THIS GUY Memorial Tuesday Open Thread

Whelp, that was...almost entirely expected. The Big Damn NFL News that broke last night was that Jon Gruden, prototypical Tape Eater and Patron Saint of Grinders hit the Eject button on his 10 year, $100 million contract after 3.25 years.  Something about e-mails that demonstrate that he's a racist, sexist homophobic

Monkey-Fighting Snakes!: Tuesday Open Thread

Congratulations, Canada. You managed to spend roughly $468 million to kick three Quebecois folks out of their legislative seats. California spent $275 million to make absolutely no changes, so...value? NFL NEWS: Relatively little of interest. The NFL PR Auxiliary is kind of starved for #kontent, so mostly they're just doing wild overcorrections

Obscure Movie Night! Tuesday Open Thread

It's another Mid August Tuesday, bitches! And yooooouuu know what that meeeeeeans: Fuck All. It means Nothing. Not "nothing" in terms of relative unimportance or lack of distinguishing characteristics. Capital-N Nothing, as in a sheer and utter existential vacuum. An area of spacetime so flat and featureless as to somehow have inverse