Request Line: Closernerdness with Peter King

Editors’ Note:  This week, we asked noted Coldplay, U2, and Bruce Springsteen enthusiast Peter King to help us introduce the request line by selecting songs he would use if he were an MLB closer.  We are truly sorry.  

With all of the interesting NFL going-ons right now — the robbery of a 7-11 by a coke-addled Johnny Manziel, the multi-state killing spree perpetrated by Ray McDonald, and the career-ending bathhouse injury of Aaron Rodgers — I want to talk about a subject near and dear to my heart:  Baseball.

But first, a few words on why Tom Brady, with his All-American good looks, supermodel wife, and record-setting Super Bowl performances, needs to reconcile with the best commissioner the game has ever seen:  Roger Goodell. . . .

[3,000 words about Ballghazi]

. . . and that is how Roger Goodell solved the racial problems of a small New England town through the power of one-armed push-ups and smartness.

The baseball season is wrapping up, and the only things I might love more than my Red Sox (as a Nutmegger, an Ohio graduate and long-time New Jersey resident, is there any other team?) are Microsoft Bing, EvoShield, and long conversations with Brett Favre.  What you probably don’t know is how a baseball game ends sometimes.   A baseball game is divided into 9 “innings” . . .

[5,000 word explanation of commonly known baseball rules]

. . . and that pitcher is called a closer, because he tries to “close” or “finish”the game.

Many closers like to play music as they enter the field and throw their warm up pitches.  Mariano Rivera of the hated New York Yankees always played “Enter Sandman” by a precocious band called Metallica.

Personally, I might possibly prefer something more patriotic, that praises America and its top-notch treatment of our veterans.  That is why I would maybe choose “Born in the U.S.A.” by my hero, Bruce Springsteen.

I really want to meet Bruce Springsteen. Is that too much to ask?  Come to think of it, if I met him, what would I say? “I love your music?” “The Wrestler is going to be an ESPN instant classic?”  I’d probably just say the same thing to him that I often say to Bailey the golden retriever: “You’re so good.” Or maybe: “I’m proud to share the same state.” Something ridiculously gee-whiz. [Editor’s Note: This paragraph is what Peter King actually wrote about Springsteen]


1.  I think that I am glad that the distraction of the Michael Sam story is over.  I was speaking with future Hall of Fame NFL Head Coach Tony Dungy, my friend at NBC’s Football Night in America (FULL DISCLOSURE:  I have a Hall of Fame vote.  Me, Peter King, a Hall of Fame voter, who decides who goes into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I am humbled by this honor.).  Tony told me that, as an African-American, he finds Michael Sam to be a distraction.  He told me this shortly after the death of his definitely not-gay son, which he felt gave him a unique perspective.  I could not agree more with my good friend Tony Dungy.

iv. My daughter was gay-married in a barn in the Bay Area last summer, where an owl pooped all over one of the bride’s sisters.  What a country!

xl. Some former players under Chip Kelly have been saying he is racist. Since he drafted a few black players, that’s not true. He is just tough, like another great coach, Greg Schiano.  I know a non-racist when I see one, because I am friends with the first African-American coach to win a Super Bowl, Tony Dungy.

2.  I think I want to wish a happy cotillion to your son Attyson, Bowerses!

7-4.  I think that no city is as underratedly walkable as New York City.  There are people everywhere, and they aren’t always agreeable. One lady even got upset when I accidentally spilled a full latte on her jacket, even though I apologized. Only in New York!

a. Also, does it get any better than when U2 sings about 9/11?  Just ask Donnie “Brasco” Banks.

(23) I think “Donnie Brasco” is terminally underrated as a movie, just like Pierre Thomas. A lofty film.

ℑ) I think I had the following conversation recently:

i. BOSTON – Asked restaurant host: “God, did you hear about John Farrell?”

II.  Host: “No.”

xx.   Me: “Cancer. He might die.”

(v.) Thought he would cry

♣/ I think I once thought they ran out of caramel syrup at Starbucks.  I was so depressed. Worst 3 minutes of my life. So I feel for Erik Kramer and his family.

∅.  I think we need to care more about the recent mental health issues of ex-NFLers like Kramer and Junior Seau. We’re a civilized society, and we need to act. I don’t know what, but Congress should do something!

