As I was creating this post, I realized that this is the 690th post I have created for DFO and that reminded me of a once powerful and influential radio station in Southern California called The Mighty 690.
The Mighty 690 was actually, as the number can attest, an AM station that played music, which is pretty rare. Music people will tell you that the FM frequencies are usually better able to transmit musical sound than the AM frequencies.
Back in the early 80s, the Mighty 690 had the call letters XETRA and broadcast out of Tijuana, Mexico. Its signal was so strong (77,000 watts) that it could cover most of Baja, Southern California, and southwest Arizona. It played a Top 40 format which, back in those days, included plenty of new wave music, so it was an important source of new music for much of that very large area.
The Mighty 690 had a sister station in 91X, a FM station with the same call letters (XETRA) and also broadcasting out of Tijuana but on the FM band. That particular station deserves a separate post as it was a legendary station rivalling KROQ in Los Angeles in influence and cultural significance.
But that’s a story for another time.
The Mighty 690 changed formats during the 80s and became one of the first all-sports talk radio stations in the United States. Jim Rome got his start there and it was the home of Lee “Hacksaw” Hamilton for decades.
Whenever you hear your local sports talk idiots clogging up your airwaves, remember that it all started out of what essentially was this song personified:
As for last night’s game, there wasn’t one so I’ve got nothing to say about that.
Without further ado, here are the Top Twenty Five Pics of The Week:

