TGIF! Let’s make this quick, there’s March Madness! *checks DFO bracket* Cool, cool, cool. 25th out of 26. Thanks BFC for keeping me out of last.
Survival – Personal Edition
Let’s say you’re playing around will a little flame and manage to light yourself on fire. Here’s a handy guide.
- Stop. Don’t run around flailing your arms like a cartoon character. This will only feed the fire more air making burn hotter and faster. You’ll also be breathing in more smoke, spreading the fire to other parts of your body, onlookers (don’t be offended if they’re just standing there laughing at this point), or other objects.
- Smother the fire. If you have a fire blanket, heavy wool blanket, or other bulking covering nearby, use that to wrap around yourself and pat out the flames.
- If you don’t have those or that didn’t work, you’re now in trouble. Cover your face with your hands so you don’t damage your pretty looks. Also to protect your eyes and airway.
- Drop. Lie face down to keep it from the flames.
- Roll. Back and forth or all the way around. Whatever it takes to extinguish the flames. (Except fire-ret… fire-liquid Donalds, those don’t work so well on clothing)
- Once the flames are extinguished, treat your burn areas with a lot of cold water. Do not burst and blisters and do not move charred skin. Then loosely wrap the burnt areas in dry and sterile bandages. Do not apply and creams, lotions, potions, or ointments.
- Call 911 and get yourself to a burn center. They’ll know what to do to ensure you retain as many body functions as possible and prevent infections. They might even help you save some skin.
Congrats on surviving your conflagration! Be more careful next time.
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Survival – Species Edition
Time to put the sexy in Friday!
Enjoy the weekend, folks! Alright, now let’s get to the comments!
Coffee on. You know the Chinese that made this textile didn’t put any effort into proofing the image they surely stole.
Sup. Finally coming back to America in a little bit. Did you fix everything while I was gone?
It’ll be worth it.”
-RTD, planning his Investment Club tax-extention bux picks
No, but I’d like to be.
Uber that shit!
It’s lady number 5 on fire for me here tonight. Thanks Ayo well done Sir.
If the Xavier-Illinois result is confusing any of you, remember that Xavier is a Cincinnati sports team.
Ohio St: Wins National Championship
Bengals: Sign their studs
Redshirt: Welp it’s Eeyore Time
Nah, I’m from a UC family. I’m enjoying watching those Jesuits go down.
I like Jesuits more than other Catholic (sects? that’s not right but whatever), but I really like HATE HATE HATE so this is cool.
THANK you. I blame beer. And creeping senility.
“Oh, you don’t have to tell SonOfSpam about enjoying watching Jesuits go down.” – altar boy coordinator Father O’Malley
Priests get more ass than a toilet seat.
Also the same consent level.
I did not forget.
Red #3 is ok but this is even better:
Probably not a car for fat guys, 2/10
SOS in my BMW rental car, Las Vegas 11/23
(artist’s conception)
Gumby was working out of town somewhere that had an automotive museum, and I have a picture of him wedged in an Indy car. He was pretty sure they would have to use Crisco to get him out.
The GOAT of the Sand Marble Rally?
You know who else liked Ford Broncos.
John Elway?
Even with the Pac-12 breaking up, I still find Oregon hateable on-site.
But in a game against Liberty, I think the only important thing to remember is that, yes, you know the name Liberty because Jerry Fallwell Jr is a real live cuck but he’s a “Leader” in the eyes of poor men.
God apparently hates Liberty tonight, so I’m religious again. Eh, until like midnight maybe.
Well hello, Lagunitas Maximus 9% Double IPA. Let’s make short work of this Friday evening.
He looks like he needs more fiber in his diet.
Michigan State losing to Bryant would be neat.
But I worry Bryant will crash unexpectedly.
Too soon.
Two truths and a lie:
George Foreman dead at age 76.
Eaten by wolves
He was delicious
The wolves say he really knocked out the fat!
/Too soon?
His funeral pyre will be a custom Foreman Grill.
Put your grills at half mast
FR though, I had one in college and it was a workhorse in shitty dorms/campus apartments.
Aww man, I had one of his grills at my first apartment.
As opposed to having had one of his girls at your first apartment…
Are they all named George too?
Over/under on ones named Georgina is 2.5.
Only 1 maybe, it was a small apartment.
Never seen that before. It’s amazing.
Yeah, that must be from the new/gas leak season.
Someday climate change will intensify to the degree that a hypertornado wipes the entire god-forsaken state of Oklahoma off the map, and when the “Sooners” (i.e. people who cheated in the federal land appropriation process) land in fucking Oz they will conclude that their Christian god has punished them for not ostracizing LGBTQ indigenous Americans viciously enough, but maybe they can make things right by seizing all the munchkins’ property.