%]   I think I passed through Portland, Oregon, last week during my annual training camp tour, presented by EvoShield.  In my power rankings of walkable cities, I would give it a grade of “meh.”  It was a bit too hilly for my tastes. Also, I am not sure if Portland is much of a beer city, but the four Peronis I had at Champion’s Bar at the Marriott Hotel were refreshingly good, as always.

(Ψ)  Coffeenerdness:  I am up to four quintuple pumpkin macchiato enemas  — with extra froth, of course — a day now.  Be less delicious, Seattle!

X.  Beernerdness: At the Bruce Springsteen concert last week, I met a nice young man from Boston (by way of New York) named Lee.  He give me the nickname “Gash” because of my love of Allagash White, I think.  I can’t deny that might not possibly not be the most quasi-legitimate nickname for me, maybe!


Chip is not racist
Tony Dungy is my friend
Hall of Fame Voter

Thanks, Gash, you equivocating fuck.  Please feel free to post song selections you would use if you were an MLB closer below in the comments, and Rikki will put together his always enjoyable playlist from the same early next week.

Image via Deadspin


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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

One more with no context since I am still going through my gifs. I forgot the one I was gonna use, just going through them now.

comment image

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was looking for a gif in my way too large segment of my bookmarks that are gifs. You get this one again because it is amazing. But know it isn’t a reply to anything

King Hippo

As a cautionary note to my manager, Sufjan Stevens’ “Should Have Known Better”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Does this explain fantasy baseball?


The Sword? The Sword

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

If you ever make the choice to smoke pot. This is the greatest album ever to listen to. This is like the 8th best song off it

Wildflowers – Tom Petty

On the same note, I have some 90’s rap recommendations if you want to go another way

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The other part I like about this is the entire thing is about baseball in a “football column.” It doesn’t even have to be a take-down and he still pisses me off!


Way off topic but my youngest daughter just got offered a position at Microsoft. That’s my girl, alright!


There is a disturbing lack of M.O.P. for my tastes:

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Another Eagles of Death Metal because I listened to it 3 times while my previous comment was being moderated because I posted 2 links

I think “moderated” means the guys watching the posts are doing it for free and can’t watch it every second just so you don’t have to wait.

I wasn’t complaining. I just watched that video on repeat while my stupid Lisa Loeb joke was in purgatory


I’m sure MLB would have no problem having this used as a closer song.
Hey, that’s Steve Howe’s music!



Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Oh shit. I meant to post this

Shut up you all loved her in 1994 too

I have no problem with Lisa and would love to watch her glasses bounce on her nose. There, I admitted it.


Mastodon “Curl of the Burl”


The embedding never works for me… b/c I’m an idiot.
Biggie’s “Dead Wrong” – might not really be age appropriate for the kiddos at the stadium, but if its a night game, they should be home in bed by the time I come out of the bullpen anyway.


Cause why the fuck not…


I am at a loss as to what I just watched,

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Dude has a bright future in retail sales in an upscale neighborhood.

When I was younger “a brick in the face” resulted in hashish in your eyes and up your nose….. terrible, wasteful accident.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I finally have the house to myself for the first time in at least 6 months. I think it is more like a year. It is wasted on a day where I can’t breathe and will have to lay in bed most of the day. And why am I still wearing pants? Someone must have dressed me when I wasn’t paying attention.

Covalent Blonde

Get those things off you right now! Do you have any idea how many people die every day while wearing pants?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Number one threat to America; pants.


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I only remember that song as part of the Gran Turismo 2 soundtrack now. Enjoy another song from that

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah, One more just because. Went theme song for the game over Garbage. Like a 50% I just post that one next even though I said one more on this one.

Yeah, still more of that soundtrack. I lied about what song it would be though

Yeah I am just listening to the whole soundtrack now. Beck – Where it’s at

Realize the others didn’t have the names attached, going backwards from here.

Filter – Hey Man, nice shot
The Cardigans – My Favourate Game
Soul Coughing – Super Bon Bon

Enrico Pallazzo

The closer that comes out to Danzig’s Mother is ELITE (and also loves cat food probably).

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

For OBVIOUS reasons:

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

In spite of your weird and entirely too passionate hatreds; this is fantastic. WAY better than a hungry-fish-nipple-attack.