And now, for the music!
As I mentioned before, I’ve decided that I must take up the mantle that tWBS ran with and help to make this world a better place. I will do this in the one way he couldn’t: By introducing you to good music!
Since no one guessed the secret link last week, I am replaying the group of songs! Please check out this selection of good songs and see if you can determine what the hidden link is between all of these songs.
Song Number One:
Canción Número Dos:
Chanson Numéro Trois:
Canzone numero quattro:
Canção número cinco
Seigarren zenbakia:
Let me know in the comments if you want me to give you hints. I’ll give up to three hints.
That’s all for this week, folks! Be good to each other and try to stay the fuck away from stupid people. That’s not COVID-19 advice, that’s just general good sense. See you next week!
Back in 1982 after I lost my radio job I drove for a transportation company. They had a monopoly. They had taxi, dial-a-ride, paramedics, they had every fucking thing.
They also had this deal with Sante Fe railways AND Union Pacific.
Anyway, we had this one route where we drove a van on 20 minute intervals. First stop was the El Rancho Motel In Barstow, Ca and yes it was as glorious as it sounds.
The idea was you pick up the “Rails” guys who worked the railroad and you took them from their layover motel, hence the El Rancho, and you drove 10 minutes to get them to the “hump yard.” That’s a switching facility in Barstow that still exists to this day. You get there and you wait for any Rails that just got off duty and took them to the hotel. Repeat ad infinitum.
Many times there were no people on either end but we were contracted to be there every 20 minutes. Our shop called this the “Sante Fe route.” Yes, it was union and yes it was monotonous as fuck.
When I first started I worked graveyard shift and I filled in for the bar crowd doing “taxi.” I gassed up the dial-a-ride cars and I spent 20 minutes after the first 2 hours, 40 minutes for the lunch break and 20 more minutes for the last break relieving the poor bastard who did the Sante Fe Route. For a living!
Oh shit. Lost my point.
I listened to the Mighty 690 all night long!
First time I heard the B-52’s
A) the B-52s are amazing and a lucky friend of mine just got some of their original vinyls for free
and B) These cab stories are gold, consider doing them on the reg as a column? I would read
I haven’t scratched the surface.
For instance: the route to the hump yards was this flat straight route that wound just north of the dried Mojave River beds on a flat route for about 3 miles.
One of our guys used to smoke a joint and drive by using his foot on the wheel and a broom handle on the gas pedal.
I second “Yeah Right’s Taxicab Confessions”
Yeah, that’s probably gonna happen.
I know we don’t have better things to do during Covid, so I can only assume that we’re basically done at 10 pm PDT, 1 am EDT, is because we are mostly old and sleepy
I’m thinking East Coast is asleep. West Coast is… watching TV?
Mongolian Time Zone though, gotta watch out for those guys.
Hell, bk109 should be having breakfast atop his tank right about now…
Kyrgyzstan is nuts right now
10 PM PDT is when I first check in.
Brick and I are from the same spirit tribe!
What’s up Playa?
I mean Playa Del Rey.
Greetings from the hood!
I got live music every weekend from the restaurant across the street who set up outdoor seating!
youngest right is coming up on Sunday and wants to visit the Long Beach Aquarium but I’m still crowd sensitive.
Yeah that’s a tough one. Maybe visit Wilmington!
Last time I took my kids to Wilmington was to show them the murder scene from a murder one juror trial I was the foreman for.
Has it improved?
I just drove through Wilmington a week ago for work. No, it has not.
Cool family story: both of my girls were Girl Scouts.
Shit, Eldest Right earned a silver award which is second only to a gold award of course.
Bloody Metallurgic discrimination.
And she got her award by raising money through bake sales, and various sales to help the underfunded girls in Wilmington.
They raised enough money for the girls to earn their “Try-its” which helps them rise up through the girl scout ranks.
Damn right.
Yeah, we’re trying For All Mankind on the recommendation of a friend.
About the (alleged) moon landing? That’s one of the best ever made. Also the more recent In the Shadow of the Moon.
I think we just have fewer late night people than we used to, and I’m guilty of that as well
There’s a criminal meth shortage in this country, fewer late night tweakings. OR SO IVE HEARD.
I recorded the shit out of the AFL tonight, Geelong and Brisbane?
Oh yes.
I’m watching it live. Might be the last game of the season for my boys.
Good luck out there.
Porn is a kind of TV.
Hey some of us have beers to drink
It’s true that drinking and typing at the same time is super difficult
I just got home, finished laundry and a bottle of wine and smoked some of this and that and I’m here dammit!
I stand corrected, this is a shift change lull, not an actual lull. Carry on!
West Coast!
I am old and sleepy. And Grumpy, Dopey etc. I am all of the dwarves at once. I contain multitudes!
Sounds like somebody needs to wake Happy.
What about Horny?
– Gumby
He’s not Bashful. I always thought the 8th dwarf that no one talks about was probably Sleazy.
I gotta say, this one is giving me some ladyboy vibes.
I think it’s just shitty makeup, why nude lipstick for example?
Yeah, the makeup is super bad drag queen.
Or New Jersey Housewife. Same thing, really.
We don’t have laugh reacts, but I totally snorted at this 😛
Kate Upton’s non-union Mexican equivalent
I just remembered Joey Harrington playing the piano and started laughing
Team Big Love says, “Frig it, we’re going long.”*
*They can’t swear
They also can’t get long.
Nor can they debate length vs girth in plain language
My brain just reminded me that I used to curse at people in German a lot. I should start doing that again, you scheissekopf sweinhund!
TIL that the El Camino is an edgy car in Deutschland
I’d have still been a loser
Loved that series!
The songs all mention European cities?
BALLS! I’m guessing the theme here!
Nicely done!
Yay! It’s been a great DFO day for me! First HRTN and now this. I feel like a star, baby!
I was supposed to look beyond the pictures?
These aren’t egregious. There are plenty of natural boobs that look like this at times, and more that look like this with the help of editing
I appreciate many bewb types. These are fine. Saggy boobs are good too. Small ones. Mega size. But, it’s all in your preference.
Ejections make me smile, too.
3rd and 31? JV NFL BLITZ!
What, like if Boltman had boobs?
*does quick google search*
oh, oh no. I like my idea better.
NFL COVID testing, personified:
Posted on twitter, tagging a bunch of people from the cast:
Danny DeVito was/is a Bernie Bro.
In semi-related news, that dipshit’s campaign managers are running dark money super PACs. And my username could not be more relevant.
Still cranking it at 70+ wpm with 2 mistakes boyos
Meh, I won’t be impressed unless you show me Mario teaches Typing or Typing of the Dead results
Do I have an original CD-ROM of Typing of the Dead? Yes. Is it the Dreamcast version with special Dreamcast keyboard? No. Can I find it right now? …also no.
Did I ever get past the second stage? Also no.
I still have the Dreamcast GD-ROM, but have sadly misplaced my Dreamcast keyboard. I wonder if I can play it with the Samba de amigo maraca controllers? ?
How much and how late is too much and too late for a
thirdtwelfth helping of gin? Asking foar a friendYou’re still typing straight, so not yet.
Gin makes me angry, so….drink up and let’s go.
Gin makes everyone angry
As long as you can spell ‘gin’ and don’t have to drive or do an Olympic balance beam routine in the next 6 hours or so you are good to gin!
What’s the hidden theme?
Pelvic bones?
Fun fact: I Googled “twbs kid gif” and that came up instantly!
He would be so proud
Also, literally nothing in this picture occurs in nature