Scalping should be a thing that comes back.
Like all fashionable trends, it must begin by happening to a health insurance executive on the street.
That seals it. UConn falls short.
…We’re all watching the Hockey East final between UConn and UMaine right?
I had a hard time even finding the score of the game online.
I mean it’s got some tough competition for sure, but it could be advertised better
ASU just announced they are hiring super sexy GCU girls basketball coach Molly M.
Might start looking into what this NIL influence is all about….
Jesus, it’s nice that TikTok videos embed but I wish they wouldn’t give me eye cancer while they were at it.
Steerfuckers North coach is wearing a purple suit with his crimson tie. One hopes he lost a bet.
If he coached elsewhere I would probably hate Dan Hurley at about 85% the rate I hated Coach Rat-Face.
Hippo is very excite to have a villain as coach-in-waiting!
UConn is absolutely losing this game. No way Maine blows this lead
Have I ever ranted to y’all about how much I hate my Garmin Fenix 7? It’s a piece of crap and I’m glad I mostly didn’t pay for it
UCoNN Boomer Sooner over 49.5.
Hail Gamblor
I should hope we at least get 50 combined FFS. I was planning to turn that one on!
149.5 I shall not edit!
Are you at the DraftKings Sportsbook Lounge in Scottsdale?
Nah. Fly down tomorrow
I see Marquette is playing the role of #7 team caught peaking ahead into the 2nd Round.
Hail Gamblor
How good or bad do you think it would be for your child’s social life if you named them “Maifrend”?
I have a co-worker named Phuc, nice guy.
Phuc? That guy.
I’m sure he’s so phuc’n tired of those jokes by now.
If you think you might set yourself on fire a lot, try to stick to natural fabrics. They burn more slowly and won’t melt onto your skin like petroleum based fabrics like polyester!
Also, try not to be so lovable!
Is that like a Joaquin Phoenix type thing?
and Philip Rivers is a Rhythm Methodist
Not a very good one!
tips for tesla drivers
Also make sure you know how to break out of your own car, lol
“Are you with the Nuremberg Commission? You have to tell me if you’re with the Nuremberg Commission.”
This is why DFOs no pants mandate helps the greater good
Like the Pitinos the New Mexicans don’t last.
/a few days ago
Me: “I Love It! No one is in the house for the next 72 hours!”
/a few minutes ago
Me: [whimpers quietly] “There’s no one in the house for the next 24 hours?”
That happens to me too.
That would be bliss.
I had a week by myself. It was awesome.
I’ve been that way like 9 months now. Ain’t gotten lonely yet. Then again, y’all know how awful my personality be.
NY, Get the crab legs ready.
Anyone but the Drama Qaron.
2/$8M is actually…sane business??
Condon living up to his name with the block.
What is the number of hours that I’ve watched basketball today and a half-decent Fellini film?
-8 1/2
Bo Fellini from.Wisconsin? Grinding tape Scotchy?
Does Akron use a Dean?
Or just to be their basketball coach?
Most underrated TV character of century?
He needs to recruit size. Just completely outmatched out there against the seasoned professionals.
I think he’s pretty funny. I like the way he’s like a weird guy kinda
Is that the guy from the old Six Flags ads?
I feel like I made a good choice, leaving the TV off and depression napping most of the day.
Gonna eat?
nah, too fat
Meanwhile, at Casa Deadly…
Ohio is so miserable that Akron came out with the ugliest Gray I’ve ever seen.
Fucking blog.
Sell some fucking ad space and fix code / retire.
I was going to suggest to Horatio that he do a “Picture of Dorian Gray” draft; i.e. who would you choose for your portrait to resemble in order to maximize your own attractiveness. I was thinking I’d take Thom Yorke with my first pick.
Did he not use the suggestion because he didn’t understand it either?
I mean it could simply be “ugliest person” but I am trying to make it sound more sophisticated.
Your way did sound more sophisticated.
Awooooooo need me some Sheriff Lobos!
I like that Arizona is playing bench guys early in this first round game.
I don’t like that they are making some pine-riding decisions.
These bitches in men’s college ball that have poor form and still stick the three. I had good form and they shoot better than I did. BASTARDS!
DR. MRS. DEADLY, ESQ.: There’s this new place I want to try out, it’s called Boychicks.
RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Um…spell that for me?
Thai bagels?
One night in Bangklox…
Great selections this week! #s 1, 5, and 8 are my faves but #s 9 and 10 feature outstanding photography skills!
Other tips
Let me tell you sumthin
I’m worried that I didn’t make enough sangría.
bottle of tequila nervously chuckling