Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you are staying warm and busy. How the fuck are we already in March.  This Thursday will mark a full year since I have gone into the office.  I've been remote since then. I'm very lucky to be

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you are staying warm and busy.  We had ourselves another crazy week here.  Monday we talked about flags and ice cube trays.  Tuesday had the return of TTITOT.  Litre started off Wednesday with Snaxx and then Rush died. 

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings. Hope you all are keeping warm and starting to shovel out, lots of cold and snows out there recently.  For all those that wanted to move upstairs to Canada, welcome to your new weather. For the rest, it will

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome back to the comment of the week feature post ramblings.  With it being the lead up to the Superb Owl, things were a bit quiet to start the week.  The Thursday open thread started with music and old stereos and then somehow moved into wine.  It's a good read

Subsequent GTD reflections

Welcome to another comment of the week post and ramblings by yours truly.  This week I learnt about cigars and some new shows to watch.  There were some long discussions on various things this week that were both informative and fun.  Good to see. As I mentioned in yesterdays thread it

Subsequent GTD reflections

So, good news and bad news.  First is that we're still going to have a weekly recap of the bestestestest comments by you fine folk.  The bad news is that the new authoUr of this series is GTD and his warped sense of, well, everything will be pickering the comments. 

Tuesday nights open threads

What up all? As always, I hope you're as well as can be considering all the shit going on in the world these days.  I try to stay away from politics, but only one more sleep until there's a new president, so that's a plus, i think. I'm hoping it's

Eventual Balls Thoughts XLI

Welcome to the first Eventual Balls Thoughts of the New Year! As a reminder, this post will cover comments made up to and through the Saturday Night Open Thread. Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post. *** DFO Comments O' The Week! "Hooray placing 3rd, when only

Eventual Balls Thoughts XXXIX

We are once again BACK to recapping the best comments of the week! As a reminder, this post will cover comments made up to and through the Saturday Night Open Thread. Sunday comments stand alone and Monday comments will go on the next week’s post. *** DFO Comments O' The Week! Hippo: “DREW LOCK