Part 1: The End (of the season) January 9, 2022 - Glendale, Arizona It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the
Author: Beerguyrob
Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Monday Evening Open Thread
Previa de la Copa del Mundo: Los Ticos – Un pequeño pez en un gran estanque.
“Yma o Hyd” – A Wales World Cup Preview
“Oh – look who thinks he can just show up whenever!” – Beerguyrob’s NHL Preview
“What the Hell Is This Garbage?” – A 2022 Atlanta Falcons Preview
Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Wednesday Evening Open Thread
Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Tuesday Evening Open Thread
NFL Owners Y’know, I had a whole rant worked up about owners. It was pretty good too – it started with just a general reviling of the billionaires club in general, without forgetting the mouthbreathers that comprise the Packers “ownership group”. But rather than wander around these here internet pages yelling about anyone