Covalent Blonde

Oh god, I can’t look away!


Is that Troy McClure???

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Keep in mind that anybody would be proud and happy after a bloody hungry-fish-nipple-attack.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Yeah, I haven’t watched baseball since I was like 12. I am going with a fictional character’s closer music

Also considered. “I go to Burke” a Kool Moe Dee cover of “I go to Work” featured on White Collar, but there are no videos online.


Fun fact: lead singer Scott Radinsky was an MLB pitcher.


You could confuse the shit out of the batter if he tries to interpret this.


It’s kinda on the nose but…


Or this even.


Off subject, but could we have a DOF post dedicated solely to breaking down the “NFL is Family” commercial that aired last night?

I think that breakfast at the Gronk household would include a menu such as this:

– Bowl of HGH with almond milk
– 65 egg omelet
– wheelbarrow full of bacon
– one orange
– pancakes in the shape of the NFL shield

All served by the hooters waitress/dancer/cocktail waitress that was passed around the night before like a Fleshlight at a Brony convention


Dinner at any of the other Patriots’ house ends with Grumblelord banging the lady of the house.


Why does PK like U2 and Springsteen? Aren’t they for everything he’s against?


What about that asshole NJ Governor. Him being a Springsteen fan makes even less sense to me.


I would choose something confusing for the batter. Tom Waits, perhaps.


Video did not embed. So here’s the link, and I’ll go back to shaking my fist at clouds.


You could randomly play each of the different versions of Way Down In The Hole from The Wire.


Yo, where’s (Mike) Wallace?!

Don T

I’d take that strategy. “La cuchilla”, by Los Aterciopelados. Chorus:

If you don’t love me,
I’ll cut your face
With a razor like
Those used for shaving.
On the wedding day
I’ll stab you, cut out
Your belly button,
And kill your mother.

Don T
Don T

Again. It’s a pretty coo video too.


Either Jockey Full of Bourbon, or Frank’s Wild Years to really mess with everyone


Ok, here’s a dumbass tech question that hopefully one of you young hip people can answer.

Why are some videos embedded here and others are just links?


Any song that has a driving beat works well. Lets everyone in the stadium (including the batter) know that you mean business and are about to go to work.

I’d pick “Close to You” by the Carpenters.

Spanky Datass

Pimp-Strut out of the bullpen to a little light funk? Why yes, I think I will.

Spanky Datass

Well hell!

Covalent Blonde

Also, “Gash, you equivocating fuck” was another nickname I had in undergrad, too.

Covalent Blonde


This would definitely make your opponent think.


Holy shit that is perfect.


Wait, wasn’t this Tiffany’s cover of “I think We’re Alone Now”? I mean, I like the song that’s been posted, but I swear the first time through that was it was… which honestly, would be fucking hilarious if a flame throwing closer came out to that song.


Okay, either CB is fucking with us, or wordpress is fucking with me. Either way, my comments make me look like a crazy person. I’m going to sit a few plays out.


Yeah dude:

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Mom jeans so early in life; that is a gateway to heroin use.


Ugh, I don’t like either, but the return of PK makes me want to pair this: with this:



Here’s one that I love, pardon the advertisement


I like Springsteen – his early stuff was part of the soundtrack of my teen years, and I know there are groups who absolutely hate him, which is fine by me.

The fact that a raging dicksmack like PK admires Springsteen, and would completely ruin the opportunity to meet him by saying “You’re so good”, makes me want to render PK down into fancy bars of soap.


Allagash White is a really good beer, but I’ll be goddamned if I ever buy any.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

One of the big reasons King loves both Springsteen and U2, especially the earlier stuff; he doesn’t even come close to understanding the meaning of the lyrics. This is an indicator of his Hall of Fame voting mentality.

Why Thank You Eddie

Friday awesomess, Sir Cuntler


There’s only one song I would use:


I hate that the creator of such a kickass song is such a monumental asshat. But here we are.


I went to a Nuge concert at the House of Blues in Chicago in the summer of 2008. It was awful, amazing, and everything in between. It was a tea party rally before the tea party existed.


Sounds like something I would do.


Can’t go wrong with a classic.


My first thought was the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald by Gordon Lightfoot.


This one.

Static-X “Push It”

Spanky Datass


Brick Meathook