I guess it’s fallen to me for now to throw some garbage thoughts together in the name of content so I’m just going to “spaghetti to the wall” it and see what happens.
Injury Alerts:
Hurts hasn’t thrown a ball yet. Is the finger dislocated or fractured? I don’t know. But I do know that he has a built-in excuse for multiple balls sailing over the heads of his wr’s. Speaking of, A.J. Brown was a no-show at practice. Whatever. Denzel Ward hurt his knee at practice as well.
-Bill Gets The Boot: Of course you know by now that Belichick is a free agent and mark it here-he’s headed to The ATL. The shitty qb, (I say they sign Browning) the good defense and the tandem rb backfield are already in place. It’s a match made in curmudgeonly heaven!
-Kawhi Leonard just signed a three year 153 mil extension and he left money on the table! He didn’t go the full four years because he wanted to free up money for George and Harden. Whatta mensch!
-Have you come across this Cutter Gauthier story? After excelling at the Jr. World Hockey Champeenships he forced a trade from the Flyers because he didn’t want to play for them. The team and media types are in lockstep, telling everyone who will listen that he ‘ghosted’ the team, in that he and his advisers wouldn’t engage in discussions or return calls. Exhibit A in Coach Recycling, John Tortorella, in his best nasally voice said to Gauthier through a reporter, “Then we don’t want you”. The schoolyard reply is strong in this guy.
-Hey, there’s only one game in the NHL that features two teams under .500 playing against each other! Be sure to check out Buffalo/Ottawa.
-Coughlin Face Incoming: The weatherfolks are saying that Kansas City is going to be very crispy Saturday night and if they’re correct it’ll be the coldest game since that Giants/Packers game way back when. Tua is going to crack under (a cold front) pressure, isn’t he?
-Someone Died: Every once in a while I head over to the Wiki and check out the monthly lists of folks that have passed from this place, seeing how many I recognize. Today I saw Terry Bisson who made it to 81-he was a sci-fi writer guy and I recall reading a short piece he put together called “They’re Made of Meat”, which gave me a chortle back in the day. I looked through his works and he seems like the vast majority of writers out there that just plugged away and kept busy and never had a significant profile. He did some Boba Fett stories for the SWU, tons of short stories, novelizations of sci-fi movies (Galaxy Quest, Alien Resurrection, Fifth Element, etc.), that sort of thing. Goodbye, Terry Bisson.
-College BB: SillyCuse beat BC last night and there’s a wee bit of hope that new coach Red Autry has them on the right path. They’re beating the teams they’re supposed to beat but are getting their balls blown off by the really good squadoos. (losses to Tennessee by 16, Gonzaga by 19, Duke by 20 and Virginia by 21) Perhaps they’re catching teams by surprise because they’ve gone up tempo and there’s not a lot of game film out there just yet. Ranked teams playing tonight include Gonzaga, Florida Atlantic and Illinois.
Well, that’s it. Enjoy your evening whatever you choose to do.
Just thanking you for making me really really fricking old with the Adrian Autry as a coach reference. He was Orange before he got there!
Back in the olden times, I lived in the Bronx after college and watched Autry play a couple of games for St. Nicholas of Tolentine High School. He had already committed to Syracuse and was the class of the NYC Catholic League that year (though his teammate Brian Reese was pretty good and went to UNC . . . and [just looked this up] is apparently an assistant coach at Monmouth so that future leader of men vibe must have been strong at St. Nick’s). It was already bad enough when, about 10 years ago, I caught Lamond Murray Jr. on TV playing for Pepperdine since I was in law school at Berkeley and watched his dad catch passes in old Harmon Gym from Jason Kidd (also a coach, so there’s a pattern here).
Anyway, this has been the latest episode of “Old Man Mind Farts: Waxing On About Random Hoopers Who Played Before the Interwebs”. Someone else can find the Abe Simpson .gifs for me!
I don’t recall how to get on the slack and am signed out.
Search your email accounts for “doorfliesopen” and/or “slack” and you should be able to use that address to reset your password.
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
July 3, 2022
Lincoln had a great golf swing, ppl forget that
I’ll never understand dudes who’d rather leer at another man than enjoy a woman in the hand.
Day #20
Ugh, not good. To no one’s surprise, this one is from France.
Oh, I finished The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. It was delightful!
That’s a great read.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Okay, NO ONE caught on to the fact that it appears that Dok knows Cassandra Peterson?!?!?
I did just now, and I think we all need to be introduced.
Damn… Get an autographed poster for the Clubhouse.
Supervillainesses have social circles, too.
