Your “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” Thursday Open Thread

Oh yeah – it’s time to dust off that dictionary and linguistics degree…

…it’s Spelling Bee season again!

It’s been going on all day. The finals are tonight on ESPN, because TNT must be covering the final nail in the Warriors coffin. Much like the Westminster Kennel Club show does, it should actually draw better ratings.

if not haughtier bitches.

For all you stats folks, here’s your data fix:

Number of Spellers: 285

144 boys (50.5%) 141 girls (49.5%)

Age Range

1 six-year-old (0.4%) 30 eleven-year-olds (10.5%)
0 seven-year-olds (0.0%) 51 twelve-year-olds (17.9%)
2 eight-year-olds (0.7%) 113 thirteen-year-olds (39.6%)
1 nine-year-old (0.4%) 71 fourteen-year-olds (24.9%)
14 ten-year-olds (4.9%) 2 fifteen-year-olds (0.7%)
This year’s age statistics are typical of previous years’ age statistics. source


Here’s the six-year-old; he’s already been on TV with Steve Harvey:

And here’s your word:

Keep in mind that, while fame & fortune do not follow each of these kids much beyond this evening, they do go on to some pretty interesting, mostly academic careers. Business Insider (apparently your key spelling bee source) had a good write-up on past winners in May 2015. Have a gander at the successes some of them became. and maybe let’s all chip in to get WCS some dictionaries & thesauri.

But some moments – as in all competitions – are destined to live on forever. Cracked had a pretty good article on this topic in 2015, outlining some of the more bizzare things that happen – including protests – during the two days of the spelling bee. Business Insider has a 2015 story about the racism that follows the tournament because the majority of recent winners have been Indian-American.

But who cares about serious matters. Remember this kid?

And just a general all-around playa.

His name is Akshay Buddiga. This happened to him in 2004, but gets shown at least once per year on things like a SportsCentre Top-10 list of “fails” or “unexpected falls” or some such theme. He actually came second. Well, 12 years on, he’s graduated from Stanford with a Masters in Engineering. His brother, Pratyush, a former champion, is a professional poker player.

“That’s right Akshay, only winners meet winners.”

And don’t forget “the Screamer”: (or “the Spaz”, as some sites called her)

Her name is actually Rebecca Sealfon. She went on to get a Masters in Computer Science at Columbia, and she’s now a software engineer. She’s also 30 now, so it wasn’t at all creepy trying to find out anything about her, unlike those prudes at “Project Runway Junior”. There is also a conspiracy theory & reddit dedicated to proving she didn’t spell the word “exactly”, because her euphoria added some syllables to her pronunciation. Aaaaaaaaaaand that’s why she stays off the internet and hasn’t done an interview since 2005.

Oh sure, there are other, possibly more important sporting contests this evening, but Super Bowls of other sports only come around but once per year. Drink it in, my pretties.

Tonight’s tense elimination matches!

NHL: GAME 7 – Tampa @ Pittsburgh – 8:00

  • late update: The Bolts may have Stamkos back

NBA: Game 5 – OKC @ Golden State – 9:00

Scripps National Spelling Bee: Finals – 8:00 (ESPN)

Tonight’s Open Thread will be dedicated to following the madness, especially if the hockey & hoops become laughers. (Pour another one out for KSK – here’s 2015’s liveblog if you desire a trip down mammary memory lane.) Last year’s Bee ended in a tie, when they ran out of “championship-round” words. They’ve changed the rules for this year, so that shouldn’t happen. But there is no rest in competitive spelling! More importantly, every time a little kid gets a word wrong,



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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Horatio Cornblower

I just tried to show off by spelling ‘caracal’ before they put it up and then I spelled it wrong.


comment image

King Hippo

This always reminds me – scarier species with opposable thumbs – housecats or dolphins?

Horatio Cornblower

Cats, and its not even close.


classic funny spelling bee word. Negus.

Horatio Cornblower

Is Sylvie wearing sweat pants?

If she is I’m totally rooting for her the rest of the way.


Ok, I’m embarrassed. This whole time I thought “calamistrum” was a thing I was supposed to do for my wife on our anniversary but I was too tired and she was kinda pissed.

Horatio Cornblower

Banner quote right there kids.


Hey man, she’s already mad.


A friend of mine (named Tim) didn’t understand the silent P in pterodactyl.
I now call him Ptim.


It’s fun when you have to spell something on the phone: “P” as in “pneumonia,” “G” as in “gnome” etc.

Senor Weaselo

To quote my youth orchestra conductor, there was also “Q” for “Cuba.”


reminds me of a joke: why cant you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?

because the p is silent.


Goddammit I’m repeating that a lot this weekend.

Senor Weaselo

This isn’t the part where I say one of the kids who made it to the finals goes to my high school, is it? I don’t think they’re still in it, but hey, Spelling Bee rep, probably all of the Tonys, it’ll be a pretty good year for us.

