Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss: 2024 Carolina Panthers Season Preview

2023 PREDICTION: Bad (6-11)

2023 REALITY: Worse (2-15)

Truly a testament to the power of the human will, these Panthers. “Parity” has been the battle cry of the league since the salary cap was introduced in 1994. “Offense Über Alles” has been the official NFL religion almost as long.

And yet the Panthers manage to lose. Consistently. Painfully. The Panthers have demonstrated a commitment to sucking in the face of every advantage the modern NFL can afford them. Based on sheer chance, they should have bungled into three wins against the worst division since the 2020 NFC Least. But no: they showed a dedication to the Craft of Crap seldom seen outside Cleveland.

The specifics? An offense that ranked behind the Jets (whose entire offense might as well have ruptured its Achilles on the fourth play last year) and the Giants (who got their quarterbacks sacked so much that the NFL opened an investigation into the offensive line’s betting history).

They averaged 189 passing yards per game. To put that in a historical perspective, that would put the Panthers at or below the league average-per-game every year since 1979, when defenders were permitted by rule to slit a receiver’s throat if he went over the middle.

Teething troubles are expected with a rookie quarterback. But you expect to see at least some flash, some spark, some HINT from a Number 1 Overall pick that he belongs on an NFL field. Particularly when he cost two first rounders, two second rounders and a legit WR1.

Instead, poor Bryce Young looked like there was a horrible mix-up at the Make-a-Wish Foundation; instead of meeting The Rock, he was forced to start 16 games behind an offensive line made up entirely of turnstiles

Pictured: 2023 Panthers Guard Play

The pass defense was actually pretty good, allowing the third  fewest passing yards and fourth fewest passing TDs. Problem is that when your offense sputters out on your own 30 consistently, teams don’t need to rack up big air yards to get into scoring position. Carolina gave up a league worst 25 rushing touchdowns, despite being middle-of-the-pack on yards per rush (4.1). They also couldn’t buy a turnover, exacerbating the “dealt a bad hand, couldn’t draw any cards” issue.

Frank Reich came and went within 11 regular season games, going 1-10. His replacement, special teams coach Chris Tabor, went 1-5, including a loss to the Bears that (thanks to the Bryce Young trade) gave the Bears the Number 1 Overall pick this year.

2024 Big Damn Changes:

Carolina Panthers Team Plane Gets Stuck In Mud After Sliding Off Taxiway Following Preseason Game

New GM! New Coach! Same shitty roster, but worse!

As expected, Chris Tabor’s “50% Less Shitty Than Reich” sales pitch didn’t net him the permanent gig. Nor did Steve Wilks get a serious look, despite dragging the Panthers to a 6-6 record as interim coach in 2022.

Instead, they looked across their opponents in the undisputed worst division in football and said “Who among these luminaries will light the way to the future?” Then they chose Dave Canales of the Buccaneers, on the basis that he had experience (one year) working with fellow shortarse quarterback Baker Mayfield. In fairness, wringing servicable seasons out of Mayfield and Geno Smith (as QB coach in Seattle) is evidence Canales may in fact possess arcane powers from Unholy Sources.

They also jettisoned GM Scott Fitterererererer, architect of the trade that brought Young washing up on the shores of the Catawba. Allegedly, Fitterer was in favor of drafting CJ Stroud and was overruled by Insane Roman Emperor/owner David Tepper. However, Fitterer also gave up a second rounder for the corpse of Sam Darnold, so I’m not sure he gets the benefit of the doubt.

Fitterer was replaced by legendary Carolina linebacker Dan Morgan. Given that Morgan was part of Fitterer’s failed administration as assistant GM, I’m not sure this is going to be the Fresh Start Tepper and fans are looking for.

Most of the best part of the defense left when they traded Brian Burns to the Giants for relative peanuts.

Most of the offense returns, which is even worse.

Unless rookies Xavier Legette (WR) and Jonathon Brooks (RB) put on a better display than any sane person expects, it’s gonna be yet another dreary year in Carolina.


