2021 Quotables – Week 7 (Submissions)

An incredibly handsome writer sits in front of a computer, staring at the unfinished draft of a Quotables post. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: "Text needed"? What the hell does that mean? RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY starts sweating. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Okay, Rikki, you can do this.  Just write some shit down. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY stares at the keyboard. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: [inner monologue] It doesn't have to

2021 Quotables – Week 6 (Results)

I hate facists. Absolutely hate them. Ugh. I'm not gonna waste your time on this stuff but, seriously, fuck those animals. Put them all down. Mass grave. Done. No -- this isn't A Very Special JJFozz Presents. Still blaxabbath. Anyways, looks like the Browns are for real? You know, this was all foretold back

2021 Quotables – Week 5 (Results)

Look, I'm tired but I'm also much too proud to ask anyone to cover for me here. Why? Because, like ol' Double-J, I'd rather put up a pile of garbage molded by [holds up two ashy appendages] THESE HANDS! [lowers aforementioned appendages] than go all...well....all...look, John Gruden knows what I'm

2021 Quotables – Week 5 (Submissions)

These NFL coaches eh? I mean, maybe it's just that the NFLPA has gotten better about deflecting press coverage from their litany of arrests, women-smacking, and drug use. Of course, we're talking like 1,700 rostered players vs 32 head coaches. Anyone care to ask the black players in the league

2021 Quotables – Week 4 (Results)

I'm sitting in a HYBRID (yes, the future is an amazing place!) industry trade meeting this morning and we're going over the organization's budget for the coming years. One note that I saw on a slide was that our food budget for an Indianapolis event is greater than for a

2021 Quotables – Week 4 (Submissions)

Alright we're only going to do this one time. And we're only even doing that because I'm trying to get some of those #budlightlimeritalightupforwhateverwazzzupfrogs ad bucks floating this way. Sure Hippo Thoughts brings the readers but does that work cover the PILLZBILLZ? Very much no, as one may surmise. And