Your “Jared Allen Has Much More Time To Kill Animals Now” Thursday Night Open Thread

Before there was a self-aggrandizing, sack-accumulating attention monkey by the name of JJ Watt there was a guy by the name of Jared Allen. He retired today. According to Pro Football Reference he ends up tied for 9th with Julius Peppers at 136 official ‘downing of quarterbacks’. But of course there’s more (less, as it turns out) to his story. I distinctly recall a photo on the ‘nets showing him astride a dead grizzly but there appears to have been some scrub-a-dub action going on. The guy is an avid hunter and will kill any animal of your choice with the weapon of your choice. At the same time I came across something on SB Nation that said something to the effect that ‘he eats what he kills’. That certainly doesn’t fit the grizzly-killing narrative. Perhaps someone better at the Goog can find it.

Tonight THE NBA IS BACK! with all of three games [sound of air escaping balloon]. Although CHI/CLE and Spurs/ Clips as potential playoff matchups might be interesting… There’s plenty going on in the NHL as always-WASH/NYI, DET/PIT, SJ/FLA, LA/STL and BOS/NASH are all worthy of a looky-loo. The college ball has #14 Kentucky, #21 SMOO, # 6 Maryland and my upset special, 16-9 Whiscy against # 8 MSU. HAVE AT IT, CHARLATANS!

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I’m just catching up after watching the Canucks get waxed by the Ducks tonight. God, they looked & played just awful.

They were bad enough that they don’t know whether to commit to trying for a high lottery pick or staging a futile effort to finish off the season with some “dignity”.


If I were them, I’d call up Shinkaruk and Gaunce and get rid of all those UFAs.

Also, I’d put Virtanen with the Twins. I think that’s a line that could do damage in the playoffs.


Finally back home, getting high on opiates, and feeling like I want to chug about eight glasses of Eagle Rare.

Operation was completely successful, wifey and kiddo are doing fine. There’s 50/50 chance we keep the kid; the procedure was to try to keep him/her in there to at least get to viability. However, the surgeon says his goal is full term. Despite getting ~3 hours of sleep since Tuesday, and given the extremely tenuousness of the situation, feeling pretty good.


God speed WCS. Get lots of rest.
When wifey and the new kid get home from a successful delivery you’re going to be need all the rest you can get.
We’ll toast the hell out of that when it happens.
You’re a good man and we love you my brother.


That is great to hear. Raising a glass to the Missus and the kid as we speak.

Don T

Hoping for the best for your family and you man.


I sincerely appreciate the kind words and thoughts. However, we should be really focusing on Porky and his family. They’re in a far worse place, and I wish them nothing but the best.


He may disown me for doing this, but, keep Porky in your thoughts.


That is really wonderful news. You are all so strong.


I’m praying for your family, brother.

Lothar of the Hill People

Holy crap, WCS. I’ve fallen out of the loop regarding your situation. Obviously I hope for the best; sorry that you’re going to be living on pins & needles (and mind-altering substances) for the next few months.

The good news is once the kid is out, then you absolutely have no worries whatsoever–you won’t stress about SIDS, you’ll NEVER ask yourself, “Has junior pooped enough today? And even once out of toddlerhood, you’ll be safe from worries about whether your kid will get a face tattoo or develop a heroin habit.

Happy thoughts!

(But seriously, hang in there. It’s amazing what obstetricians can do nowadays, ain’t it?)

And my little bit of real advice that we got from the doc following the traumatic start to my daughter’s life (and me twice nearly becoming a widower before my daughter was a week old): never say “no thanks” when anyone in your life offers to help. Take the help. ALWAYS take the help when it’s offered, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Even if it’s a friend saying he’ll watch your spawn for a couple hours while you catch a catnap.


and masturbate?

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Al Bundy coached in the Mountain West Conference?


I keep meaning to go back and rewatch that movie, but I keep forgetting.
/pants getting tighter


There’s an “editorial process” at SB Nation?
Holy shit, I never knew.


Neither did they.


Figures. No one’s around.

I went outside and actually talked to people earlier at an alumni meetup. HOORAY!

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I’m around…just taking care of some busy work simultaneously….


The entirety of your statement just registered.


No. Just several anxiety, not much time or will to socialize in a new home, and no one I “know” even lives here, at least that I know of. It seems like I moved to Portland too early and everyone I went to school with is still in Salem. It’s just nice to be able to talk to people IRL, which I haven’t done since New Year’s Eve.


I totally get it. I’ve largely become a recluse in some ways meself.
The IRL thing is important, though we often forget about it with the flourishing of social media.
/says the guy typing this to you on a keyboard in a dimly lit room


Timbers season starts in two weeks. There should be some beer gardens to enjoy.


Oh, I’ve been there. Good for you for going out today. On the plus side, Portland Timbers begin their season in 2 weeks and the fans/people in Portland are super friendly, so check it out.

Most of the time I go to Portland, I make it a point to wear my Whitecaps jersey.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I just had a conversation with an imaginary donkey in a manhole, cheers mate.


