A “Sorry; Bad Day At Work” Wednesday Open Thread

Boy, do I need weekend liquor something fierce.

Free agency: not much to report or follow after today. But:

  • In an attempt to prove Bleacher Report correct, the Browns released Karlos Dansby and Dwayne Bowe.
  • Chris Long chose the darkness over the light, and signed with the Patriots.
  • Casey Hayward left the Packers to go jackin’ it in San Diego



  • Rubio is out; his delegates are free to follow whomever. As my grandpappy might’ve said if he wasn’t so Canadian, “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!”
    • I didn’t realize until last night he’s also not running for re-election as Senator. Oof; that’s a terrible sound chamber he lived in.
  • Kasich won Ohio, strengthening his bona fides as a VP pick.
  • I got the feeling Hillary wanted to tell Bernie in her speech, “Okay Grandpa, that’s enough. Go home.” But she was too busy trying to get people to forget her AIDS/Reagan snafu to be bothered starting another war.
  • On the same day Trump says he won’t debate in SLC on FOX next Monday, he openly postulates about riots in Cleveland if the GOP establishment tries to force a brokered convention. It would have been the 13th debate, but they stopped being fun once his main punching bags dropped out. With pequeno Marco gone, he figured, ‘why bother?’

The games that aren’t lames! (All times eastern)

NCAA: Play-in day #2

  • Holy Cross vs Southern – 6:40
  • Tulsa vs Michigan – 9:10 (or 30 minutes after the end of the first game)

I enjoyed TruTV’s twitter feed making fun of the people making fun of their network. SENTIENCE!

NHL: (6 games total)

  • Flyers @ Blackhawks – 8:00
  • Rangers @ Ducks – 10:30

NBA: (9 games total)

  • Thunder @ Celtics – 7:00
  • Mavs @ Cavs – 7:00
  • Clippers @ Rockets – 9:30
  • Knicks @ Warriors – 10:30


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Don T

Dammit! I guess that bestialist incontinent cannibals Twitter account is for my private enjoyment only.


Sounds like an opening for a captioning contest….
“I cleaned my leathery places…can you smell it?”
(sorry…I had planned to skip commercials, but here y’all are dragging me down with you)

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I may take this back if Bennett and Shea win a Superbowl this year, but I am happy they are gone. Guy that holds out every year of his contract and one of the worst 1st round draft picks ever will not be missed.


D.J. Hayden would disagree with you if only he’d noticed an insult was headed his way.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Moose. How dare you just post one Xena pic and then move on? For shame

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Tonight’s season premiere of the The Americans is sponsored by Audi.
Sorry, I thought that was funny.
As you were….


For Bugs Bunny….It’s a Whole New World.
(moderately obscure reference probably…maybe this will help)


/opts to not make the joke


Yeah, that’s why I left it alone.
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Hey look Tulsa…no such thing as a 5 pt shot.
….previously on The Americans (LET’S WATCH)

See ya’s in a bit unless I have to masturbate after the show.
/this almost never happens


No I am not. My parents had me checked and everything.


One more while Tulsa calls timeout as if they’ve got a shot…


You’re doing it wrong.


If Mich/Tulsa manages to go to overtime, and thus further delays my viewing of Nina Sergeevna, I might become homicidal.


Tulsa backwards is A SLUT


A SLUT backwards is….lotsa fun.


Not such a smart car after all if it can’t beat a motorsickle..


Anyone watch the thrilling CIT game where UC Irvine took down North Dakota in overtime? No? Just me and possibly the players’ families?


I’m in self-loathing mode badly enough just for watching the Meechigan/Tuhlsuh abomination instead of watching The Americans premiere live.
Truth be told, the only reason I chose to do that is so I could skip commercials during The Americans off the dvr.


Shortest “in moderation” evar!!!!
Thank you whomever has teh itchy trigger finger tonight.
(i said “itchy”)


Is ANYONE watching? Yeah, someone probably is.


What’s up my Knitta’s?
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Someone mentioned earlier that yahoo sports gets worse every time they visit it; in addition, why does every other internet sports website thing suck as well? Are there any good ones? Something that has box scores which actually update correctly and do not require the temporally-proportional computing resources of a Cray? And also tv listings? So basically 506sports.com plus yahoo from ~10 years ago?