Yup. That football is not real leather.
Nor is it real pig
Look. We should appreciate those who give us things to appreciate. And I appreciate her.
Fuck Covid. And fuck anyone that refuses to wear a mask in an office building elevator. You’re a piece of shit.
I’m thinking we should get these people to wear bells, like they used to do with lepers
Everyone has tic tacs in their pockets. Fresh breath and we can hear everyone coming.
Fun fact, I was awful at swallowing pills as a kid, so my parents trained me with tic tacs. If I could swallow one, I could eat one. Wint-o-green for the win!
Man, I haven’t stepped foot in an elevator in forever. I can’t imagine having to go into a high rise office right now.
Just the one?
Go with extremely short jorts. Then let her bargain you down to the comparatively less embarrassing version of no pants
Dude, I’ve been Donald Ducking it since March!
As soon as I was allowed to work from home, the pants went off. I’ve been working from home in my underwear since spring. Even during Zoom/Teams meetings.
As was I. But on clear cloudless nights, you could pick up 91X at home. I loved it!
Every road trip down south, the station changed as soon as we passed the Big Boobies of San Onofre.
91X was SO EXOTIC (and better)
So true!
Went down to SD area one night with a group of people; we camped out outside a Wherehouse to buy tickets for the Depeche Mode Rose Bowl show, logic being that SD Wherehouse would have shorter lines than a LA/OC store. Seats were still pretty mediocre, but at least I did not get laid.
That was a bold strategy and it definitely paid off!
Got to see Depeche Mode, OMD, Thomas Dolby, and Wire. And it started raining during Blasphemous Rumours. And again, got nothing. Maybe less than nothing.
That Rose Bowl show is legendary. I tried and couldn’t get tickets. Your SD strategy was wise.
You actually took a date and nothing? That woman should be shot. That was a once in a lifetime show.
Thanks for defending me! Nah, went with a group. I think there were 8 of us. And at least two of the other guys were gay, so maybe I shoulda tried there. But the show was amazing and became a whole thing on DVD.
I like how you say, “at least”.
We all worked at Disneyland together. Looking back, I ain’t lying. One of the guys “dated” girls but seemed awfully effeminate himself. Either way, I was the most masculine guy there, and it was strictly by default.
Was 91X the Mexican radio station started by the goat testicle implant guy?
I’m going to say yes because I really want that to be true.
You would probably enjoy this book, I read it a few years ago in Aruba, fine beach reading. https://books.google.com/books/about/Charlatan.html?id=RmzmygZwVL8C&source=kp_book_description
That’s awesome! I’ll check it out!
Im here to eat sambal and kick butt and I’m all out of sambal–wait, I’m all out of sambal?!
I got some roasted garlic achar if that helps?
Hmm, but with the current USPS slowdown it probably wouldn’t get here in time.
(had to look up sambal)
Seems spicy and foreign, like terrorist food.
Just think of it like Southeast Asian mayonaisse. Except without any eggs, or oil. And with more chiles.
The saddest thing about domestic US terrorists is the fact that their sole contribution to the culinary arts is their Aunt Sally’s secret of putting raisins in the potato salad
Which should be a capital crime.
I feel I shouldn’t have to ask, but was it like this?

