Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: Severed Links

I didn’t think I’d have to do this again, so soon. But I do, and… I won’t be able to again, and I have the space and the airtime.

For those not in the loop, my remaining grandmother, on my mother’s side, passed away early Tuesday morning (just after midnight). I’d like to take the time to remind us all that covid is still out there, and is still dangerous if you have underlying health conditions (she had cancer and COPD).

I had flashbacks parts of Saturday, since one of the places Senorita Weaselo and I both work is near the old house. I drove by and suddenly I was 4, trying to drink cappuccino with my cousin. Trying and failing, and I still don’t drink coffee. I remember the good pane rustica, not homemade but still with that firmness and crustiness. I remember what is still one of my favorite snacks if/when I can find them (so the slightly nicer supermarkets than the local Stop &/Or Shop), taralli, to the point I got a bag for Senorita Weaselo and myself. I remember Christmas, and Easter, and even just coming over after a street fair, or picking Hermana Weaselo up from dance class down the block, and there was food. She was the definition of Italian nonna, mother of four, grandmother of eight, great-grandmother of three (obviously through my cousins), with their house being the center meeting place for all those holidays while they were up here, before my grandparents moved to Florida. My nonno died nine years ago, from dementia among other things.

And… they’re all gone. Hermana Weaselo and I, but her moreso, had a long-standing dream that at least one of our grandparents would be there at at least one of our respective weddings, and hold whoever’s firstborn. And the mutual realization of that kinda both hit us around the same time, because one of our grand-grandparents was here for me at least. But the bond to that generation is gone, except for in ourselves. And may they all rest, reunited.

No news or reports of what’s on tonight from me. Sorry, guys.

(However, I will say that the eliminator league is open and I need to sign up for that, and that we’re still looking for people to write about some teams for our season previews. Do you care about the NFC South? Liar, no you don’t. Do you want to write about any of the teams? Potentially go ahead! Inquire within.)

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Senor Weaselo
Senor Weaselo plays the violin. He tucks it right under his chin. When he isn't doing that, he enjoys watching his teams (Yankees, Jets, Knicks, and Rangers), trying to ingest enough capsaicin to make himself breathe fire (it hasn't happened yet), and scheming to acquire the Bryant Park zamboni.
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So sorry for your loss, Senor. You were so lucky to have a Nonna, they really know how to grandmother!


On a lighter note


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Brick Meathook

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Mr. Ayo

7 straight! Like what you see Ohtani?

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I just watched “Untold: Johnny Football”. Johnny Manziel’s life and times. It’s basically Queen’s Gambit, without the happy ending. His dad and Kliff Kingsbury don’t come off real well. Nor does Johnny himself, but that’s a given. It’s sad to see that much talent squandered, but it looks like he’s sort of landed on his feet; I wasn’t sitting in a nice house in Scottsdale and getting baked every day when I was 30.


He’s said he is bipolar and was quite out of control. He’s open now about his struggles. There are some good interviews with him out in the general media in which he talks about it.

yeah right

The day started with a text from my soon to be taking over my job guy saying “I’m sick and sorry for the late notice but I can’t make it.”
This was instantaneously followed up by my day shift lead, my Number 1, saying I just got hit on my bike and I’m going to the hospital.

It was crazier than that. Number one, rides a motorcycle on the LA freeways and he’s already old enough to retire. Plus the text was a talk to text that didn’t even sound like him.

He called hours later and he rear ended a car that panicked stopped in front of him at full speed while he was driving to work on the 105.

He’s busted up but he called me and he’s got broken ribs, dislocated elbow and that’s all I got because the phone connection was fucked. He did say that there was a car behind him that swerved or he would have been run over.

Motherfucker is 65 and should be retired and he’s still riding to work on a bike?

Shit, I’m driving an armored tank if I’m that close to retirement.

He’ll be ok. Tomorrow is gonna hurt like a bastard.

Put a lot of things in perspective.

I ran the shop solo for 11 hours.

Glad he’s OK.