And I DONT FUCKING CARE WHO IS SAYING WHAT ON TWITTER! Get that shit off of your sports website. Generate your own content.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Because web designers are assholes that want to use whatever new code/tools they find so it doesn’t work for anyone other than the computer they designed it on. And No. No. And do you want listings or new shows of the day?

Listings: http://www.titantv.com/

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

TV Listings of the day: http://www.sidereel.com/calendar

(split them up so it wouldn’t be put in moderation purgatory)


Mostly I am just interested in sports listings, like, is this ncaa tournament game on normal person cable or rich-person-back-scratching-fork cable? And the abolishment of ajax/drupal/web3.11/whatever they’re using these days.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You….. seem……angry……



You getting angry about it has ONLY MADE ME EVEN ANGRIER!!!

Senor Weaselo

I expect the Knicks to get torn up like Counter Revolution.


American Pie Story

I don’t have bad days at work. But tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day so wheeeeeeeeee

Senor Weaselo

Where do you work, Sunshine and Happiness Land?


Flyers jump out ahead and it’s hard to believe this is the same team that was considered one of the worst in the league a few months ago.


Unfortunately, having employed Chris Pronger for a non-zero length of time, they are forever cursed and can never win the cup.

Doktor Zymm

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Oh, my post gets moderated but this doesn’t?


Stop, I can only get so erect.


To each his own I guess.
Personally, I think my testicles just climbed back up inside my abdomen.

Horatio Cornblower

Is there no Always Sunny tonight? What is this bullshit?

Horatio Cornblower

Is that a yes or a no? I’m so confused!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Me too; just checked and no, but there is a shit ton (metric) of episodes ‘on demand’ …..


Last week was the season finale.

Horatio Cornblower

That did not seem like 10 episodes. Did they do a short season or am I just quietly losing the ability to focus?




I said this at the previous thread, but I’ll do it this one since this is a Bad Day at Work:

I took it upon myself to call some guy in another department to let them know that something important they need may not be ready due to reasons. I was told that its not his responsibility, its my department’s responsibility to ensure its ready, I should work with my department because he can’t be bothered from his important job of forwarding emails and taking two hours lunches. I didn’t have to do it; I tried to be a nice guy and let him know there might be a problem, but I got nothing from attitude back and was told that me and my department are incompetent from one of the laziest sons of bitches at work.

That put me into a level of PISSED OFF I rarely get to. I proceeded to spend five minutes pacing the parking lot while my conniption wore off rather than going up to his desk and painting his office with his blood and vital organs.

Doktor Zymm

Call up his boss and be like “I tried to work through this issue with so and so, but I don’t feel we reached an adequate resolution. I though it was in the best interest of the company that we cooperate and blah blah blah team player”


I tried that before. My boss says that his boss would look out for his employee, like my boss would look out for me.

Teamwork at my place means that every department is a separate team trying to finish 1st in the division while making everyone other team lose.

Senor Weaselo

That seems like a sound strategy and in no way will come back to bite the company in the ass.

Doktor Zymm

In that case….does he frequently get up and leave his computer unlocked?



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Do you have wood-chippers at your office?

Don T

First maniacal laughter of the week. The flashing was that did it.

Doktor Zymm

You know, I heard Trump has promised to make the Acela run on time.


If he can silence the quiet car too, Peter King will stump for him.

Doktor Zymm

Is she clutching her lower back in pain from the recoil?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Column A and Column B?


The posts are co-MVP of the Flyers-Blackhawks game.


LVP goes to Pierre Maguire’s microphone, for working.


Nothing a Mike Richards photo shoot won’t fix.

The Maestro

Bad days at work? Ooh, I got this one.

Spring break currently in Ontario schools, so I took the week to make some extra $ and run a day camp at the local community centre. Well, 5-7-year-olds are hellish compared the 13-18 I normally deal with. Anyways, I’ve finally stopped shitting my guts out all day thanks to unidentifiable kiddie germs, and while I’m grateful to have gone home a little bit early today, the fact I have two more days of this miserable bullshit is not making me happy. Plus I miss the first two days of the tournament, and St. Patrick’s drinking extravaganzas.

