Your “It’s 4 Weeks Until the Draft!” Thursday Evening Open Thread


Start predicting how the Browns will waste all those draft picks.

NFL News:

  • In a bid to force Boltman’s appearance at his Hall of Fame induction (to kill all in attendance),  LaChargers have appointed LaDainian Tomlinson as a special assistant to the owner.
  • A.J. McCarron isn’t going anywhere, according to Marv Lewis, who also isn’t going anywhere, thereby ensuring the Bengals aren’t going anywhere in 2017.
  • T.J. McDonald just made his off-season rougher by acquiring an 8-game suspension for substance abuse, ensuring whichever team signs him can’t use him right away.
  • Deadspin (I know, I know) collected the numbers, and it seems Oakland will still owe $163 million on their facilities after the Raiders and Warriors leave their East Bay homes.
    • which should help the A’s get a new home right away.
    • apparently, CBS wants Phil Simms to retire, only to replace him with Tony Romo alongside Jim Nantz, if Romo ends up being released.
  • In a fan vote, supporters of the Indoor Football League’s Salt Lake Screaming Eagles prevented the team from signing former Cowboy & active asshole Greg Hardy.
    • at this point, I’d joke about how his only option now is to keep driving north & show his passport at the border, but the CFL has blocked all teams from adding him to their negotiation lists.
      • it happened in 2016, when the Green Riders tried to add him to their list.
“Inaugural season” – your mark of quality!

I do apologize for linking to Skip & Shannon, but God bless Michael Bennett for asking the REAL questions, like how the FBI can find Tom Brady’s missing jersey so quickly but not Tupac & Biggie’s killers after 20 years.

Finally, a very good long read from Michael Rosenberg over at It is a sober analysis at the factors keeping Colin Kaepernick from being signed so far this off-season.

  • He avoids the knee-jerk summation that it’s racism, but does delve into how exactly Mike Glennon is worth $19 million per, but Kaep can’t even get a sniff, and it’s not just because people love giraffes.
  • Also, they talk to Jim Harbaugh & Chip Kelly (was Jim Tomsula too busy?), and both have nothing but honest praise for a guy who does his job despite all the other noise, which has taken on meme life of its own.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • Islanders at Flyers – 7:00PM | Sportsnet
    • Stars at Bruins – 7:30PM | NBCSN
  • NBA:
    • Cavaliers at Bulls – 8:00PM | TNT / Sportsnet1
    • Rockets at Trail Blazers – 10:30PM | TNT / Sportsnet1
  • NCAA:
    • NIT Championship Game:
      • Georgia Tech vs. TCU – 8:00PM | ESPN
    • College Baseball:
      • Mississippi State at Mississippi – 8:00PM | ESPNU

With the next couple of evenings being Sexy Friday & Final Four semis on Saturday, looks like I’ll see you Sunday night for Wrestlemania! C-M-PUNK! C-M-PUNK!

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Per Deadspin:

“Megatron’s Butthole” Is Stopped Up

It would seem to me that the opposite is true, that it’s gaped open and they can’t keep it from shitting all over everything else.

Meanwhile, it seems that everyone who still refuses to see Penn State razed and the earth salted and every administrator and trustee to ever serve and still living flayed and sacrificed to the elder gods is still fucking despicable and abetting in the continued perpetration of absolute evil.


Fuck everything.

Oakland should make the Raiders foot that $163M bill in order to keep playing in an emptied stadium before moving. It’s the only fair and just course, so of course, it will never happen.

Senor Weaselo

Has everyone realized that every single episode of Family Feud is “white family vs. minority family” by now?


How I spent the last few hours:

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Sure, why not?



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Artist conception (very accurate) of what I have done for the last few hours.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Anyone for some seven-card?


Ahoy hoy


Bon Voyage Manana.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Without the ~ it is a male banana.


RVD looks super old in the indies and that makes me sad. At least he gets to come out to “Walk” again.

Shogun Marcus

Damnit pantera, I told you to clean your room! Aww is pantera gonna go cry now?


god damn, i will never not think of that bit!

Shogun Marcus

Yeah it never fails.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Roommate Commander, on her way out the door: Alright, I’m gone for the weekend! Take your pants off!

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Senor Weaselo

At least she knows and understands you.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Few outside this group do.


And $0.25 is the price of admission to the secret cam show she set up. Notice any suspiciously placed and large teddy bears and/or smoke detectors?

Shogun Marcus

Good hustle, she has it.


Luckily, Detroit’s awfulness is pretty much sealing the fate of the Flyera.
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Brick Meathook

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Must’ve been that bean I ate. Definitely not my homemade bathub fireball


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Seems legit…


Act now, and get a free small intestine with any order!

King Hippo

I wonder how much skin you can order before they start asking questions?


I could totally see giving Romo a shot in the announcing booth.

Let’s not act like there is a fucking high bar of success he has to strive to achieve in the NFL announcing booth.

King Hippo

hey, if it gets rid of Pheeeeeel…

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Looks like CHIKARA. CHIKARA is different.
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

So Rikki apparently slept with Indoor Football League’s Salt Lake Screaming Eagles and the kept the neighbors awake.

King Hippo

2 TDs FOAR horny toads, a mere rouge FOAR bees at the first break. Oh yeah, Hippo gon’ fall asleep.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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So Pence’s agreements with his wife truly show he is not the best Pence in the US. Perhaps Hunter Pence should be VP.


He definitely has a “watches you while you sleep” vibe.

King Hippo

A horny toad seeks to become #69 in the land. Seems right, don’t it?? Plus, fuck the ACC.


Wayne Simmonds with a Gordie Howe hattrick after wrecking Anders Lee.

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Senor Weaselo

A natural Gordie Howe hat trick, at that.


5-0 Flyera
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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

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I wish I could banner this.


The Flyers are up 4-0 after 10. These motherfuckers are going to get within a point of making the playoffs just to make it hurt.


Ahhh Winnipeg Jets syndrome, I know it well.

King Hippo

Traitor Michael Flynn is offering to testify against the other traitors in exchange FOAR immunity!

King Hippo

Yeah, I’d like to see the debt collector ride dirty all up on the Raiders and demand that $163M…

/also, The Giraffe got $19M because he’s goddamned awesome

//or more realistically, he just doesn’t have a well-established ceiling yet, whereas one knows you won’t get anything more than a significantly below-average starter out of Kaep

///also, why can’t MOAR blacks be like that nice DangeRUSS fella ,, smgdh??

Shogun Marcus

Watching jeopardy makes me angry that they don’t do tryouts the old-school way.


Let’s start the night off with Kota Ibushi killing a man: