NFL Conference Championship Preview

НФЛ Конференция Чемпионат Превью

Here at DFO, we are proud to be a multi-national worldly bunch.  We live in countries other than the United States, we were born in countries other than the US, and we have extensively traveled to countries other than the US.  What we have found is that the perspective of people from outside the US can sometimes give a refreshing and useful point of view that can help us as we move forward to make a better life for ourselves and our loved ones.

It is in this spirit that we have reached out to some of our foreign friends to see what they think of the upcoming Conference championships.  We are very proud to feature Дина (Dina) and Валерия (Valeriya), close personal friends of our President-elect.  Take it away, ladies!


Валерия: As you can see from my blue bracelet, this is not my first go-around, so just put yourself in my hands and I’ll lead you to the promised land of correct picks this weekend.

Дина:  Are you talking to those American guys?

Валерия: да, Зачем?

Дина: Oh, because that one guy, Мячи, he seemed really nice.

Валерия: They all do, sweetie, they all do.  And then they get you in a penthouse, request a Golden Shower show, and then refuse to pay up.

Дина: We got our money, didn’t we?

Валерия: Yes, we did, but we had to call in some help on that.  Pain in ass.

Дина: да. But Мячи was nice pain in ass…

Валерия: Ok, maybe he’ll call you.  Now, let’s get to the predictions.

Дина:  Да, конечно.  I think the Steelers will finally beat the Patriots and move on to Super Bowl LI in Houston, Texas!

Валерия: What can possibly make you think that?

Дина: Мячи likes them!

Валерия: Oh honey, that white bracelet really gives you away. I’m going to disagree with you on that one. My mom


told me that Bellichick didn’t need Snapface to see what Brown recorded.  He already had the setup from the visitors’ locker room and the Patriot players were watching it live. They are pissed that they were called assholes and will exert revenge on Pittsburgh.

Дина: Awww, poor Мячи!

Валерия: On the bright side, he’s going to need some consoling, so you may hear from him.

Дина:  Замечательно!

Валерия: On the other side, we have the Green Bay “Packers” taking on the Atlanta Falcons.

Дина: What’s a Packer?

Валерия: Apparently it’s American slang for гомосексуалист.

Дина: But isn’t Аарон their fearless leader?

Валерия: Да

Дина: But he’s our best customer!

Валерия: Да, я знаю. I don’t understand the whole Аарон is gay joke they have going.

Дина: Да!  Considering that they all met at a website that specifically told them how to get анальный секс.

Валерия: In any case, I like Аарон to once again lead the team to another victory.

Дина: But the Falcons’ color is red!

Валерия: Так?

Дина: Shouldn’t we pick them based on that?  Also, Julio Jones and Matt Ryan have made a pretty formidable combo and the running game has taken this offense to the top of most categories!

Валерия: Это правда.

Дина: Plus, they are playing at home!

Валерия: So were the Cowboys and you saw what happened there.  Speaking of, I think we have to send Димитрий after Jones. That old pervert still owes me from the last time I saw him.

Дина: Did you Cleveland Brown him?

Валерия: Да, he’s a sick fuck.  Anyway, there you have it, DFO friends, the Patriots and the Packers will meet in Houston in Super Bowl LI.

Дина: See you soon, Мячи!  я люблю тебя, Мячи!

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Curse of Marino

So my guess is that those Russian hookers were talking about pegging A.A.Ron. RodGers

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh



Good job on getting the Russian hookers. Or were they already at your place?


As much as I want this pee pee thing to be true (and I’m not convinced that it is not), I can think of probably no less respectable source than fucking Buzzfeed to be tossing it out there — and giving Trump a clearcut example of poor journalistic behavior to flaunt. I mean, if I want to know about political scandals — well, that’s why I have a subscription to The National Inquirer.


Eh, the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards story – some things are true but sufficiently salacious that the “”””reputable”””” publications won’t touch them until it’s already “out there”.

/quadruple quotation marks fully intentional.


Packers v. Pats? Ugh, that’s worse than Curt Shilling v. the BBWAA.


With Meteor currently listed as Questionable (Off course) would it be wrong to hope for a localized, virulent strain of hemorrhagic fever to strike both locker rooms prior to kick off?

“Help us Ebola/Lassa/Q, you’re our only hope!

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Welp, I hope some of you will come visit me in debtors prison after Herr Orangutan reads this.



Look out! It’s TREET!*
comment image
They’ve upgraded their preferred weapons, too.

*(Trumpian Re-Education Enforcement Team)


Our schools have been failing for decades! It’s not re-education, it’s first time education!


DAMN! Now I want to call it OOK!*

*Orange Orangutan Kommandos


I’m kind of offended by that, because I’m reading the Discworld series and one of the recurring characters is an orangutan librarian, and I really don’t like associating him (who I like) with Trump.


Probably prudent to not associate him with any active or upcoming presidents, IMO.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Fun fact- they really are obsessive about sheets and blankets.

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Frankly, me spelling it correctly is the big story here.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

Orangs are largely peaceful, solitary creatures. They are the anti-Donald.

Except for the teenager at the Zoo here in St. Louis. She discovered that by throwing rocks at the windows (often cracking them) she could get the keepers’ attention. She’s a bit more of a fit.

Illegal immigration is legal if you are a white female “model” no matter country of origin (or in some cases country of original enslavement).

Don T

¡That’s the same door policy in U.S. bars during Happy Hours in mid-90s! ¿For me? “Bring a passport, amigew”.