Beggars at the Feast

Last week, the hapless Cleveland Browns lost yet again in what (on paper and prior to kickoff) seemed like their best chance to obtain a victory this season.  When Tennessee scored a touchdown to go up 28-13 with less than seven minutes remaining in the game, it seemed like another

Hillary Clinton Gets a New Mock Debate Partner

INT. OFFICE - HILLARY CLINTON’S CAMPAIGN OFFICE HEADQUARTERS, BROOKLYN - DAY ROBBY MOOK: ...and so that puts us at a 94% chance of winning the election and Obama's dream of turning the United States into a gay Muslim caliphate is one step closer. HILLARY CLINTON: I like it! MOOK: That said, I think it's now

♫…But She Never Saw Me There! ♫

♫ …set to the music of “Eponine's Errand” from Les Miserables… ♫ DUKE JOHNSON JR. Such luck! What a bounce! Such luck! Right back to me! So close to a disaster, I stand triumphantly. [sideline flies open] SARAH THOMAS Good God! Oh, what a rumpus! That ball, where can it be? DUKE JOHNSON JR. It's here! Just let me show you, I got it back,

Fantasy Advice: Gary Oldman

Thanks to Rikki-Tikki-Deadly and Darkest Timeline Zach Morris' connections in Hollywood, we're bringing in a special guest to provide fantasy football advice this week: star of stage and screen GARY OLDMAN! --- DOORFLIESOPEN: Gary I can't tell how thrilled we are to have you providing our readers with fantasy football advice this week.

The Poise Boyz

EXT. NIGHTCLUB ENTRANCE - NIGHT A hip nightclub in a big city.  The line of potential patrons stretches around the corner and out of sight, corralled by a velvet rope.  A burly bouncer wearing a black shirt that emphasizes his bulging biceps stands sentry at the head of the line.  Equipped with

One More Down!

♫ ...set to the music of "One Day More" from Les Miserables... ♫ JIMMY HASLAM One day more! Another day, another felony Much less a franchise than a laund-ery And though I've made a mint from crime I still refuse to spend a dime One day more! HAL HUNTER (OFFENSIVE LINE COACH) The blocking scheme has gone awry It's like the Red

DFO Insider Radio: Songs That Make You Want To Run Through a Goddamn Brick Wall

INT. DFO PRODUCTION OFFICE - DAY.  A pair of sleazy Hollywood producers emerge from an office.  The camera follows them in a classic Sorkinesque walk-and-talk.   RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: And so after the trailer bombed, Sony tried to push the narrative that everyone who said anything negative about the film was a misogynist... DARKEST TIMELINE ZACH MORRIS: A misogynist? RTD: A