It looks like we're getting the hang of this thing! Kudos to Moose and the gang for some brilliant stuff last night. Today, we had the closest we will get to actual football as starters played the most they will play during the preseason. Plus the bonus of more injuries to
Tag: drinky drink drink drink
DFO Late Night / International Open Thread
This went relatively well last week (well, 1 out of 2 nights is not bad), so let's give it another whirl! I did not see a Sexy Friday post today, so consider this your post-preseason football and pre-EPL football Sexy Friday post. Tonight's theme: Goth For your viewing enjoyment/discussion, AFL Footy
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Beer Pumpkinization / Open Thread
This week, I discuss the annual influx of pumpkin beers, and when is early too early? Away we go to the land of STRONG BEER TAEKS. #upforwhatever, except decent beer, I guess The summer is ending, kids across the nation are returning to school, football is returning (Woo hoo!), and, of course, pumpkin-flavored
DFO Late Night / International Open Thread (let’s not break DFO this time!)
Ok, seriously, no drunken peeing on the servers tonight, alright? /eyes Horatio nervously We're going to try it one more time. The first went pretty okay until the whole site shut down. Today was an exciting day in SPROTS with international ELITE soccer, AFL, and preseason NFL games all on tap. Results: English Premier
DFO Late Night / International Open Thread
Howdy y'all! I know a lot of us are concentrated in the North American time zones, but there are also a lot of us that live in other parts of the world such as the UK, Australia, and parts beyond. This post is for you. Hey, it may be lunchtime
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Coffeebeernerdness
I Don’t Know About You Guys…
...but I am getting drrrruuuuunnnnnkkkkkk tonight. I'm planning on going to a brewery after work and drowning my sorrows in beer with some close friends, then coming home with my lady-friend and raiding my whiskey supply while old Simpsons episodes play in the background. I guess what I'm saying is, open drinking
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Coopers
Familiarity Breeds Contempt, Because We’re Idiots: A Beer Review
Kommenter Beer Barrel: Yuengling
I drink a lot of beer (no, you're drunk!), and live in a very beer-filled city called Denver. Occasionally, I like to talk about beer, but my wife and kids don't seem to care (assholes). As a companion post to Old School Zero's "Kommenter Kocktail Society", I present to you the
Kommenter Kocktail Society: Important Bourbon Notes
Since there's really no news of any sort to cover right now, other than Underball Swede-ing his own New England-based version of "Big Fan", I wanted to cover some very important information about bourbon I ran across today. A friend posted this article which contained a link to this helpful list regarding just