I took Latin in high school and I truely appreciated this scene
ts1pspoonbs (youtube.com)
Same. It was worth the three years to get the joke.
They don’t seem to offer Latin in high school these days. My kid’s high school had Japanese in addition to the “big three.”
Spanish, French, ???
Japanese is no a bad option, but Mandarin probably more useful
Latin was somewhat unusual even in my day, but the teacher was really popular and then the course was popular enough to hire a new teacher when he retired. I was originally going to take German but it was discontinued and of course I went for the even weirder language option.
German being number drei.
I’m gonna learn French soon, because I’m moving to Switzerland (Lucerne area) when Trump or Vivek becomes leader. Not that I’ll be worried for my safety (yay white male!) but everything will be intolerably stupid. And things are already pretty stupid.
Hah, good luck. French is hrmmm
This is going to be the ultimate WWE-pop when Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music starts and Josh McDaniels is revealed as Bama’s new HC.
Too much gin and wow these auto suggestions are awful but yeah too much gin to play poker well, now watching the full Life of Brian until moar bad poker
No such thing as too much. It’s all a perfectly acceptable amount until you pass out.
Fair enough, although it really is having a detrimental effect on my card playing
Always raise on a 3 7 offsuit right?
The only thing I’ve ginnily established so far is that since Elvira is a lesbian, I should send a picture to my guy friends if we ever play with each others tits. But she’s had a girlfriend for the past 20 years so nawt gonna happen.
Well this took a turn. Not a complaint, just slightly jarring.
That’s gin for ya!
Wait, she might be into a 3 way. Have you asked?
According to movies I’ve seen, you don’t ask, you just start rubbin.
I’m almost positive you either need to order a pizza or have your cable go out.
DeBoer looks like Saban’s replacement. BOW
DOWNOUT!!Wait, I heard it was Norvell.
Whatever, Seattle sports suck
Them’s the top two, but my spidey senses strongly saying DeBoer. Norvell sounds like the fallback to me.
Bama would obvs prefer DeBoner. But there were rumoUrs of a BOW DOWN coach and team meeting this afternoon that was debunked or cancelled. So apparently the negotiating is still afoot.
Boeing B-314 flying boat (BOAC Clipper Berwick) landing at Lagos, Nigeria, 1940s
You mean safely crashing
Oh I bet they have a very stable modern history then…
It’s a land of contrasts
Wait till each group figures out what groups they REALLY hate, not just moderately dislike.
TO BE FARE, 250 is a lot to pick from. But take heart, everyone will soon find their perfect match!
How are the door bolts?
Also helpful if you forget how to spell “lettice”
Or replace it with “lesbians”
Now ya got yer thinkin cap on…
I don’t think I’ll ever get over how little the Meat Puppets sound like you would expect a band with that name sound. They basically sound like Phish.
Except you can listen to Phish on Phriday.
Same for the Grateful Dead.
Biggus Dickus – Monty Python’s Life of Brian (youtube.com)
If ever I don’t laugh at that, I am deceased.
Or a lizard petson.
Person, person goddammit.
Thanks Wikipedia!
That sounds like Québécois profanities. Tabernak!
I thought “tabernac” with a c?
I thought so too, until I became a Mason and learned all the real spellings of words. Everything you thought you knew is a great big lie. It goes deep.
On the other hand, I get the Mason price of 99¢ for a cup of coffee at McDonalds (offer good once per day; drive-thru at participating restaurants only). ©2024 McDonald’s Corporation
/ Scribbles a quick note
Original Triscuits > Other Triscuits
Yeah, the flavored ones are not, um, accurate?
Original Triscuits were the fuel that fed our brave soldiers as they conquered Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. “Flavored” triscuits are preferred by people who hate America don’t know their own gender.
I’m sorry, but Hank Williams got it right:
Give me an Original Triscuit
And we won’t have to risk it!
That man was preaching the truth, folks! This is what I’m talkin ’bout! Let’s both sing it together, you & me, together in harmony. You & me. Go ahead and stick your head out the window and sing the glorious chorus, so’s they can hear it across the land:
Give me an Original Triscuit
And WE won’t have to risk it!
That’s the stuff! Keep singing that, with your head out the window and me here playin’ the gee-tar, and we can change the world! Oh my goodness gracious yes!
So I’ve been on a Taskmaster kick, and with that, I give you Balls’s new favorite song!
I love me some Alex Horne and the Horne Section!
-24 degrees F here right now.
For fuck sakes people, we go through this shit every fucking year. That stuff on the ground? Snow. Is it shiny? IT’S FUCKING ICE. There are ways to drive like a fuckhead and there are ways to drive so you live. Momentum can either help you or get you killed. WALK THAT FUCKING LINE! IT ISN’T THE FIRST TIME IT HAS BEEN THIS COLD YOU USELESS FUCKS>
So, front yard vodka = freezer vodka.
