No True Raiders Fan

INT. PACIFIC-UNION CLUB - DAY A trio of well-dressed gentlemen sit in comfortable chairs around a table in the cigar room of an exclusive private club in downtown San Francisco.  Two of them hold snifters of some kind of liquid, while the third puffs away at a cigar made of a

DFO Radio: Superheroes

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are busy setting up the studio for the afternoon’s show.  Their work is interrupted in a flash of teal as a costumed man dashes through the office.  He is carrying a plastic bag from Savon Pharmacy, in which there appears to be

Request Line: Theory of the Mind

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth.  CONNOR, THE INTERN is looking inside with concern.  THE PRODUCER is pacing with a cellphone held up to his ear.  Inside sits NFL Quarterback TOM BRADY, smiling placidly and rubbing a red spot on his