Horatio Cornblower

It seems cruel to keep the kids who already got bounced on the stage.

I love it so.


Yes. So so cruel. THEY’RE SO FIDGETY!!!

King Hippo

I was thinking how shitty it is for them not to even have their phones, then I remembered that spelling bee parents would NEVAR let their kids have a cell phone.

King Hippo

The bus to the NAMBLA auction house will be there in a few hours.


The girls go to Notre Dame.

Horatio Cornblower

Coincidentally her arm was broken minutes after missing that fourth word last year.


…which is kinda sorta true. And remarkable.

Horatio Cornblower

They’re on spelling PEDs?


I smell a Battle Royale in the DFO clubhouse for the opportunity to write the Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out post for Berman.


Well I will write a DFO goes to the Euros if you guys are interested. Been to 2008 and it was fucking unreal.



King Hippo



Now where would I submit such reports.

The games I will be attending are
N. Ireland v Ukraine
Romania v Albania
Iceland v Austria
QF with the winner of the group of death.



Holy shit, Iceland v Austria is so pointless in every way regardless of the competition.


You can DM me and I’ll give you details.

King Hippo

Make lots of terrorist jokes with the supporters of both sides at the first match. Surely they have a sense of humour about it by now…

Horatio Cornblower

I will defer, because I stopped watching him years ago.

Horatio Cornblower

“Can I have the language of origin please?”





I tuned into this broadcast at the right time!

Sill Bimmons



That last kid had a nice-sized forehead. Peyton ever been to India?


Teabag a girl with one of those dots on her forehead and you’re gonna have a bad time.

Horatio Cornblower

“Can you use it in a sentence?”

“Your parents will make you eat ‘amanitin’ if you spell this word wrong.”


Emmitt should compete.

Horatio Cornblower
Per The Big Lead Berman is going to go back back back back back to wherever the hell he came from after the 2016 football season.

Praise Jebus!

King Hippo

Shit, I’ma go fetch a beer FOAR THAT!!!

/also YAY Ice Stillers

Senor Weaselo

Boooooo… boo Pittsburgh Penguins. Boo.


Those kids may all be awkward now, but in five years they’ll be five years older and awkward.


I used to be awkward.

I’m still awkward, but I use to be awkward too.


Shit, that’s from…something.


Right, Mitch Hedberg. Dammit, we keep losing good ones.


Berman to retireeeee!!!!!

Horatio Cornblower

No fucking way!

Horatio Cornblower

“How to raise a spelling champion” is implying that the kids need to be locked in the attic.

Which I suspect is the case for 80% of them.


Basement is better; less light and there are spiders.


Everyone knows you lock them in LOCKERS!

Meet your new roommate, Mr. Cornblower.

King Hippo

spell “friend”


/needs therapy


I legitimately had problems with that word in first grade.

Frend. End. where the fuck does “i” fit in

that and Island. what the fuck is a silent letter?


There’s no “I” in frend, unless you’re a selfish bastard.

Spell “carefree childhood”


I am experiencing Total Domination.

From Ninkasi.

It’s an IPA. (spelled I-P-A)


CHOKE job Sreeniketh. What got INDIA???


They should start using made up words from movies and TV, like “unobtainium” and whatever the Klingon word is for “loneliness”.

…and now for the Welsh Round

Vowels are overrated.




Ok, Fallout Boy.

Senor Weaselo

So, remember when I was going to watch that girl burn? Be careful what you wish for, Senor. She was having a panic attack, and before you ignored her for a week because of how broken you felt from what you thought was going on and you wanted her to make some teary-eyed apology and control whether she spontaneously burst into flames or not, she was starting to fall for you. You know, that thing you wanted for the last 6 1/2 months that you just threw away.

So naturally I want to fight to get her back.


Where did you come by the information that she was having a panic attack?

Senor Weaselo

In fairness it was from her, but then it makes sense considering she was completely bewildered according to her friend. In fairness to me, why would I be that mad at her to ignore her for a week unless I thought she had absolutely broken me?

Horatio Cornblower

tread very lightly, that’s all I’m going to say.

Senor Weaselo

I know, Horatio. If I had a dollar for every time I had used the phrase “thick as thieves” to describe us I could buy us lunch. That’s been damaged too.

King Hippo

No matter what you do…you’re fucked. This has been my experience. Just drink MOAR.

Senor Weaselo

I have already had myself a beer. I may have to pick my sister up from work since she can’t drive, but if I can’t, there are four left.

/They’re Blue Moons, but better than nothing

Senor Weaselo

She has had them before so I do believe it.

And my sister called me a douchecanoe for blowing my chance because I kept her at a distance just as I was getting her because instead of talking to her as soon as possible I wanted to go on a power trip and let it eat away at both of us.

Also, fuck jealousy.


So not being terribly familiar with previous bees, has there ever been a white contestant that came from Alabama or Mississippi?

