In Search of a Goddess – Episode 12

We rejoin our three (3? Yeah, 3!) heroes as tWBS and balls are pitching their tents (phrasing) at a campsite in Joshua Tree National Park. It's characterized by rugged rock formations and stark desert landscapes. Named for the region’s twisted, bristled Joshua trees, the park straddles the cactus-dotted Colorado Desert and the

TGISF…aka Your “Bi-Curious” Sexy Friday Open Thread

I know I've claimed in the past to be mailing it in.  But people...listen to me.  Hear me..... This week, I'm truly mailing it in. You'll get your Sexay...don't get me wrong.  But I'm not invested.  My mind is quite literally thousands of miles away.  And maybe that's not a bad thing. I

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 11

[4:26PM, Somewhere in the California Desert] The duo climbs back into Dave and tWBS starts the engine.  Without speaking, he then reaches into the backseat, opens the cooler and pulls out a beer.  He offers it to balls. balls (pointing to cupholder):  Nah, I'm good.  I've still got that one. tWBS:  One, that

TGISF…aka Your “Who’s Got Wood?” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Today is Arbor Day. So go plant a to speak. But yes, Arbor Day, or more specifically our theme this week, one way or another. Yes, I know you were expecting something NFL Draft related probably.  But fuck those idiots.  I can barely stand to watch real NFL during the season

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 10

[6:24pm, Gilbert, Arizona] The two have now spent hours at the golf course eating, drinking and looking at girls and have predictably lost track of time... balls:  I just want to apologize again about being mean to you about golf.  I never knew... balls:  Are all golf courses like this? tWBS: no.  It's

TGISF…aka Your “tWBS Is In Need Of A Blunt” Sexy Friday Open Thread

(Yes, I think I'm very'll see) - It's been an odd week.  To say the least. I honestly don't know where this week's TGISF will go yet.  Kinda winging it at this point.  But let's find out together, shall we?  Because as I was not so gently reminded this week....together is all

Request Line – Did You Ever Just Have One of Those Days?

[8:43am, Interior Recording Studio, Miami] The cleaning lady is puttering around, acting like she's cleaning, as the producer thumbs thru his notes for the day's schedule.  Just then... [Door Flies Open] Producer:  Holy shit...aren't you....? Richie Incognito:  Yeah, I am.  Thanks for having me on the show today, btw. Producer:  But you weren't scheduled Richie

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 9

[7:36pm, Tombstone, Arizona] The sun is about to duck below the horizon and the last of the day's glow is soon destined to follow.  As evening transitions into dusk, our heroes are beginning to feel desperate. Nonetheless, the two continue to search for the only store still open and finally find it. balls: 

Balls of Steel’s AFL Beat – Round 4, 2017

Fair I'm writing this the Geelong/Hawthorn match is ongoing.   Geelong has a 16-6 lead in the first qtr.  Which is good, but we'll see...this post could go bad quickly.  Just letting you know.... profanity could be upcoming. So ballsofsteelandfury has safely made it back to the continental US.  So whyTF

TGISF…aka Your “I Dyed For Your Sins” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yeah, you think you know what that title means, don't you? Hehehe...we'll see. - So Let's Talk About This Jesus Dude As I mentioned at Christmas, I'm an agnostic, at best.  But I still rationalize celebrating this Jesus' life.  Dude was freaking awesome. Tell 'em Jesus.... OK, ok, settle down there buddy.  I thought we were

In Search of a Goddess – Episode 8

[7:32am, Nogales, Arizona] The duo climbs into the Truck Formerly Known as "Dave".  tWBS throws up in his mouth a little as he buckles his seat belt. balls:  You OK? tWBS:  I can do this....I can do this. balls turns the key, but nothing happens. balls:  Oh shit.  What else did they screw up? tWBS:  No,