Last edited 9 months ago by yeah right
yeah right

I just got a text from him. His knee is fucked up too and they’re going to probably do a surgery on a kidney mass.

This guy is like a brother.

Kids, don’t ride a bike on the LA freeways.


Owwwww, yikes. One of the happiest days of my life was when Gumby sold his Harley.


Doing it his way. Sometimes there is a cost to that.
I wish him a full and quick recovery.
But at 65 “fast” is relative.

yeah right

It’s scary as fuck out here. Every day I listen to traffic driving to work. That’s what we do our here. And there are so many serious accidents with bikes.

Yeah. You’re correct with the recovery. This happened this morning and he hasn’t had that first wake up after an accident thing. Tomorrow will definitely suck for him.

Dude is like a brother. We’ve worked together for 23 years.


Wife and i are like, “… mmmmmaybe we’ll just look around at maybe other places since Maui caught fire.”

…5 mins pass….

Wife: There a law for Americans buying property to Canada? I’m looking up north where there is water. Where are you looking?

Me: Oh. I’m just looking at the neighboring islands.


What about Americans who already own land in Canada?


They get priority access to the funthanasia booth (after agreeing to the ToS, which include donating all their assets to the Canuckistanian government)


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Along with “serving size: 9 chips,” “test smoke detector weekly” might be the least followed instructions in the universe.

Game Time Decision

Thought it was checking your tire pressure and oil before every drive


That too


One oqf mine was chirping a few weeks ago. It’s such a pain in the ass to change those batteries, and for some reason we have 4 of them. The house isn’t 1400 square feet!


I tried to edit this, it wouldn’t let me, and it said I was posting comments too quickly, huh?

Brick Meathook

I think it’s the suggestion on the label of powerful prescription narcotics about not drinking alcohol or operating heavy machinery (or both). Seriously, who pays attention to that?


Do not use ( hairdryer) while sleeping. Um, ok?


That’s not the most ignored, just the dumbest.


Every rule has a story


Much condolences for you, señor. Losing family is a terrible feeling, especially when the memories are of a person we love and cherish.


Sorry for your loss. May the memories of her be a blessing.


One of the better late-season Simpsons jokes, in my opinion:

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Haven’t seen this one, but it’s excellent.


That sucks man. Sorry for your loss.

I was in the same boat, I had no grandparents left by the time I got married. Mrs. Sharkbait and I had a table for them with their respective wedding pictures on it, and I wore my Grandfather’s Air Force tags under my tux. I still wear them actually.

It’s little things like that, that make it so they can still be there in spirit at least.


My condolences Friend.
Cry not, she is no more
But live in thankfulness that she was


Awfully sorry about your grandmother Weaselo. She was obviously loved very much.


What’s this doing to my maui real estate prospects?

Can’t imagine it’s good.


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Guess our CanPL team is still in play then.


I was planning both.

We can’t handle cold. Any cold.

Horatio Cornblower

This spoonful of banana chocolate chip ice cream is for your grandmother, Señor.

My own surviving grandmother will be 99 in a couple of months. Frankly, if it were up to her she’d have shuffled off this mortal coil 4-5 years ago.

Brick Meathook

This is a place:

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This was confirmed by Talking Heads more than a few years ago. Listen to their testimony…



[Surprised but kinda disappointed at the same time]*

*Wiley Coyote’s mood right now

Brick Meathook

This airplane is orange:

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[raises a glass of…tequila seems appropriate…to the memory of Abuela Weaselo]

Brick Meathook

The two greatest moments of heroism in my life:

1) Neil Armstrong steps on Moon, 1969

2) Evel Knievel jumps most of Snake River, 1974


I’m assuming the only reason you didn’t include “Elian Gonzalez repatriated to his native soil” is because it’s been retired and is in the heroism Hall of Fame

Brick Meathook

Huh? That kid didn’t even put up a fight.



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That’s the Liberal America for you. Forcing Illegal Immigrants out of the closet by gunpoint.

