INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A young man sits inside a recording booth, looking relaxed and happy. The PRODUCER is outside the booth, punching buttons and counting off with his fingers. For once, everything seems to be running quite smoothly. PRODUCER: Good afternoon, and welcome to Request Line! We are beyond
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
The Unbearable Litness of Being Josh Gordon
DFO Radio: A Greening to Remember
Request Line: A Greening To Remember (Part 1)
Request Line: A Greening to Remember (Part 2)
INT. RADIO STATION LOBBY - EARLIER A man stands in front of the reception desk at KDFO, looking around blankly. A cheerful young receptionist is seated behind the desk, and she smiles at him. RECEPTIONIST: Can I help you? TRENT: I sure hope so. My name's Trent Green, former professional NFL quarterback. [flashes
Request Line: A Greening to Remember (Part 3)
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - EARLIER A pair of radio professionals and a large piece of electronic equipment are gathered outside the recording booth, both of the humans sipping coffee as they chat aimlessly. CONNOR, THE INTERN: ...and you can't possibly get any more vanilla than that. But you've got berry, and... TRENT
Request Line: A Greening to Remember (Part 4)
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY TRENT GREEN sits in front of a microphone, glancing around the room with some trepidation, taking in his surroundings. He reaches up, feeling a set of headphones covering his ears. He glances up to see the PRODUCER tapping on the glass of the studio window. PRODUCER: [through
No True Raiders Fan
DFO Radio: Superheroes
Saturday. Open. Thread.
DFO Radio: Superheroes
DFO Radio: Medical Attention
I thought I'd preface this edition of DFO Radio with a tribute to Vice President Mike Pence, who is expected to spend this weekend recovering in a burn ward. After President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, Vice President Mike Pence appeared on