Random Night Open Thread – for a rainy day


I had this idea in my head and I wanted to put it on paper before I forgot it. The rainy day turned out to be the one Saturday Night before the NFL starts playing games on Saturdays.

As your favourite deejay used to say back in the day, I’ll be with you through the night, so sit back, grab a drink, take your pants off (shame on you if you had them on in the first place!), and enjoy.

Before we get to that, though, let’s do some business…


Can you guess the theme for these songs?



My New Year Resolution is to lower my Handicap Index to somewhere in the 20s and to shoot in the 90s consistently. Wish me luck!

Enjoy your Saturday night!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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clint greasewood

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Brick Meathook

Arlington Virginia
July 2023

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Out of the LDBC, time now.
PX did me in.

Brick Meathook

What do you do?

I assume it’s US military in Italy.

You don’t have to reveal any secrets (I can figure it out).


I am an Army civilian now. I support training here with 4 other civilians and 6 Italian military staff in my branch. I love the job, best one a guy like me could ever hope to score.

Brick Meathook

Right on dude

Brick Meathook

But they still make you run in the morning? Or do you volunteer?

(Note: I volunteered, and I ended up underwater for 300 days)


I now run in the morning to keep myself right. Have had far too many friends die because they let themselves go. You don’t loose your fitness – you give it away.


We coordinate training events, lay on ranges, training areas, drop zones then coordinate the logistics of it all. We also support deployment ops.

Brick Meathook

Got it. Now post something funny.


Our mascot perhaps?

Brick Meathook

Or Franklin (2000-2012) ?

He was a good man

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what a good boy!

Brick Meathook

Here’s a guy falling down the stairs in Google Streetview

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Brick Meathook

It’s Hoboken NJ

Mr. Ayo

Day #9

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Mr. Ayo

If you love black licorice, you’ll like this. I do not and hate it.

Fear not, though. I choked all of the two sips down for science.


My evening watch party:

UCLA looked mediocre losing to Villanova
Kings lose in OT to Islanders
Lakers win the Stanley Cup or whatever the thing is
UC Irvine loses in the last seconds to SDSU for the second year in a row

All in all, not great, but I’m buzzed so that’s something.

King Hippo

burning all their Ohtani swag??


That’s really it.


Seger was my first rock concert evar.

My date was my older brother.

To answer your next question, no.


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I saw him in 75? 76? One of those. I know we were in high school. I didn’t go with Gumby, but I ran into him there. He was on some weird ass drug. He came up to me, stuck his hand out for me to shake, and said something like
” gbrlolophlonk!” He had blood on him(not his) and an expensive camera around his neck that he apparently beat some guy up for in the bathroom. Reader, I married him!


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Mr. Ayo

Wow, you saw him just before I was born.

And that still makes me feel super old. I’ve been alive for 6 decades already. WTF


Imagine how old I feel! Because I’m old.

Mr. Ayo

I realized that after I posted. I blame Gumby and you should too.

King Hippo

Only downside of the marathon nightnap:


Last edited 1 year ago by King Hippo
yeah right

Ok travelers.

Talk to me about Amsterdam.


It’s a major European city, capital of The Netherlands, and hub for regional and international commerce…

King Hippo

everybody rides bikes so you KNOW theirs socialism about smh

yeah right

Good answer!


you forgot Land of Contrasts

Brick Meathook

They put mayonnaise on french fries

King Hippo

which is somehow WORSE than teh socialisms smgdh

Doktor Zymm

I haven’t been there in a while. Easy to get around, no language issues, I don’t think they let you take shrooms and go to the Van Gough museum anymore. Canals. The architecture is neat, all the old warehouses along the canals.


I have cocktail bar recommendations. DM me.


Go. It’s just a cool vibe. Except the airport. That airport blows dead whales.

Doktor Zymm

Truth. It used to be a good airport when it was new, but it’s falling apart now


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King Hippo

I was thinking that I remembered “Pop Goes the World” at least cracking the Top 40 during my maniacal youthhood radio listening and charting. I had WHOLE NOTEBOOKS full of this shit, and don’t even recall why I stopped.

The other two follow-up quasi-hits escaped me, though.

King Hippo

anytime I went to a real city, I was sooooooo jealous of the rock radio variety. Thank fuck for WKNC (excellent college station at NC State), and then for satellite radio when I left DC to come back to Cakalaky.

Senor Weaselo

*looks at Marble League final standings*
Hoooly shit, I can’t believe it.