In other news, Tylenol Cold/Flu Severe and Samuel Adams Boston Lagers may not be interacting as well as it did with a moderate-to-high fever.


moments later…

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“One of us! One of us!” — DFO


I ran across this image of insurrectionst Jeff Clark earlier today and feel it’s important to note that a failure to wear pants does not automatically connotate an association with DFO.

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I mean look at him with his head down. A true pantless brother holds his head up in pride/indifference!


Why aren’t anti pants weirdos condemning Clarkk? Do they love his hatred of America?


Bengals and Packers scuffle during joint practice ahead of their preseason opener on Friday night (msn.com)

I see a fight beaking out in a Bengals-involved joint practice is being a preseason tradition. Loses some points for no helmet swinging, but who am I to argue with tradition.

King Hippo

hey, so long as Burrow didn’t hobble into the fray


No, but he’s was walking on the practice field. So either the calf strain is healing nicely or with all the pain killers he’s on the fight probably looked like the Pink Elephants on Parade scene from “Dumbo”.

Dumbo Pink Elephants on Parade HD – YouTube


Burrows, Artist re-creation:

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Either that or they got a Miyagi in the training staff and they trying to lull the rest of the AFC into false sense of security.

Miyagi healing – YouTube


Sorry for your loss. That’s exactly why I was extra pissed when a coworker was being lackadaisical with his Covid exposure (went to work with symptoms, not wearing a mask even when taking the test, thought boss was joking when he was told to GTFO).

I get COVID, I spend one week in my room watching TV. My dad with ALS gets COVID, his progrosis of “couple of years” gets changed to “couple of months”.

Not to mention that with me on the DL, my elderly mother has to take sole care of him, plus every time I hear him call or hear what sounds like him falling, I take a step before stopping and remembering “Oh, yeah. I can’t go out there. I could kill them.”

Brick Meathook

Test run, today

Will try again tomorrow with better camera mount and wheel system



Surprised they let you drive your Explorer through Udvar-Hazy like that.

Doktor Zymm

You made good use of the time you had, so good memories always and hugs all around


Sorry for your loss Senor, but maybe we can yap about good Grandma memories and make this a bit of a celebration.

When I was really young I remarked at one Thanksgiving that my grandmother’s relish was my favourite thing on the table. She was tickled pink. The following fall she brought me over to the house to make it. It was a three day process involving chopping and a handcrank of some sort and I was never bored.* I’m sure that kindled my desire for cooking.

*no lie, I’ve tears in my eyes at the memory

/my aunt (she had the original recipe) and I did it one year when I was an adult and we never did it again


I’ll see your memory and raise you another:

My mamaw took me, my brother and her housemaid out to lunch. Her maid didn’t want the retired WW2 widow to pay so I had the idea that we’ll take her $20 and slip it back into her purse without her knowing. After dinner, I was watching TV, smug into my smugness that my plan worked when I heard “Is this a one?” “Yes.” “Is this a one?” “Yes.” “Is this a one?” “Yes.” “Is this a five?” “No.” “This twenty is yours.”

Near the end of her life, her mind started to go. Her spirit outlived her body. On her last visit my parents found out that me and my brother never play Monopoly, the official family game of the -shirt Clan. They immediately started a game. As soon as the game started, she came to life. She knew what she had, she knew what everyone had, she was initiating trades. It was as if a cloud was lifted off of her and she was the Mamaw of young.

Oh, wait! I’m forgetting something. What was it… Oh, yeah. She was blind.

King Hippo

Fuck cancer. And Noo Yawk could at least fire Aaron Boone for ya.

Horatio Cornblower

Much like cancer, the problems with New York go so much deeper than Boone.

But you gotta start the treatment somewhere.


Sincere condolences to the entire Weaselo clan.

Brick Meathook

Sorry for your loss, Senor W


You have my condolences, Senior. It is hard knowing that a generation of your elders is gone, along with their stories, knowledge, and wisdom…

But, this is the life we’re given. Trying to preserve their memories is all we can do…