Welcome back to DFO’s Annual Christmas movies review. This feature is where one of us poor bastards watches a Christmas movie and summarizes it for you, so you can go for a snooze or drink more booze when your significant other forces you to watch the movie. Today’s Christmas movie
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Meanwhile, Behind 7 Proxies…
INT. CYBER CAFE SOMEWHERE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA - NIGHT A shadowy figure sits behind a terminal, tapping absently at the keys. He perks up. SHADOWY FIGURE: Well this looks to be interesting... The shadowy figure reaches into a a tattered rucksack at his feet labeled "5CHAN". He pulls out a pair of wireless
Meanwhile, in Henderson…
SURPRISE REQUEST LINE: Shake the Foundations
DFOuse of DFOrrors: “The Second Coming”
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY An elderly black man sits in front of the microphone. JAMES EARL JONES: Are we rolling? PRODUCER: [via intercom] We sure are. JAMES EARL JONES: All right, watch this. One take. --- Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy
Your Substitute Teacher’s Monday Night Football Open Thread
That’s My (Las Vegas) Raiders! The Man of the House
Special Edition Request Line: Their Just Reward
That’s My 2021 Raiders! Season Preview
EXT. OAKLAND RAIDERS SHARED HOUSE – DAY Establishing shot and title card. ANNOUNCER BETH MOWINS: The Las Vegas Home for Imaginary Raiders [sic] is filmed in front of a live Alfa Romeo [sic] audience. CUT TO – INT. LIVING ROOM – DAY The music of From Autumn to Ashes blares throughout the house. KOLTON