Horatio Cornblower

Moderator: “Your word is ‘rickets'”

MS Spelling Champ: (“thank you Jesus”)


Moderator: “Your word is ‘Succession'”
White MS Speller: (“thankee jesus”) “S-E-”
White MS Speller: “(slack jawed expression)”


Moderator: “Your word is ‘Success'”
White MS Speller: “That sounds made up.”


Moderator: “Your word is ‘Sclerosis'”
White MS Speller: “That’s fucked up, sir.”


Sidney Crosby despises contact. I think that kinda limits him as a hockey guy.

Horatio Cornblower

WCS would be so pissed right now, assuming he wasn’t a sleep-deprived zombie wondering when this kid will ever sleep more than 3 hours at a pop.


I once gently glided into the boards while skating because I wasn’t good at stopping yet (thats what she said) and it fucking hurt, so I can understand where Sid is coming from.

Horatio Cornblower

I wonder if the Komatsu kid knows how to spell ‘hari kari’

Sill Bimmons



E-L-Y-K-Q-D-number six-question mark-I-U-M…illicium

Senor Weaselo

Missed it by… actually a fair bit.

May the Autism be ever in your favor.

Horatio Cornblower

Once the kid heard “Joy Behar” he clearly knew what that word was, because if TV has taught me anything it’s that middle-schoolers are highly familiar with Joy Behar.


Goddamnit, this spelling be better be good, cause finding a functional stream is a huge pain in the ass.


Get your prostate checked.


Is this where I go to watch Pittsburgh burn?


Uh, no that’s Week 2 when the Bengals/Steelers have a bench clearing brawl that results in arrests and ambulances. You know its gonna happen.


That’s not fair! Its a freakin’ trademark! How is that a spelling bee word?!

Horatio Cornblower

I bet these kids suck at Scrabble because none of them can spell words that are seven words or less.

King Hippo



I’ll hazard a guess here…you never won a spelling bee.

Pack has tied it up, still loaded with nobody away.

Horatio Cornblower

Won my school in 7th grade, came close to the city championship.


Knew it. Back to your locker, nerd.

King Hippo



Actual conversation at work:

“How did this happen?”
“I sent you an email a week ago saying it would happen. You didn’t respond until last night.”
“Is there a way we can improve this process.”
“I suggest reading your damn emails.”


I hope you were participant “b”.


No, I was A, the one who had to throw out my entire day’s plans and to bail them out.


I meant B. Where’s that Edit button!

Horatio Cornblower

“You told me something that surprised me today; it turns out you have a social life!”


I think the pronouncer slurred that word.


Haven’t turned it on yet, but I’m picking the kid who wasn’t born in this country.


For WCS for motivation/relaxation/preparation. Assuming he even shows. Ever since that kid came he’s got no time for us.


I sure like to rivet her girder, if you know what I mean.


Oh and bonus…I’ll now know how to spell Pittsburgh for the rest of my life.


SIDEBOOB H….is what I’m saying.


Wait a minute? The word “Pittsburgh” was in that picture?!


Da fuq part of the picture were YOU looking at?
And granted, there’s no wrong answer.


I was looking at the boobs. You’re the one looking at the shirt!


T I T T S (buzzer)

King Hippo

Listening to a blacked out el beisbol contest on the radio takes more concentrate than my pill-addled brain is really capable of.

But hey, no Tim Fucking McCarver. Serious, skull fuck that dipshit.


You seem agitated. I mean more so than usual.
Talk to me Goose.

King Hippo

eh, nothing specific. just annoyed and old.


I can relate.
If it makes you feel any better (it won’t), ‘Canes just jumped on the Pack 2-0 3rd. I’ve not yet broken things. But the night is young.


Speaking of Emilio Estevez…I give you a clip from one of the top 5 movies of the 80’s…


So Trump or Clinton is going to be president, my Reds are historically bad and the Bengals have learned nothing from them Ultra Hyper Kamehamehaingly Derping away a playoff loss.

With respect to this threads title, my life is certainly dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupes.

King Hippo

HillyBob will be good-to-very good and you will NEVAR admit it!!


I can’t get past her Cruz-like I’ve-Never-Met-You-And-I-Don’t-Know-You-Personally-But-I-Kind-Of-Want-To-Punch-You-In-The-Face personality.

Not that I would insult her by comparing her to Ted Cruz. That would be too far.


Spelling bees, basketball, hockey…PFFFFTTTT! Maybe you should be watching Ally Sheedy on the Canadia ShowTime channel. The movie is “Client Seduction” and I can’t wait for the part where she knocks the socks off Emilio Estevez.


[watches for a while]

Huh. Ally Sheedy is not a good actress.

King Hippo

“High Art” was still good. Well, at least certain parts of it ,, smh


That six year old is a sucker bet.


“He actually came second.”

So…what are you saying? He’s a caring lover?

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Given the number of people at that orgy, I’d say it was still pretty selfish.


That’s so stupid. From my experience, there’s only one cummer every time.

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