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I should do this with my apartment. I could use the income.

Senor Weaselo

Watching the first episode of Join or Die with Craig Ferguson. It’s… yeah, it’s Craig.


I’ve got them dvr’ing because as usual, I often miss start times.


Life goal

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Don T

Every gas station that doesn’t sell beer should have the decency to put a sign outside that says so.
Put another way: who cares about ambiance?


Unless they sell weed out of the bathroom.
But I’m not sure what kind of sign you can put up for that.
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I am disappointed that I can’t get a bottle of MD 20/20 at 3am at any 7-11 in Portland.


I have little memory about the MadDog.
Which is not to say I didn’t drink it semi-often in college.
I think I’ve made my point.

King Hippo

Not lookin’ good fo’ the Turtles.


Definitely they are not digging the Gophers.
heh heh


Yah hon, are you seeing this? The Gophers just beat the Terps.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, YEAH!!
Okay, then.


Speaking of eating what you kill, I’m currently working on a box of samoas the ladyfriend brought home from work. Let’s see if it can survive more than one open thread.

Shogun Marcus

I’m guessing it’s already gone. I’d of killed it by the time I finished typing this.



Because you’d be right!


If the empty cookie box fits…
/no judgement…I’m eating a whole pizza by myself later

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Just an awful hair cut, the song is alright though

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Sticking with my 90s theme, this should fit in as a a follow up


Always been one of my favorite bands.
Dolores O’Riordan is aging well, btw. Still rocks it too…

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

It is just 7:50 I feel I should just be bitching about how I have no more ice

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Be nice to the awesomely talented artist even if I just dismissed talented people. If you have to choose between me or the other guy always assume I am the dick

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I have had a hot girl with glasses fetish my entire life. I exclusively blame Lisa Loeb

Horatio Cornblower

That’s not Lisa Loeb.


Great googily moogily!

King Hippo

Ice footbaw with no goalies allowed in Yinzburgh! (on NHLN)

Sill Bimmons


Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I love Lisa Loeb. I figure shaming myself at 7 is a good start for a night

If you don’t think I am gonna listen to that at least 5 times in a row at an innapropriate volume you don’t know me


Who has two thumbs and just asked Kristin Schaal if she was indeed “Louise” Schaal?

King Hippo

Who has two eyes and is squinting them menacingly because SOOOOOOO JELLY?


“Squinting menacingly”? I’d have to guess Orlando Brown.

King Hippo

Also, you left about Baskets. Mama (Louis Anderson in drag, who SERIOUS better win a goddamned Oscar) meets the French greencard wife.

King Hippo

yeah, if you can eat BEAR meat, you are made of pretty stern stuff. Even my Cherokee friend from college admitted that was pretty gross.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I think this LIzzy Caplan almost made it at some time

Wait, NSFW maybe? Sorry

Beastmode Ate My Baby

Asked my boss, he said it was OK.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Not sure if this one actually got posted

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Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Know this has been posted many times, just closing tabs. Also this should be posted every time

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Horatio Cornblower

It’s not gay if it’s Alison Brie!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I yell at people for keeping 40 tabs open when I fix their computer. I have an irresponsible number up now. Alison Brie

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Not loving my pattern of constant typos. I am much more fine with me just being an asshole occasionally/all the time.

Senor Weaselo

So apparently Eddie George is Billy Flynn in Chicago on Broadway until the end of the month, so if you can’t get tickets to Hamilton, you can go see that instead.

Sill Bimmons

So I just saw Colbert refer to Rick Santorum as a “Sunday School teacher that assigns homework” when eulogizing his candidacy.

I thought all Sunday School teachers assigned homework.

Everyone I knew had Sunday School homework. The day went Sunday School, homework, football.

Is this not how the rest of you grew up?

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

We used to have assignment but I was the dick kid that read the bible cover to cover multiple times an corrected my Sunday school teacher. My mom was teaching a class in some other room, I think she intentionally did that

Teddy's Bridge Over Troubled Water

My average Sunday assignment was to see how far into Ninja Gaiden I could get without dying (not far).

Senor Weaselo

Sunday was lesson day because Saturday was youth orchestra day.

Shogun Marcus

Wouldn’t know, didn’t go. My deaf parents didn’t see no need for going to church.

Spanky Datass

The last time I went to Sunday School I think I was just trying to color inside the lines of a picture of Jebus and a basket of fishes.

Beastmode Ate My Baby

My mom tried to get me to go to Sunday school…once? Remember that scene from The Omen where Damian loses his shit in front of the church? Yeah, it went something like that.

I rejected organized religion at a very young age.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am all for giving shit to Allen.Lay off of JJ Watt. We have no sports teams up here. Who am I gonna root for? Someone on the Milwaukee Admirals? I have been to probably 20 games and I had to do a google search to make sure I didn’t just imagine the team existing

Senor Weaselo

Grizzles, elk, old people, he just loves killing!