Howdy, folks! After two weeks, we at last have enough data to start breaking down our readership once again! Thanks to all of you who took the time to participate. And thank you for not skewing the sets too badly this year. Much appreciated.
As always, these are interactive pie charts – if you’re on a desktop browser, just mouse over the slices to see more information.
Ah yes, overwhelmingly 30-50 males as the core demographic of this site. Such surprising results here, truly.
We’re coming from a diverse number of occupations to [DFO], but it’s interesting to see that the second-largest slice of pie belongs to those in the field of education – which also includes myself. Figures that those of us around children all day are the most inclined to spend their evening free time pantsless and boozing with internet denizens. That’s just good logic there.
Once again, our American slant is extremely noticeable, with the California contingent leading the way as the most frequent readers of this site. In second place is the North Carolina contingent, although that may actually prove to be King Hippo and the Wee Baby Seamus just repeatedly submitting for the two of them.
If anyone wants Canadian/world data, I can post charts in the comments thread.
Of all the teams in the league, the ones with the most fans on [DFO] are the Bears, Packers, Broncos, and Steelers. A number others got only a paltry amount of votes – maybe we need more #content on them? Or maybe we just need BOLTMAN to smite the undeserving heathens into UNDYING ALLEGIANCE to the new Chargers. Haha, who the fuck am I kidding, nobody’s gonna watch them.
TV still seems to rule the day when it comes to watching games. I think next year I’ll be adding in a category to ask whether or not viewers are watching on RedZone – personally, I watch almost every afternoon game through RedZone; I think it’d be some interesting info to find out.
When it comes to the Internet, many of you still seem to be single-taskers. I have TweetDeck running a single column on the side of my screen, but my laptop still is dominated by [DFO] most every day. I don’t know what that makes me, other than an outlier.
Lots of baseball, college ball and hockey fans here. Soccer, when you add together all the various factions available here in the list – of the EPL, European leagues, MLS, and more – also has a large devoted following. The AFL also has a not-insignificant following on here – which I will attribute fully to Balls’ excellent AFL Beat posts. A great way to follow a sport that’s played at literally the exact opposite time the vast majority of our lives are happening.
The biggest takeaway from this whole survey, though, is that even with all the content produced – which is very popular, believe me folks, it’s yuge, the greatest stuff you’ve ever seen – amongst everything we produce here online, the Open Threads, which are dominated by you, the Commentist Party, are still the biggest attraction to here. Thank you for continuing to be as funny, engaging, and intelligent as hell. Here’s to another year of no pants, dick jokes, and hanging out as part of a fantastic online community. Cheers to you all.
Just letting you all know that the .4% who had HRTN as a favorite was not me. My self-loathing doesn’t allow that much indulgence.
Looks like we could get a good showing for an East Coast Party… NC and VA/DC… ROANOKE OR BUST!!!
I appreciate that in terms of Lesser Sports, “Your mother’s ongoing quest to break the World Midget Gangbang record” got exactly as much support as MMA and Lacrosse
How can we have 1/2 of a person being a cricket fan?
Oh, sorry; that question answers itself.
“Those without so much circle jerking oh wait that’s all of them. Also speed of site access which is apparently controlled by crippled guinea pigs.”
Well, that’s interesting; I guess we have a YouTube commenter.
This is fun and all, but seriously: How are we going to monetize this? I’ve been part of small but loyal and clever bands before, and the problem always ends up being that people have no time for it compared to family and means of gathering money to pay for goods and services. So if we can at least neutralize the money part, we can ignore that family bullshit and keep on making dick jokes.
This site is built on attorneys billing hours for spending time on DFO. That’s as good as its gonna get.
Speaking of, i dispute the % for Law. That’s way too low.
Oh! Oh! I can open the Oregon office of DFO, LLC.
We kick the doors of justice open, and then afterwards we all go for a damn snack.
Well for Taxes it better be based in Deleware
You know how I know someone is a vegan/crossfitter/attorney….
I’m planning on HRTN: The Motion Picture. It will inevitably lead to a brutal series of lawsuits, broken friendships, homicide attempts and at least one drug-induced high-speed chase with federal authorities, but at least we’ll all have a DVD to remember the good times by.
72 responses, 1.6% in AZ….
Holy shit! The 15% of a brother I thought I consumed in the womb is back! And he’s in my state! And he’s not a fan of this place being one big fucking circle jerk, too!
72? There literally DOZENS of us!
Hey! Warthog is in North Cakalaky, too. So too, Armed and Hammered??
Struggling to pinpoint the other fellow rebs, tho…
All right, who wrote the circle jerk comment? I’m looking at you… shit, it could be any of us.
Oh man! Funny comments! I love how hilarious everyone here is! It’s amazing! UH-MAZE-ING! Am I right? Jeeze! Someone give this group an Oscar!
That is almost word for word what gets said here ALL the time. Iknowright!
How many responses were there?
If my math is correct, 72.
72 in all. Damn good math there, Balls.
Stats Mistress Dok is on the prowl, lock up your linear regressions and correlation coefficients!
So we’ve officially decided that Puerto Rico is not part of the US?
“When in Rome…”
-The Man
So I guess I’m the only member of DFO’s Nebraska contingent
Oh good, then I’ll ask you. What’s the deal with Farmer’s Only being a mainstream dating site now? And does it bother you that it’s probably for like, people looking to GROW a relationship?
I would have gone with CULTIVATE there, but then again, I’m a sophisticated urbanite
Get. Out.