[DFO] Book Club presents: A Tale Of Two Cities

Part 1: The End (of the season) January 9, 2022 - Glendale, Arizona It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the

Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Thursday Evening Open Thread

Like most of you, I got caught in the travel nightmare that was "CHRISTMAS SNOWSTORM 2022!". Vancouver got a foot of snow over three days, which absolutely buggered our airport, which is barely used to thick frost. My three-hour flight turned into a 24-hour ordeal when my original WestJet ticket

Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

Welcome to Night Two of the festival of loathing we like to call "[DFO] Hate Week". Oh, I'm sorry. That's clearly not enough hate. Let's see what I can find... Oh yeah. That's the stuff. Anyways - I'm your host, Beerguyrob, and I'm touched so many people came by yesterday to give me

Your “[DFO] Super Bowl Hate Week” Monday Evening Open Thread

Welcome one and all to one of the few traditions we all hold dear 'round these parts - [DFO] “Hate Week”!  An annual tradition like no other, where we look back on what drove us mad about the NFL this year, with a sideways glance towards what the year ahead might

Previa de la Copa del Mundo: Los Ticos – Un pequeño pez en un gran estanque.

Given how many Canadians it hosted during COVID, Costa Rica seems like a wonderful place to visit. It has two coasts, and an abundance of delightful tourist locations to explore. If you feel like an adventure, here's a link to their tourist bureau. But we're here to talk about footy. Here is the

“Yma o Hyd” – A Wales World Cup Preview

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLXtf1XFczk Does dim llawer o lwyddiant i’w gael yn hanes pêl-droed Cymru. Aeth Cymru i mewn i gêm gymhwyso Cwpan y Byd FIFA am y tro cyntaf yn y 1950au. Ac eithrio rhediad sydd bellach bron yn chwedlonol i rownd yr wyth olaf yng Nghwpan y Byd 1958 (lle collodd y

“Oh – look who thinks he can just show up whenever!” – Beerguyrob’s NHL Preview

Hi everyone, It's your old pal, Beerguyrob, Well, as one of the many dads who have left the site to go get a pack of cigarettes, let me return for a brief minute to offer up… BEERGUYROB’S ONE-SENTENCE NHL PREVIEWS! In the midst of all the scandals surrounding Hockey Canada – most recently with

“What the Hell Is This Garbage?” – A 2022 Atlanta Falcons Preview

Hi everyone, it's your old pal, Beerguyrob. I know, I know. I haven't been around in a while, so who am I to think I deserve to post? Well, despite my work-imposed exile, I do try to poke in on occasion. For example, I discovered today that when you type "Boo" into the

Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Thursday Evening Open Thread

Before I get started on tonight's hate, I'd like to reflect back on last night's. I talked a lot of shit about the NFL & racism, and felt that was justified. Well, don't I just feel like an asshole because, in a press release & press conference seemingly designed to torpedo

Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Wednesday Evening Open Thread

Racism in the NFL I think the aggravating part of the whole Brian Flores saga is that everyone can see the problem except for the 32 people who could actually do something about it. We all know it's nothing new, but it seems so craven these days that the shock of

Your “DFO Super Bowl Hate Week” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL Owners Y’know, I had a whole rant worked up about owners. It was pretty good too – it started with just a general reviling of the billionaires club in general, without forgetting the mouthbreathers that comprise the Packers “ownership group”. But rather than wander around these here internet pages yelling about anyone