Going to get colder tomorrow and Saturday. WINTER HAS COMETH
You mean winter IS NOT HERE YET???
I went out for a dart on NYE and it was raining. RAINING!
Fire season is going to be a bitch as it took until now for actual winter to get here.
You sound like me driving around yesterday except it was just medium rain. OMG WATER FALL FROM SKY
The Gauthier story gets even worse. Some beat writer insinuated former Flyer Kevin Hayes talked Gauthier out of playing for them. In response, Hayes got death threats and other fans saying his brother Jimmy deserved to overdose and die. Tortorella called on the writer and proceeded to publicly shame him for what he wrote.
TL;DR: Flyers media and fans are the worst.
Jesus Christ…
Scratch that, Gauthier is getting the threats. Hayes was still told his brother deserved to OD though.
So he’s the new Bartman?
There are TWO real weekends of FITBAW left. So much staring at the wall and pining for the sweet release of death await.
As a #BFIB guy, that will continue for you until NFL training camps open.
(says the Angels fan…shut up, this is Rendon’s year)
heh, one of my sim teams acquired Rendon (salary cap dump by other team), I am contemplating just ciutting him. Otherwise, he’s my plaoon DH, when he’s not out injured.
So he’s your platoon DH for 3 games a year.
Also: What game you playing? Need more stupid hobbies.
Diamond Mind Baseball, here is the website for main league (been playing since I was 15):
Note to other DFO commenters:
Never follow a Hippo Link. That way lies insanity.
Not since I got that shot of penicillin.
We also would have accepted “I haven’t seen Chiefs this cold since I had cleanup duty on the Trail of Tears” but that’s borderline insensitive.
fucking banner worthy right here
to be clear, my comment wasn’t about my comment, it was about spam’s comment.
Either way.
“Dolphins so frozen even the Japanese can’t harpoon them.”
Is it Dolphsicles, or Phinsicles?
The post about Bisson makes me want to revisit the idea of an nfl centric death pool.
Man, I was ready to draft bart Starr, then the idea fell apart,
Idk, how do yall stay in touch?
I’m pulling progressively larger potatoes out of the oven as they finish baking, and each one is more decadent than the last.
First potato: butter
Second potato: cheddar
Third potato: butter *and* cheddar
Fourth potato: avocado and cheddar
Call me when you get to bacon
Slow down, Coach Reid.
Slow down,
CoachBritt ReidFTFY
I saw nothing about driving under the influence, crashing into a parked car and inflicting lifelong debilitating injuries on a child mentioned.
….. yet…
Is avocado really more decadent than butter? Inquiring minds want to know and also maybe want a nap
fuck no. because millenials love avocados and hate butter. ergo, butter is better and millenials are trash.
So apparently a grand jury in Ohio declined to prosecute a woman for not being sufficiently reverent when dealing with her miscarriage. Probably going to be the last time she uses the services of these snitches.
Thinking Meat!?
Is the KC freezer game the one they’re putting on Peacock?
Yeah, unfortunately. A few degrees or MPHs from topping the Freezer Bowl.
when jimmy g starting for the suspended dreamboat, and bill being asked what if jimmy g played better, was belichick at his most grumble of grumblelordiness, and probably my favorite singular moment of the hoodie
“…jesus christ.”
On the plus side of negative temperatures, I hear they’re good at preserving damaged back tissue
They’re pioneers in the cryostasis field!
Let’s get Sexy Friday started a day early with this smokin’ hot photo of Ron DeSantis shaking the hand of his own wife.
I refuse to believe any woman would let that man touch her in any fashion.
But seriously, I’m glad to see passion in two lovers. To Conservatives, this is the equivalent of petting.
Yeah, shake my hand! Shake the shit out of my hand!
“This is a thing humans do, right?”
Wait, I’ve got something better.
Mods, you can close this reply thread. We’re done here.
I’d vote for Kodos over DeSantis.
I’d certainly rather watch Kodos eat pudding.
Well I’m not going to top this one.
Hehehe… top
Browning is an exclusive rights free agent. If he got the Bengals to the playoffs, I could see him being flipped for a mid round pick. But I don’t see him being traded, unless a team overbids.
Part of the reason why the Bengals didn’t make the playoffs was the slow start which was because they didn’t know how the backup would do so they literally limped along with an ailing Burrow. Had they known Browning was serviceable to good, Burrow starts the season on IR-Return and Browning starts.