I’m just going to assume this denotes some kind of miracle comeback by Team Galactic and refuse to face reality until tomorrow morning.

Horatio Cornblower

Just saw a radar run calling for 7.2″ of rain in my area between Sunday and Monday.

This seems less than ideal.


buss is a giatn dikc, fuck tath guy. buzz you ca en eat shit!


Yeah, I hated that kid too.


I bet he grew up and went to law school and is now a Federalist Society member.

King Hippo

Never trust anyone under 50 in a bow tie.



King Hippo

oh Mister Man, you just wait until the Ratbirds win the Owl!


i want so topend xman sloe . with me o angel dust. yup angel duest. uccuk mu family


that kid in home alone fucked tat houseup! hammer head

Horatio Cornblower

After a day spent day-drinking I’ve reached the point in the evening where things could have gone pretty badly.

But I persisted and made my usual excellent hot chocolate.

Doktor Zymm

Nice thing about the Army/Navy game, no need to feel bad about injuries because they’re going to combat which is even worse!

Brick Meathook

They’re just school boys they haven’t done shit.

Doktor Zymm

Having done shit or not I’m guessing most people prefer tearing an ACL to having their legs blown off




“I suppose there *is* something to be said in favor of familiarity when selecting a personal massage tool…” – Deanna Favre

Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

I still have some if my kid’s micro machines. I remember it sucked to step on them, like Legos. But yes, they are very cool!

Game Time Decision



youre neve too old to ge afaraid. i ger it. i’m past arfaird, more into diabolical


thechoir scenein home alone,yeah i’m tearin gup, cause it’s s so, neice. i thinkg it’s a catholic church. but ric h peopel ar enot catholic, mostly provoesteants.

Brick Meathook

Jackie Stewart with a Nikon on his head

Monaco, 1966

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Brick Meathook

Graham Hill with a Nikon on his head

Monaco 1966

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Teh fake santa is hoe home alone is the fat guy fruy!om hermas head, and also fuckin g asteroid move, wait armegodddon. fat guy!


Saitn Candy. I’m int. Fuckinf ha that guy.


I read the first tag as “Deluded Onanism” which seems more appropriate for the accompanying image.


John Candy, why in FUCK is he no t a saint? like legit confiremd by our chrush cars as a saint?


that furnace in the hoe alone fvideo ? someonw shoudl punch it in th deick


Mexican food for dinner, and three shots of padron with m brother in alw, plus staking shit from my wife.

so yeah, thing sare going well.


Brick Meathook

There’s major fireworks going off in L.A.

Did we win a championship in something or is this an invasion?


I bet they had the Ohtani deal locked up two days ago but knew they couldn’t announce it on Pearl Harbor Day.


i’m thikng peopl e fucking with eon eaother – firewaroks mean alot fo thigns

Brick Meathook

I like your thinking here.

Mr. Ayo

Weekend version of Release The Kraken!

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King Hippo

I am fine with Los Doyers making the rest of MLB their bitch. The #BFIB aren’t changing their stodgy ways, so anything that keeps the Bastard Man Small Bears in their PLACE is fine and dandy by me.

Also, I haven’t watched a baseball game since 2020. My interest is almost purely mathematical at this point.


The question is whether or not Ohtani will sell $700 million worth of tickets, and I’m pretty confident that he will.


Yeah, the investment will pay off financially. I hope it does not pay off with wins.

I guess Angels tix will be a little cheaper? (Except when the Doyers come to town.)

Brick Meathook

You mean Los Dangerdogs.

Although, imagine what a Dodgerdog and a beer is gonna cost now.

Horatio Cornblower

From a marketing perspective it’s a great deal. In terms of baseball the Dodgers just paid a DH $70 million a year for 10 years with the hope that his now 2X surgically repaired elbow will allow him to pitch regularly beginning, at best, in 2025.

Good luck with that.

King Hippo

ah hear tell that this Eddie Rabbit, he loves a rainy night


I prefer Eddie Valiant and his rabbit friend.


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That JoBoxers song is so damn catchy. They shoulda been bigger.


Unfortunately, like many JO Boxers, they got stuffed under the bed and forgotten.


“Dammit, not again!


Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

They are on the recently ousted UPenn president’s playlist as she quaffs Two Buck Chuck and vomits on the track at Franklin Field


One-hit wonders and the follow-up single/video would be my guess.


They are two- hit wonders?