DFO Radio: Holidays

In my heart, it's still the weekend.  I can't say I did all that much of interest, I didn't even really do any chores.  What I *did* do was a sweet photoshop of the DFO Radio tower into the poster of the movie Vacation.  Last week's DFO Radio theme was

Request Line: Holidays

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Holidays vary throughout the world, but there's one thing about them that's supposed to be universal: you take a day, and you spend that day doing things REALLY half-assed.  Take this post, for example.  Normally, I'd write up a little story about the adventures of the PRODUCER

DFO Insider: The Bearistocrats!

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are huddled over the speakerphone, listening to a pitch for a new reality series. DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: It's not that we don't like the concept. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: We love the concept. DTZM: Seven beautiful women... RTD: A tropical island resort... DTZM: Each week one get

DFO Radio: One of Those Days

Last week, TheeWeeBabySeamus and his special guest Richie Incognito took over the microphone for the day, with the topic being "Having One of Those Days".  As usual, the commentists were eager to celebrate my absence and came through with a very fine collection of music that, if it won't make you

Note: The Crew of the Covenant Died On The Way Back to Their Home Planet

FOCUS GROUP LEADER: Okay, how many of you kids would like the crew of the Covenant to deal with real life problems like the ones you face every day? FOCUS GROUP LEADER: And who would like to see them do just the opposite, getting into far-out situations involving robots and magic powers? FOCUS GROUP

Request Line: Flight Plan

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING The radio booth sits empty.  CONNOR, THE INTERN sits in front of a large piece of electronic equipment, sipping coffee.  The PRODUCER sits in front of the exterior control panel, getting things ready for the evening's broadcast.  DJ 3000:  Oh, man!  I'm so excited.  It's my first time

DFO Radio: Girls, Girls, Girls

Last week Yeah Right ably took over the microphone for the afternoon, and you responded by jamming the phone lines to such a degree that now you're getting shortchanged on this writeup because there's so much music to deal with.  I hope you're happy!* Spotify link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1s-xmwLbvE&list=PL8jISGCdX6CEieHKvSx3L4qAZ09nctgEb *I do, genuinely hope you're happy.

The Mile High Five Club

...we now resume our regularly scheduled programming in progress... TSA AGENT 1: [standing firm] You’re not getting on the plane with this thing. GUS BRADLEY: [glares at agent] I’m not getting on the plane without it. TSA AGENT 2: [diplomatically] It’s all right, Coach Bradley.  We’ll figure something out.  Let me just call our supervisor. TSA AGENT