Rick, Ricky, Rich, Dick, Dicky, and Mitchell are all alternative forms of Richard. WEIRD.
And yet not Chard, or Hard!
Thanks for the memory lane trip re: Mighty 690. Listened to it since late 70s I guess?
Called in to Jim Rome’s show once when he was on nights. Told him UCI >> UCSB since he’s a Gaucho. No regrats.
3rd and 29? JV NFL BLITZ!
Have a pint glass with this slogan, also the only sentence on my curriculum vitae.
From Mancini song, to insulation spokesperson, to this
“Hard as diamonds” – The Inspector
This is basically a summary of how I’ve flirted since college
The only thing I know about this chick is that she charged OBJ like $3,000 or $5,000 a night and for some reason I felt compelled to share even though I’ve seen more lifelike all CGI photos.

Good for her, sex work is legit work
Should have taken more, if ummm, there was OBJ preferred activities involved.
I’m guessing there were some interesting contract negotiations involved
That should be on the DFO Party Platform!
No Peace until there’s No Pants!
Sex Work is Legit Work!
I’m sure there’s more…
We should figure this out. I would be shocked if we can’t beat out the Green party with just those two planks alone.
Jim Rome got his start there
I listened to that guy in syndication back in the mid-late 90s. Kind of fun, but very repetitive and tiresome after a short while. Is he still around? I think I see him occasionally on ESPN or Fox sports.
He thought the Who’s SB halftime show was the bestest, and that Prince’s was just okay, so I assume he’s in Hell.
Anyone who thinks that is already living in their own self-made Hell
He was on syndication up here until a couple yeats ago. I believe he was on CBS radio for you folk.
He was such an insufferable bastard. I hate him and 690, who was still sucking the tits of the Chargers last time I listened.
found a funny:

North Playboy? What’s that?
West Vagina?
Country roads, take me home…shit now that’s stuck in my head with this slight lyric alteration
Who is Peter North?
“Fucked the dog”?
What’s up dog?
I’ve started rewatching the HBO Spawn series for no real reason, and those Todd McFarlane openings are rough. Maybe I’ll switch to The Maxx instead

I’ve never heard that Sam Kieth was an asshat, so good call.
Is The Maxx streaming anywhere? That series was incredible.
The Wolfman got his start at XERF-AM at Ciudad Acuña in Mexico, a station across the U.S.-Mexico border from Del Rio, Texas whose high-powered border blaster signal could be picked up across much of the United States. See the first youtube video I posted at bottom.
The FCC hates this one weird trick!
I wonder why there were no pirate stations out of Canada back in the day.
wikipoodia says we used to border blast THEM. U-S-A! U-S-A!
And they responded with Celine Dion.
You’re my non-union Illinois equivalent
New HBO cutie
It’s all about mandatory communist labour on behalf of the state.
Nice try. I like the idea, but no.
My favourite picture this week is Redshirt’s. I crack my ass up every time I see it
It’s a shame you can’t banner it like a quote
Good man!
More of The Buns From Brazil
She’s delightful! And she’s got skillz too!
Only one? Well, then. Maybe there’s one or two in this week’s collection.
(Some NSFW)
Wu-Tang is for the children.

That’s making it in next time!
Whooops, scrolled past Balls’ post of this song, too late to edit. I blame day drinking.
I hope you didn’t scroll past the ladies. There’s some serious quality there.