Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Throwback Sunday. Beef Stroganoff.

Greetings folks! Glad you could make it for another edition of Sunday Gravy. Today's meal most definitely falls under the "gravy" heading perfectly. As one of the resident "old guys" I was brought up in the era of pants suits and leatherette settees. Bowling alleys and pot lucks. Bouffant hair-dos with Aquanet. You

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Irish Stew and a discussion of all the Cute Furry Animals. That We Kill. And Eat.

Hey everybody! I'm back! I took the last 2 weeks off to attend to some things, including totally fucking dominating a homemade pizza challenge. I also had a family get together where I cooked things we've already discussed in the past but I'm back with a motherfucking vengeance! Thanks to Low

Iron Cook with Low Commander: Enhanced Fried Rice

Good afternoon, folks. Yeah Right was summoned to a pizza battle earlier this week and was unable to facilitate this edition of Sunday Gravy Iron Cook. What kind of foolish fool would you have to be to issue that challenge to our Patriarch of Pizza? I don't know, but I

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Scratch Made Fettuccini Alfredo with Homemade Pasta. Activate Saliva Glands Now.

Hello again good folks! Before getting started a quick announcement: we will be having special guest hosts for the next two installments of Sunday Gravy and I'm confident that they will stun and amaze you with their culinary exploits and life observations. No hints, it's a secret! I WILL be cooking the

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A Pleasant Pictorial for Planning and Preparing the Perfect Pizza Pie Party.

Good morning folks! I hope everyone is rested and reasonably over your Saturday night induced hangovers because we've got the Academy Awards going tonight and if the past few years have indicated anything it's that we can get pretty stupid drunk and insane when posting on the Oscars live blog. I'm anticipating

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Shrimp & Grits. Land O Goshen!

Howdy neighbors! How do? Why'nt you sit down right chere and listen up. I'm fixin' ta make some viddles that will knock you cattywampus. It'll plumb knock yer britches off! It'll shore nuff do you citified folks proper, I aim to tell ya. Jesus Christ. You think like that long enough and the

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Food Ideas for Superb Owl Lee: I Hope You Wore Your Chili Pants.

Welcome back folks! Have I got something special lined up for you today. The general idea was to get this recipe and a couple of links to previous posts up in time to give you a selection of food options to prepare in time for the Superb Owl! Many of you will remember

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Fighting Back Against Winter One Bowl of Soup at a Time.

Hi everybody! C'mon in and grab a seat over there by the fire. Cold out isn't it? In other words... Even in L.A. we haven't escaped Winter's clutches. This year we have had more than double the rainfall of a normal year. Last weekend a single storm produced one of the highest rainfall

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Strait Outta Jersey! Pork Roll, Egg & Cheese.

Hey! How ya doin'? Welcome back to another edition of Sunday Gravy. I know it's not Sunday but I'll be deferring to the NFL until the playoffs are over. Before getting started I have to address a glaring blasphemy from the banner picture. No it's not the title, I'll get to

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: What Day is it? It’s Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas everyone! Even if you don't celebrate the occasion it IS Christmas Day and if nothing else you probably have the day off. So YAY! Let's drink things!   Before we got started on today's recipe I wanted to welcome you back to a new season of Sunday Gravy! This year