Is anyone else horny, er, excited? It’s been such a wait and by golly, the scheduler-makers got this right by blasting a potential Superb Owl matchup directly into our eyeballs. (I, for one, will completely forget about this feather in their cap while being forced to watch a turgid early morning offering from London later on this year) Seems a bit odd that one of these powerhouses will exit this tilt sporting a big “L” on their permanent record.
Many, many kudos to all the folks on the site that provided content and who commented all through the dog days. It’s quite the accomplishment that all that combined effort kept this “football-specific” site alive and thriving through yet another offseason. But hey, it’s not really about the football anymore now is it? Sure, we lean that way but the talent on board has taught us all kinds of disparate things and kept commenters engaged when they might have hoofed it elsewhere. Huzzah!
To The Motherfucking Game!
-There’s so much damn star power featured here!
-I’ve mentioned it in the past but I do give a nod of the head to any team that’s this close to a championship going out and getting more ammo. The Bills grabbed Von Miller so that they have extra firepower on D and the Rams likewise grabbed Bobby Wagner and A-Rob. That’s the way you do it.
-The news broke a while ago regarding Stafford’s elbow/arm issue but I swear I’ve read about this in the past. It just didn’t strike me as that big a deal. Perhaps it was because the news was coming out of (eww!) Detroit in the past and folks forgot or didn’t care in the first place?
-We’ve got some official Pomp and Circumstance happening afore the game in the form of a Rams Superb Owl Banner Unveiling! Will there be fireworks? Will the smoke from those fireworks create a haze over the field during kickoff? I’m only asking questions.
-If the Bills win this it will be the very first time that the Rams will be under .500 at any time during McVay’s tenure with the club. Yup, they’ve won every opener and haven’t stumbled from there.
-The Bills have slightly rebuilt their o-line and should be tested by the Rams formidable front. (by that I mean Aaron Donald-who the hell knows the other guys that play on that unit?) I do think that if Donald does get a paw on Josh Allen the latter won’t go down as easily as that namby-pamby Joe Burrow did at the end of that last pertinent game that we all saw.
-Van Jefferson is out so we’ll be treated to the likes of Tutu Atwell and Ben Skrowneck(?)
-The Bills have a bit of a dilemma in that cb Tre’Davious White was sent off for PUP training and so will be gone for 4 weeks. Rook cb’s Elam and Benford-who have impressed in camp, but hey, they’re rooks-might see a wee bit more field time than they might be ready for. Advantage: Rams.
Well, I came here to drink some Genesee Cream Ale and bust some tables and I’m all out of beer. Gotta go-your turn.
Me a few weeks ago: “I have way too many snacks, I gotta eat a bunch of these before getting more”
Also me a few weeks ago: “Ooh, I should buy a giant box of Japanese snacks!”
Japanese snacks arrived today. They are delicious.
These things are “Serving Size: 1 Can” for me:
So, my iPhone is so out of hard drive space that icons are disappearing and it’s in a reboot loop.
This is bad, correct?
It’s not not bad.
The phone should be syncing and storing to its iCloud space, leaving only essential and recently used items on your actual phone. You may have to set this up if it’s not. Or, maybe it is, and your iCloud space is also full, but your phone would normally inform you of that, and helpfully offer to sell you more space.
Sorry I’m late. What’d I miss?
Horatio is watching a show about soccer and people are hanging out with their brothers, but not the way Zoolander uses brothers.
Also, Horatio, for some weird revenge-related reason, left Josh Allen on his bench while he scored 40+ points for me in one of my leagues.
Well, it hasn’t been getting too much coverage but the Queen is dead.
I spent the first half of this evening’s game playing bingo with my brothers. Which is fucking sad, I know, but I go for the company not the game. Who was the band that played the halftime show? The sound was turned off so I didn’t get a clue from that. The lead singer didn’t look especially healthy.
ETA: JFC, that was OZZY? Man, that’s sad. I’m a huge Sabbath fan and I didn’t recognize him.
