Commentist Beer Barrel: Iced, Bro

For the first week of the year here in Austin, it's cool enough that lady snow and I don't have to worry about turning on the air conditioning, which is one of my favorite things to happen every year. It'll be at least a couple more weeks before I have

DFO Prediction Contests Update – Week Ten

Sunrisesunrise!!  Congratulations, good sir! It is fitting that, today of all days, you have chosen to donate your winnings to the Wounded Warrior Project.  Yeah Right has donated in your name, which I'm sure will confuse, but gladden, some veterans today. Sunrisesunrise chose the Bengals to beat the Browns while JerBear

DFO Prediction Contests Update – Week 9

Still together, hand in hand, strolling towards the inevitable sunset.  Who will break away and walk towards the beach and who will fall down, swallowed by the surf? Eliminator Challenge ($200 prize in cash or donation to Wounded Warriors) We didn't find out this week as our two remaining entrants in the

Saturday Evening Puzzle

I was thinking about doing a visual type of puzzle for a while now and I'm finally giving it a shot.  Even if you don't like the puzzle, you should like the pics and we can use this as an open thread. Here is the concept.  I will show you several