/door flies open //finishes bottle of Spotted Cow ///throws bottle into pile off to the side ////cracks open bottle of Riverwest Stein Good morning.  I am here to talk about the NFL team known as the Green Bay Packers for 2015.  I forgot my notes, but what do I really need to say?  It’s

Kommenter Beer Barrel: Yuengling

I drink a lot of beer (no, you're drunk!), and live in a very beer-filled city called Denver. Occasionally, I like to talk about beer, but my wife and kids don't seem to care (assholes). As a companion post to Old School Zero's "Kommenter Kocktail Society", I present to you the

Kommenter Kocktail Society: Important Bourbon Notes

Since there's really no news of any sort to cover right now, other than Underball Swede-ing his own New England-based version of "Big Fan", I wanted to cover some very important information about bourbon I ran across today. A friend posted this article which contained a link to this helpful list regarding just