New Places – Monday Open Thread

Yesterday was Juneteenth, the anniversary of Union Army General Gordon Granger going to Galveston, Texas in 1865 to announce that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was in 1863, and the Civil War had ended two months before Gen. Granger’s announcement. Since Texas don’t care, official action was required.

Memorial Day / Monday Night Open Thread

Today is Memorial Day in the USA, which honors their fallen soldiers in not-classified wars. I’m sure the CIA still resents that today is a mere lunes in most of Latinoamérica. Hey hey I’m just kiddin’. Wars of occupation, amirite? Boop! /takes index finger to tap your nose -Dafuq’s wrong with you?! //ducks haymaker Ok.

Help BFC Stock the Bar

Greetings, imaginary and non-imaginary friends alike!  Lady BFC and I have ceased our nomadic lifestyle and have finally landed in a new home.  That's all very exciting, yes yes, but let's focus on the important thing--I can FINALLY stock my bar.  My neglected, nearly drained, and yet still-beloved-despite-largely-being-abstract-for-nigh-a-year bar. For the

Mouth Flies Open: DFO Mailbag #17

The team at DFO is committed to brightening the world with insights, observations, and dick jokes. This mailbag feature is just one more way in which we extend our mission beyond football to the rest of life’s broad and multi-chromatic palette. We're getting closer and closer to the inevitable Chiefs-Patriots AFC Championship matchup--AND spending