BattleBots Beat: Drawing the Queen of Diamonds

Sorry. Had to make it. Welcome back to the Beat, and welcome back from the break! Everything's all caught up now, Shark Week has come and gone, though the last Sharknado movie isn't for another couple weeks, and it's not even by the original writer. (Fun fact: We went to the

The BattleBots Beat Midseason Roundtable! And Your Desperado Friday Evening Open Thread

Senor Weaselo: Welcome to the first ever BattleBots Beat midseason roundtable show! I am, as always, your friendly neighborhood Senor Weaselo, and since we've had this two-week midseason break I thought it would be nice to have a discussion about the season so far, and about what might happen in

BRING BACK MATT! The DFO Interview: Matt Ufford

In honor of [Door Flies Open]’s third “anniversary” (the site was here before, but… you know), the writing staff… nearly forgot about it. In a way, I feel that's a good thing because it means we've been around for a little while. But once we realized the moment upon us,

Your “As I Am An Honest Puck” Tuesday Night MLB All-Star Game Open Thread Yup, that's where I went with the title. Because as I mentioned last year, I did have the fortune to go to the 2008 game, and it was a midsummer night's dream to me. …If you think that joke's bad, wait until I tell you about the piece one of my

Senor’s BattleBots Beat: Go for 3!

Welcome back to the Beat! Last time out, the Dutch had a rough go, Chomp learned about the foibles of technology, and we met a robot that had a… pneumatic fist as its weapon, and the Internets responded as you'd expect. Fister Roboto Bale Spear does not make an appearance in