When he ate bats, no one got Covid
Ppl forget that
So I’m back at My bros again.
He’s a vet with a bunch of rescue animals.
His weird sphinx cat is still here.
It’s sleeping on top of my luggage.
It’s gonna be one of the weekends they make 80s movies about
OK, gonna drink another beer and catch up with ‘Welcome to Wrexham’
Later taters.
How did that fight during the scrimmage factor into this beat down? The talk after one of these is much more entertaining than the game.
Excellent. 33.48 points on the bench. My FF touch remains unrivaled.
One of my teams I had started Buffalo D and the other I started Josh Allen. I may have finally grown my first pube tonight.
But probably not.
Fred and Petro coming up, woot!
Should Geno Smith lead the Seahawks to a win on Monday night, Imma call him Obi-Wan Genobi because he’s the Seahawks’ only hope for a winning season, who will eventually be injured by his father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former teammate 3/4s of the way thru the season.
oh, come on, everyoe gon’ be happy for Charmslinger. DONKS WOO!!!!
It’s fun to be the villain sometimes. I imagine.
Thanks for the assist, Bills.
You shall be… Avenged – YouTube
slaps everyone in the clubhouse on the ass. HARD.
/gets distracted by some bare feet
Just tuned in to see the kneel down. Did I miss anything?
Be me.
Let my mom browbeat me into taking another trip to the east coast.
Negotiate that we see the kickoff live.
Flight is delayed.
Touchdown to see two minutes left, and my sole fantasy player, Singletary, has been outlined by his qb because the universe hates me.
Same old shit
Here’s a rare picture of Eva Angelina with her clothes on
I’m on the East Coast!
I’m on long Island. I met up with senor one year. My brother has a place, here for the weekend
Let me know if you’re up for a New Haven meet-up on Saturday. I know the ferry goes to Bridgeport but also, Bridgeport.
I’ll see. I don’t do much deciding on these trips.
Plus Half my family doesn’t drink. Freaking lightweights
Okay, I saw the end of Thor: Love and Thunder. Is the game still boring?
Not anymore
Stafford has been as rosy pink as a Smithfield ham the entire game. Maybe playing a little in the preseason is a good idea?
You know who’s having a better night than Josh Allen?
That’s right, King Charles III.
Getting Camilla helmet is the pinnacle of well dammit that seems bad actually
only one way down from the pinnacle
Good God man I didn’t need that visual. Shame on you
Guys, I think Buffalo might win this game
credit to buffalo in making a 44-3 football game watchable and close for 3 quarters
We’re the couple that doesn’t touch one another.
It’s like Stafford never left Detroit.
He looks so serene and comfortable being behind 3 scores
Stats Padford should know what to do now.
such a high turnover rate youd think this was a list of mcdonalds employees
matt staff mmm turnovers
In case anybody is bored with football, the women’s tennis semifinal is going down to the wire.
MOAR turnovers than at an Andy Reid pre-breakfast!
uh….maybe don’t run your franchise QB up 3 scores with 6 and change to play?
Saff Taddort needs to get his head up on those tackles unless he wants to get Shaziered.
Lions Stafford is back!
St Louis Rams are back!
The queen is back?
Almost a GLORIOUS Fat Guy TD, but Fatthew made a no-fun fat tackle
Sudden Expected Turnaround
I’ve seen the BattleBots Champions ep and tried to get Bales-senpai to notice me. Is this game any good?
No, but the tennis is!
I guess this is why OKC Bomber thought about retiring to the TV booth?
LA crowd: just now getting to the game, or leaving now?
Getting there for the next game. Leaving from the Superbowl.
A smoking dildo?
We don’t kink shame here.
Speak FOAR yourself!!! – Other H., Apex, NC
A Zubaz wearing dildo.
and here we thought bills mafia throws dildos on the field on road games, guess not
On the bright side, RRRRRRRRRRRAM IT!!! faithful? You still play in the NFC.
rams kick returning has been bad
they need fat man returner https://twitter.com/RedditCFB/status/1568050388028329984