Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you are staying warm and busy. How the fuck are we already in March. This Thursday will mark a full year since I have gone into the office. I've been remote since then. I'm very lucky to be
Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
Subsequent GTD reflections
Tuesday nights open threads
Eventual Balls Thoughts XLIII
Eventual Balls Thoughts XLII
Eventual Balls Thoughts XLI
Welcome to the first Eventual Balls Thoughts of the New Year! As a reminder, this post will cover comments made up to and through the Saturday Night Open Thread. Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post. *** DFO Comments O' The Week! "Hooray placing 3rd, when only