Your Reverend/Revanchist (Bills/Chiefs) Tussle and Open Thread

Gimme some more of that sweet, sweet divisional playoffs action. We all deserve it. Thing is, and this is odd for me, I don’t want either of these teams to lose. They’re fairly likeable (yes, I know-Beasley, Tyreek and Andy may be excluded here to varying degrees) and play a brand of wide open football that non-fans of the teams can enjoy. A Shield’s wet dream, unfortunately. Damnit! I fell for it again, didn’t I?

To The Game!


-Despite these formidable D’s this looks like an old-fashioned shootout, doesn’t it?

-But, It Was The Steelers: Mahomes was back to his old slinging self last week to the tune of 404 yards and 5 TD’s.

-Anything You Can Do: Allen wasn’t far behind, carving up a phenomenal Pats D as though it was a patsy that Alabama scheduled early in the fall. Will there be a letdown or is Buffalo a ridiculous juggernaut on a roll?

-I do feel that one other Bills wr will have to step up today other than Diggs and my money is on the slowly improving, evolving Gabe Davis. Mackenzie and Beasley are chain movers and that’s all well and good but Davis can run intermediate and long routes and get separation.

-Chiefs Wildcard?: I’d go with Jerick McKinnon, the guy who racked up 142 scrimmage yards last week. Why the hell would K.C. move away from a sequence of plays that was so obviously successful?

-Buffalo reminds me a lot of Cincy in that they are in the process of vanquishing old foes that had been obstacles for years. The Bills are much further along that path but they do need to get past the Chiefs in a playoff game.

Your turn!



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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem



You know…I think this game is pretty exciting…


Have the helmet tags and sideline paint in fact stopped hate and ended racism?

Mr. Ayo

You might be surprised.


…he was not

King Hippo

oh, sure, NOW you want to show burst, CE-H


If Eric Bieniemy isn’t a Head Coach next season, there needs to be an investigation.

Col. Duke LaCross

Has anyone even interviewed him yet?


Sleeping On Bieniemy

King Hippo

Donks are the only franchise who has (because we interviewed like 10 dudes already)

Horatio Cornblower

“Reid was able to walk out under his own power”

-Police chief, talking to reporters outside of a destroyed Golden Corral


LOL, I just got word from the guy in the office that was supposed to run my equipment for me on the first three days of training (I am not allowed in the office due to my covid case) has come down with Covid.

So this training should be interesting.

I’m assuming I can get away with not wearing pants.

The Maestro

As a consultant, if you’re clever enough with your contract language… I would imagine that you could probably just do that on a regular basis if you wanted to.

King Hippo

Do you think Napoleon would have a complex about having a complex named after him?


who cares, short people are irrelevant


lol manlets…


just cuz Murray and Wilson are out of the playoffs now…

Don T

Anything to feed “It’s all about Little Moi”

Don T

Ah, that’s a punt
/tilts glass, sucks ice


Looks like a Balls comment, but replace punt with a rhyming word and replace glass with ass and replace ice with ass


Andy Reid requested Meatloaf be on the bumper music playlist.


in the Reid house meatloaf never dies


He didn’t realize Meatloaf was a music guy


BeerBrother is watching the game at an Irish pub outside Seattle. They topped his Guinness with a dog, like fancy pants insist on for their coffee.

Don T

That bartender has gifted nails


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Jb Smoove…go to your room.

Clipboard Jesus

Halle Berry…go to my room

Doktor Zymm

Don’t mind a lesser KC D, but don’t want Mathieu to be broke-brained.

Don T

Blue tent team is on it!
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Why would anyone think its ok to get that close to a wild animal

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Horatio Cornblower

Looks like they were off the trail and doing something stupid when it started. People like that deserve to be trampled.


People are stupid.


It happens all the time. It’s like they think they’re at Disneyland.


I did a job assigned for Disneyland once. Oh my god are those people intense. As a contractor, I had to agree to a specific hair style (especially no facial hair). I was to NEVER be above ground and in the rare event that I had to be above ground, I would be wearing a full costume.

My joke about being Mickey at this point did not play well at all with the people talking to me.

In the event that a child was to somehow get into the tunnels, there was a specific fashion I was to approach the child and interact with them to prevent the child from being coming more agitated.

I was to get to the park two hours prior to opening and I was not authorized to leave the tunnels until two hours after the park closed to lower the chance of a child seeing any employees or contractors out of character.

