It seems like forever since I did one of these. (I really should write more during the offseason but by the Super Bowl I feel burnt out-woe is me-and then after that it requires effort on my behalf, so that's a no-go) The baby steps refer to getting back into
Tag: Open Threads
Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 5
Your “Happy Bastille Day Eve!” Wednesday Night Open Thread
Your “July Eve” Thursday Night Open Thread
*Featured Photo Credit From Here Brace yourselves, but the year is halfway over. That's right, tomorrow is July, the beginning of a four day weekend for Scotchy and Horatio, the start of a regular work weekend for Archduke LaCross, and a countdown to Independence Day festivities for most of us working
Monday Night is alright for B-Ball. Your Monday evening Open Thread.
They Shoot Penguins, Don’t They?: A Larry King Not Live Tuesday Open Thread
Hello, friends, Larry King here. Things are heating up across the world of sporting, and I couldn't be happier if they also managed to preserve my penis in this cryogenic storage pod. Baseball is finally starting to cook, playoff hockey continues to surprise and delight with ever-more-gruesome penalties, and basketball