Balls Magazine Volume 15

As you may have heard, I'm not a big Tiger Woods fan. To paraphrase The Bard, how much do I hate thee, let me count the ways! He's a dumbass with a shitty personality. He cheated on his beautiful blonde wife with skanks. The golf world covered up his bullshit because it desperately

Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Items to Order at Fast Food Places


Tonight's post category comes from my stomach. As a good American, fast food has comprised an unhealthy percentage of my diet since I was young. I have eaten at almost every fast food place you can think of and, over the course of the years, I have developed a list

Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Pieces of Advice


Tonight's post category comes from our generous Italian friend, 2Pack. He suggested this category in last week's thread and I think it's a very good one. I have been very lucky to have been given some very good advice that has carried me through difficult patches in my life

Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Obscure Archer Objects


I still watch Archer and I still enjoy the new episodes. Some (okay, many!) have said that the series has jumped the shark. Opinions differ on when exactly that happened. Some argue that it happened when they left New York. Some argue that it happened when Archer went into a

Enablers: A Study – Offseason Sunday Open Thread

There are millions of ads, anecdotes, gossip, poems, psalms, stories and memes about true friends being those who stand by you and look out for your best interests, always, without fail. Well spare me the personal growth and judgin' crap because this is a look at enablers. Enablers never sermonize and are

Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Olympic Games Moments


I make no apology for loving the Olympic Games. Yes, they can and have been used for propaganda and political purposes, but, at its core, the idea of all the countries of the world getting together to play games is awesome. I'm also a huge Greek mythology geek, so the fact

Saturday Night Open Thread: My Top Five…. Cities to Visit


I apologize for missing last week's Saturday Night post. It completely slipped my mind that I had volunteered to do the Saturday evening posts. I was even going to go into the back room and ask who was supposed to post. Turned out it was me. Tonight's post category comes from my