[An astonishingly handsome man steps into camera frame.] RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Hi there! This past week at [Door Flies Open] we dug out a bunch of "old" posts from the "archives" to trick you all into thinking that DFO had actually been around for 50 years. And you fell for it! Ha ha ha
Author: Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
[DFO] Archives: Request Line – The Long Kiss Goodnight
[DFO] Archives: DFO Insider – The Deadly Dozen
INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers are lounging in an office filled with mid-century modern furniture and painted in pastel colors. A young man, physically imposing but conveying the impression that he's fresh out of college, sits across from them. STEPHEN KING: ...and so she arrives
DFO Radio: Get Th(rowback W)ee(k) Behind Me
Greetings! This week, we're very excited to be celebrating our 2nd anniversary of online residence here at doorfliesopen.com. But people forget that we've actually been producing material for 50 years now. Our first introduction to the public was via the Communist Party of the USA, after they discovered their newsletters
Meanwhile, in the Wrong Place, at the Wrong Time…
DFO Radio: He Said She Said
Your Saturday Morning Strawberries Open Thread
DFO Radio: He Said She Said
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping coffee, awaiting the arrival of the week's guest host. The [DOOR FLIES OPEN] and a young couple enters the room. PRODUCER: [moves over to greet them] Hey, what's happening, Grimey? BRENT GRIMES: [with a barely detectable measure of
DFO Radio: Some Like It Hot
INT. TRUMP TOWER - DAY. Boxed-in video footage of a conference room. Several well-dressed men sit around a conference table with their attention focused on a sophisticated middle-aged woman. NATALIA VESELNITSKAYA: ...and zo you zee, zeeze hacked materials can be of great help to your campaign, da? DONALD TRUMP, JR.: Wow! This
Request Line: Some Like it HOT
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. A pair of radio professionals are standing outside the recording booth sipping iced coffee. An athletic young man is waiting patiently in front of the microphone inside the booth. CONNOR, THE INTERN: So...what did you say his name was, again? PRODUCER: Victor Cruz. CONNOR: Are you SURE it's not Odell
Your “Holy Shit It’s Viper!” Thursday Afternoon Thread
Greetings from sunny Rialto, California. That's not where I am right now - it's where I'll be when this open thread posts. The forecast for today calls for a high of 103°, and I'll be working outdoors. (Rikki-Tikki-Deadly - Artist's Conception) The work is relatively straightforward, and I should be able to
DFO Radio: Hard Carr-ency
INT. SANTA ANA APARTMENT COMPLEX - DAY. A pair of sun-weathered middle-aged men are napping on separate couches. The room looks like an abandoned pawnshop - every bit of space is filled with cheap electronics, mismatched furniture, rubbish, and grime. Cockroaches abound. RYAN LEAF: [wakes up with a start] Shit! TODD MARINOVICH: [comes