In conclusion: I hope you black out tomorrow in honour of my terrible, terrible predicament. God knows I’ll be thinking about it all day.


so I have opened up the political side of Bring Back Matt… Feel like venting and not wanting to clog up facebook? Let me know and I’ll give you access to Bring Back Matt.

Maybe I should call that section “Bring Back Otto Man”


Doktor Zymm

It doesn’t believe in potato jeebus?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So they kept an……………eye on him.


Actually Rubio and everyone has “suspended” their campaign. Now this isn’t just some secret way of not saying they are quitting, but allows him the “ability” to come back in at any time and hold onto those delegates.

Also it lets him to continue to keep the donate button up and use that donor money to pay off debts. If he said he quit then boom he was done and would have to go out of pocket to pay rent and payroll etc. because the campaign was officially over.

Senor Weaselo

The Senor Weaselo mark of a good performance is when my legs feel weak for the rest of the day. I’m still recuperating from this afternoon’s orchestra concert/teaching, so I guess we did all right. I also imagine sex is something like that, but I’ll have to get back to me on that some time around when Hell freezes over.

In sadder news, Frank Sinatra, Jr. has passed away.


Not the Chairman of the shell holding company Board!


The talent in that family died on the night of the Seinfeld finale/


munching on some potato wedges and chicken nuggets that i baked in the oven.
Dipping sauces are Honey Mustard and Ketchup.
Watching the Celtics game first then staying up late to hopefully watch Curry drop 60 (crossing my fingers) on the Knickerbockers.

Senor Weaselo

I’m watching that instead of Ice Giants-Ice, uh, what are the Ducks again? SPECIFICALLY for the carnage!


Goddamn, Yahoo! Sports is somehow always worse than it was the last time I looked at it


Supposedly, Rubio was tired of Washington and wanted to go back to Florida, but the chance to run for president is just too rare an opportunity to at least try. I suspect if he runs for office again, it’ll be for governor of Florida.


Just like George Bush
comment image?b64lines=IEhtbS4uLiBnb29kIG1lbW9pcnMuCiBHb29kLCBub3QgZ3JlYXQu


Rubio was tired of working… he will have a ghost writer write him a book and pull the Sarah Palin just float around and get paid to talk at business organizations and conventions.


Once the Republican Party crashes and burns, he has himself setup as a savior to the Conservative Movement, not the attention whore and the totally-not-a-pedophile.


that big guy with the goatee definitely looked like he was eating his feelings about all those times Uncle Teddy would crawl into bed.

Don T

That was an awesome read. Smart without a conscience, and uber precociousness. Woo, I need a lardaccino.

Oh, “I owe you a great debt that I will never be able to repay!” is both a show of gratitude AND a guarantee that it will never be satisfied. That is top shelf, genius bullshit. Incidentally, that is exactly what one government told Rubio’s bondholder sponsors and cronies. Let’s say a napkin saying that would have been better received.


Fuck you, work

Don T

Excellent suggestion. I’m outta here.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

-Ron Jeremy.

Doktor Zymm

The lights are out in my kitchen. I’m thinking I should order dinner.

Don T

Cuban sandwich with Dominican beer: the Máximo Gómez special. Love it!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



God I love a good Cubano. And the fries with a little salt and a touch of sugar?
Get the fuck out!

Horatio Cornblower

Anyone else using some tournament methadone and watching the NIT. Va Tech is playing some clown college, and not very well.


Also, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a decent flick. Beautiful camera work, and that chick had nice bazooms.


Middle Fozz spawn had his first outdoor lax practice today, and wound up trucking one of his team mates. At least he helped him up this time.


Senor Weaselo

That’s good hustle!

/Not gonna slap your son on the ass, that would be weird


I will never get tired of that “Jacking it in San Diego” video and the fact that Boltman is in it just makes it 10x better.

Horatio Cornblower

it is a classic on par with ‘Citizen Kane’

Shogun Marcus

I miss Brak. Thunderclees too. But mostly Brak.

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