us in the northern hemisphere.
I’m taking notes on the Doktor Zymm approved Aussie tour.
Always room for gin. Smart plan.
Coworker brought me this beer from Chicago, looks questionable .
Let’s just skip to the end.
It’s got Electrolytes!
Plants crave ’em!
This would be improvement.
Also I read the David Frum Atlantic article that basically said “You maroon, gulfs are named by dominant countries after more submissive nations. You’re again ceding power.”
Had a few things to wrap up at work, so did my last day of waking up at 2 am local time, worked until 6:30 am or so then went back to sleep for a few hours. Ended up sleeping late enough that a day trip is probably out, but I did also do some laundry as my hotel room has a washer/dryer, and now having an excellent burger and onion rings and beer on the esplenade.
Getting on the boat tomorrow and my work computer won’t be out for the next two week! Cheers to that!
Hope you don’t mind me classing this place up.
Did he get that thing?
SIGH. It’s tough out there for obscure idols. Don’t think still making new Harvey Birdman episodes anyway.
Do you really want to feeeeeeeellllll him?
I’m overdue for a birdman rewatch
Sad. He worked on some cool stuff
Whoa! Excellent work, good sir!
Ayo always find teh classiest bitches!!
I swear I’m not making this up. Fendi was selling this scarf, called Touch of Fur ( lol) for 990 bucks on their website.
Is the head the clit?
That thing is damn elusive eh comrade? Eh?
It’s a myth. Wake up, sheep.
Like Eskimos, Utah, or the female orgasm.
The AVN Life Achievement trophy?
*Lifetime Pardon me, the picture and the joke was creating a mental image and my dinner was returning for an unexpected encore.
I would have thought it was the Geogia O’Keefe collection.
Do you think Johnny Weir would wear one?
More like touch of fur burger… amirite?
Here’s a dude riding a bicycle through a town in South America:
That dog almost got it but good.
“Insane Urban Bicycle Video” is the name of the K-Pop band that I currently manage. We cleared 300k at our last concert. You were saying?
It’s all fun and games until you have to ride it back to the top.
“¡Soy Johnny Knoxville y bienvenido a “Jackass”!”
Holy shit, I got dizzy watching this video.
Let’s see them do that shit in Santorini right now?
I don’t practice Santorini.
I ain’t got no crystal ball.
-sorry was listening to Sublime earlier.
Never apologize for listening to Sublime.