tWBS On Relationships – V (Pt 2)

I started this story last week.  And I tried to be very careful in what I said and how I said it. I will admit that in the moment, nearly three years ago, I did not handle it particularly well. In fact, I handled it very not well.  Being betrayed will do

Your “A Rose By Any Other Name” Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm on the road again this week.  Unexpectedly.  VERY Unexpectedly actually.  So I didn't have time to plan ahead. Which more or less means this post is gonna suck. But let's get to it. - Sports Which Will Smell Like A Rose 2Nite NFL Eli Manning and OBJ are in a bit of a bitchslap contest. 

Wednesday Motivational – You Be You

For many years, most of my life actually, I lived in fear.  I don't mean fear of physical danger or anything like that.  But fear of what others thought or felt about me.  Fear of what friends and family expected from me. Fear of what I thought of myself also, if

tWBS On Relationships – V (Pt 1)

I have to be careful about this one.  Very, very careful.  But let's give it a shot. Balls: Don't worry,  I'm here to make sure you're ok. tWBS: Hey,  that's mighty nice of you! Balls: And to make sure you don't fuck up. tWBS: Asshole.  Ok fine, let's just get this over with... In early

Your “Random Gif” Friday Evening Open Thread

Well, this week has been interesting.  Dave and I have logged a lot of driving miles. I helped the former tWLS with a few things and we didn't fight once (although it was close one time). I had the opportunity to visit with some old friends.  That was nice. But among other things,

Wednesday Motivational – Deal With It

Life is hard.  That's never going to change.  That's just life. I've been dealing with a lot of things lately.  Some good, but mostly bad.  They've gotten me down.  I've had a difficult time with certain issues lately. But I've dealt with it. If I hadn't, it would have been much more difficult. Deal

tWBS On Relationships – Special Edition

Originally, this week we were going to begin talking about love and loss from a few years ago.  But then wordpress ate it.  Twice.  And I don't have time to type it all again this week.  So we'll get to that next week. So even though we've been working backwards chronologically,

Your “Boring As Heck” Friday Evening Open Thread

I'm not the biggest soccer fan on the planet.  That's no secret to any of you if you've been paying attention.  But I do like me a nice toned and athletic lady.  So I fake it sometimes.  So....yeah. The USWNT took the World Cup which one. One of my best friends

tWBS On Relationships – IV

In May of 2018 I traveled to Venice Beach, California for two weeks as I sometimes do.  The Venice and Santa Monica area is probably my favorite place in the world.  Venice in particular is a very interesting place to me, if for no other reason than all races and

Your “Dog Days” Friday Evening Open Thread

This past Wednesday it was extremely hot here.  Temperatures pushing triple digits, and humidity pushing the heat index above 110 degrees. Mom and I were preparing for all of the things we had to do for the 4th.  Because several lake front residents shoot off fireworks every year, we always have

Wednesday Motivational – Part 2

FAIL BIG. Don't be afraid to fail big. If you're not failing, you're not trying. Nothing in life is worthwhile, unless you take risks. You will fail at some point in your life.  Accept it.  You will lose.  You will embarrass yourself.  You will suck at something. But Fall Forward. You'll get there. -