Honestly, it doesn’t matter. As discussed above, the Panthers can suck anywhere, anytime, regardless of the opposition. They could play in the corpse of the PAC-12 and still lose six conference games.

2024 PREDICTION: 3-14. Pray for Throwy Smurf- if he’s not murdered on the field, Tepper will have him publicly executed for the crime of Failing to be CJ Stroud.

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The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem
Feared conqueror; scholar; poet; revered holy man; professional raconteur; soldier of fortune; aloof yet thorough lover; bandit; blazing gypsy speedboat. I have been called some of these things.
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Couple more weeks, I’ll be dicking around the Clubhouse solo, picking up the post-weekend and MNF debris during the wee hours of Tuesdays.


They just said on the NFL Network that Deshaun Watson is ” cleared for contact.”

E0thvhZXsAUUnux (1).jpeg

At his next press confererence some journalist should ask Trump if he plans to pardon Samson, the Sadducee Strangler, or Silus the Syrian Assassin.

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Or ask him to give his thoughts on the “situation in Syria” or whether we should “extend citizenship to senores and senoras from El Salvador”.




Around the corner in Games and Hobbies


Found a funny:

This is the confrontational energy I want in a snack.


Planning our trip to Spain. We’ve got six full days there; am looking forward to the Dr. Mrs. trying to fit an additional trip to Morocco and Tunisia into that window.


Lot of fine rugs to vacuum there.


Gonna bless the rains?

Does she know how much sand is on that continent? The suitcases will need a good vacuuming.


You lucky bastard. I want to go back so badly.

Doktor Zymm

Gibralter is pretty neat


In some bad news, we’re pushing back a proposed trip to the UK in December for christmas markets etc back until next August. Yes, there will be no christmas markets, but by then Mrs. Sharkbait will have a sabbatical she can take, so that means 4 weeks paid. We’re thinking of posting up in the UK and taking long weekend trips to various European countries, including Spain, where Mrs Sharkbait lived for 6 months studying abroad in college.


That sounds much better than visiting dreary England in winter.

Doktor Zymm

England doesn’t really have great christmas markets anyhoo. Maybe get a train pass and hit up a few spots?

Horatio Cornblower

Friend of mine did exactly that a few semesters ago. Per his recommendation take a long weekend trip to Dubrovnik, which I refuse to believe is a city, but rather just a collection of consonants thrown together, with a couple of vowels put in to confuse the tourists.

But seriously, he said it was stunning.


That’s Rockingggg! 🇪🇸

Senor Weaselo

Just a night in Tunisia then?


Ugh, you’re making me Dizzy!


Anybody know where Brick has been?


Gumbygirl bullied him or something.


Another, who’s sub is bigger thing?


Horatio’s is pretty small.


I said I was sorry!


I just had lunch with him on Sunday. He’s alive and well.


Greetings, fellow carbon-based lifeforms with sentience.


This is my Friday at the PSAP, and all of my usual work crew is gone tonight. This is bad news for yinz.


we will not be hearing any slander against a team that has blessed us with a bounty of fruitful assets for our team da bearsss. quarterbackssss and receiversss falling like manna and polish sausage from heaven these last couple of yearsss. god bless panthers new owner tepper for making the mccaskey family look like jeff bezos starting amazon in the mid 1990s.

see yousss in the super bowl in a few yearsss, my frendtsss

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Doktor Zymm

The poor get poorer and the Bears get picinic baskets!


“And the pic-a-nic baskets, am I right, Boo Boo?!” — Yogi


Going home from work recently it was misty so I turned on the wipers. Well they flopped around like my old, oh crap, sorry. So having a free moment today I said need new wipers so I drove to “Fun Boys” for a new pair, wink, wink. The fine lad says anything else, no? That will be 50 dollars. 50 dollars? That’s right 50 bones and I installed them myself.
Fifty bucks for wipers? Cool


50 American dollars? That’s crazy. I’m mad on your behalf.


The answer is Costco.


Holy shit that’s sad.


