All The Props to CDMX – Monday Open Thread

Two months ago an opportunity appeared: go to Mexico City for a long weekend. The undertaking required a reasoned analysis, so I ran the decision through a dispassionate and rigorous algorithm: Oh yeah, I was gonna go mos def. I never had gone there and my god it was amazing. As a

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: After School Special! Banana Cream Pie!

Welcome, welcome everyone. [last minute edit] [takes another deep breath] Welcome back to Sunday Gravy. A few weeks back our very own Brick Meathook entertained us all with photos of banana cream pie that he sampled from a variety of LA institutions. L.A is actually fairly well known for it's pies as well as it's

Luv Ya

tWBS died two years ago. The Covid lockdown took tWBS away, never to be seen or heard from again. More corona mutations and science deniers: THAT we get back from the freakin’ lockdown. Makes no sense! Sorry Christians, but “God” sucks. Everyone says that honesty and generosity are two of the

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A Bachelors Guide to Corned Beef

Hola everyone! Welcome back to Gravy Time. I'm your humble narrator yeah right bringing you all of todays hottest hits! We've got game 7's aplenty this weekend between the NHL and the NBA so plenty-o-shit to keep you entertained this weekend. Plus you can now peruse your favorite NFL teams schedule for

Subsequent GTD reflections and open thread

Hello there fellow DFO'er.  Hope you're well today.  And thanks for coming back to see last weeks comments of the week as decided by my brain.  There's no reason as to why some comments make it and others don't. Seriously. There isn't. This weeks cheesy motivational quote is: Life is about making

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Sous Vide Round Two – Now We’re Talking!

Good morning everyone and happy Mother's Day to you moms out there. Mother's Day to me is simply a reminder that yes, my mother is still dead so please don't ask me if I called my mom on Mother's Day, OK? Good. Of course I will wish both of my daughters a happy

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: A New Toy! Let’s Play!

Good morning all! Nice to have you all back. The draft has now wrapped up and unlike the rest of the goddamn internet I don't do the draft projection thing because you need a good 3 years to figure out if these picks are worth a diddly shit. Example: last year my team

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Final Vegetarian soup – Southwest Style!

Good morning folks! Before we get the party started I wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and condolences last week after the "former missus" passed away. You helped me immensely. I honestly think that I was able to relay some of the love and support you all provided and

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Parts That I got right

Welcome back everyone! Good to see you all here.  Please indulge me for my annual Easter right of passage. Before we get going I want to share a personal - non-vegetarian - accomplishment: as of this weekend I am 100% debt free! [knocks every piece of wood within a square mile] It's true. My last

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Welcome to Sad Burger. Can I take Your Order?

Hello friends. Following along with The Masters coverage? If not, sorry about the Jim Nance drop. I'm a regular Masters viewer and have no issue sharing that information. Hell I watch all of the tournaments if the better players are involved. Surprisingly it really works for viewing while I'm in the Sunday

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Pasta Fazool! OHHH!

Good morning folks! Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far. Today's post will be interesting as I'm compiling a lot of it on my phone. Work had been crazy as fuck this week and then we're also having domain account issues. As March turned to April naturally.  Think I've mentioned before

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: VEGAN Lentil Soup!

Good morning everyone! The NCAA tournament will be whittled down to the final four by the end of day today. Wasn't it just last weekend when we had like 32 fucking games and next weekend we only get 2? That's a substantial reduction in the number of sportsball contests, NCAA. Fuck else