Request Line: Theory of the Mind

INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth.  CONNOR, THE INTERN is looking inside with concern.  THE PRODUCER is pacing with a cellphone held up to his ear.  Inside sits NFL Quarterback TOM BRADY, smiling placidly and rubbing a red spot on his

DFO Radio: Holidays

In my heart, it's still the weekend.  I can't say I did all that much of interest, I didn't even really do any chores.  What I *did* do was a sweet photoshop of the DFO Radio tower into the poster of the movie Vacation.  Last week's DFO Radio theme was

Request Line: Holidays

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Holidays vary throughout the world, but there's one thing about them that's supposed to be universal: you take a day, and you spend that day doing things REALLY half-assed.  Take this post, for example.  Normally, I'd write up a little story about the adventures of the PRODUCER

DFO Insider: The Bearistocrats!

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE – DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are huddled over the speakerphone, listening to a pitch for a new reality series. DARKEST TIMELINE ZACK MORRIS: It's not that we don't like the concept. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: We love the concept. DTZM: Seven beautiful women... RTD: A tropical island resort... DTZM: Each week one get