You want to crash?


Trying to find the right balance of painkillers and tequila – I want to be numb, not dead.


No dying, Fozz. It’s a rule, not just a suggestion!


Look, we know your gig as a harbor pilot didn’t pan out, but I’m sure getting the contract to clean JD Vance’s furniture will…oh, oh, I’m so sorry, Fozz. Thoughts and prayers.


Surprisingly, sounds like the “interview” between Felony Yam Tits and Sissy SpaceX isn’t going well. They’re trying to blame either a DDOS attack or the FBI/CIA instead of their shitty platform. Shame, because there was definitely going to be important discussions about the future of mankind.

Horatio Cornblower

I’m seeing that on Bluesky since I left Twitter for the night right at 8.

Absolutely hilarious.


I’m told he sounds like Scott Malkinson.

“I’m Donald Trump I have a lisp and diabetes”.




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Horatio Cornblower

My main takeaway from this video is that there is an amazing amount of paperwork involved in any kind of arrest.

I guess I’d shoot unarmed people in the back, too, if it meant I could avoid 45 minutes of filling out TPS reports.


And we know cops were always were getting A’s in their AP English classes.


Apparently I never had a sinus infection in June. I had “viral vestibular neuritis”. That’s a fun phrase I learned today after my ENT visit.

Horatio Cornblower

I am watching a 2 hour video from a cop’s vest of my client being arrested for DUI and it is not filling me with confidence for tomorrow’s deposition.


“Your honor, you can hardly call what my client was doing in the video ‘driving,’ so how could he possibly be guilty of the charges laid before you? Now, I’d like to recall all of my surprise witnesses…”


One of those “aw shit, he totally deserved it and more” things?


The really embarrassing part is when the client starts ranting to the cop that “this charge won’t stick! I’ve got the best lawyer around, he’s gotten people even drunker than I am off! I don’t mean sexually. But by the way, he owns a sex dwarf, that’s how successful he is!”

Horatio Cornblower

Is that you on this tape!?!?


Like I could afford a lawyer who can afford a sex dwarf….

Horatio Cornblower


Horatio Cornblower

We are now in the police station and 8 minutes into a conversation about who has the best burgers in Bridgeport and why prices are so high.

Cops bought him a burger and a Coke. This is the friendliest arrest ever.


On the bright side, you might have a shot at jury nullification.

“He did it, Your Honor, but he’s just too nice a person to send to jail.”

Horatio Cornblower

Everyone involved in this is surprisingly nice.


Cops bought him a burger and a Coke. This is the friendliest arrest ever.

Tell me your client is a white guy without telling me your client is a white guy

Horatio Cornblower



I survived the weekend in Dumpsville. Festival was awesome. Get Dead, Face to Face, Interrupters and 2 nights of NOFX were the highlights.
My buddy singing Drugs are Good by NOFX at a pub’s karaoke was up there too. The locals did not know what to make of that performance.

If I didn’t get Covid from the mosh pits then I am indestructible.


They played 2 hour each night. Was superb, and yes they did play that.


The banner pic will always be a favorite.


That’s probably my favourite NFL story ever.


Refresh my burnt out brain.


Thank you sir. Below is just brilliant.

  • The story ranked among the top three most-viewed in’s nine-year history.
Horatio Cornblower

“Oh, and Penthouse tried to get them to pose nude.”


Yes! I have never been wasted enough to think sexytimes in a gross bar bathroom was a good idea. That’s a whole new level of trashed I have no desire to explore.

Horatio Cornblower

There’s no probably about it.


Nice you start these off with one of the worst teams in the league…


This is weird-about 6 months ago wifey threw a very mild criticism at me and I said jokingly, “I’m Working On It!” as a default response. It was taken from this ancient (in internet years) skit from SNL that I’d completely forgotten about.


But why is Rick Moranis, the titular Middle Age Man, on SNL? Thought he was more of an SCTV kinda guy.


Is that not Mike Myers?


Tis Mr. Myers.




/thinking about the worst team in the league this year.