I was told that any violations to their rules would result in my employer being blacklisted from Disneyland, Disney World, Disney Cruises, and pretty much any other affiliate of the company. Do NOT FUCK with the Mouse basically.

Every single nut, bolt, and screw is specifically color coded so that their engineers can identify one on the ground and know exactly what ride to immediately secure.

A Disney theme park is pretty much the only place I would take my family. They are so intense with safety that they make the FAA look like a bunch of jackasses.


Also, the people that are the actors and actresses…holy shit they are the most attractive people on the planet. Fuck me the tunnels were weird.


Aw thanks!

(See I worked there several decades ago)

(No, I was not an actor)

(In fact, I was usually in a kitchen)

(never mind, not attractive)

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem



Suck that nut, you backwards cows!

Horatio Cornblower

Jackson Mahomes is going to be thrown out of so many bars tonight.

Senor Weaselo

So, a Sunday night?


Over/under is like 85 right?

The Maestro

I hope they quintuple the Over.


I’ve never understood ineligible man downfield.

Doktor Zymm

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Don T

Had to break out the Litre Mgick Gin after RAMMMMITTT
Gin + lime + flat tonic, in glass likely taken from restaurant
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King Hippo

I love deflated Romo and Nantz, you know they prepped to lick MRSA Dreamboat’s taint the entire broadcast.


I’d be okay with a wake for his career.

Horatio Cornblower

There are three possible careers in that sentence, and I agree with you on all three.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

“No man cometh unto the Super Bowl, but by me.”

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem


Cecil Rhodes

Buffalo Bill starting strong!

King Hippo

Singletary makes all the difference. Bills now Owl calibre.


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Doktor Zymm

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Alright Bills!
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Doktor Zymm

Maybe just way too easy enough!

Horatio Cornblower

Never punt.


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Mr. Ayo

More like Buffalo Balls


Tricky Bills

Doktor Zymm

A hearty Congratulations to the entire state of California for single-handedly making sure that any Owl matchup we get will not be infuriating! THANK YOU

Senor Weaselo

Gotta wonder what the Bloods are gonna do. On the one hand it’s red team vs. blue team, but on the other it’s also NoCal vs. SoCal. Who do you root for?


Let’s see: KC in REVENGE! mode @ KC or Buffalo at Buffalo.

Tough call.


I have a buffalo video I took myself in Yellowstone. Lemme see if I can post it.


Nope, but trust me, it was cool. It was a couple of huge buffs charging each other. The ground shook, huge cloud of dust.


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Morning rush hour traffic in Wyoming


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“This is the worst impression of Lon Chaney I have ever seen Little Squaw”.


I’m just watching the end of the Rams game now. I got kicked out to walk the dogs because I was yelling too much & too loud after the last Rams fumble.

So, I do get a nice thing this weekend.


It’s because we love you, in spite of your unfortunate Packer Problem!


Yes, it is my shame.


I work with a Rams fan. He has had Covid multiple times, and refuses to get vaccinated. I like him personally. But he needs to suffer for his lack of vaccinations.

King Hippo

Jesus Christ, I am glad I turned off the teevee box (and never checked scores) when RRRRRRRRRRRAM IT!! lined up to punt at 13-27. I’d be ded if I hadn’t.

Doktor Zymm

Ok, so all 3 divisional games this weekend have been won by the underdog in the last minute of play. Who is favored here?


KC by 3, I think

King Hippo

last I seen was KC -1.5 (started at 3)

Horatio Cornblower

So far this weekend loathsome individuals Rodgers and Brady have been sent packing. Therefore, using the transitive property, I can only deduce that infinitely more loathsome individual Tyreek Hill, (to say nothing of Andy Reid who, much like the gas giants he so closely resembles, is in a category all his own when it comes to being a dickhead), will be sent home as well.

Time to bet what remains of my 401K on Buffalo.

/goes to casino, wagers $1.84 on Bills ML


Should’ve covered that Kupp guy

Horatio Cornblower

It’s like they say, 2 corners, 1 Kupp.


My Kupp is a bit too small to cover deez nutz.


49ers – KC with a Dre/Snoop halftime show is going to be awesome!


That could actually get me to watch.


That’s Rams-BillsorBengals, my good man!

Senor Weaselo

Josh Gordon will be singing the “Smoke weed erryday” from The Next Episode.


I am already a few drinks in so this will be very reasonable.

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