Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 3” Monday Night Open Thread

Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe say like a mix between Doug Fecal, Jack Handey, Balls’ 25 questions, Rev’s take on Larry King, and I don’t know, my own fucked up mind? With that backdrop I present to you the third edition of a potentially recurring irregularly scheduled Random Thoughts with BFC!  Now also in open thread form! If you want to make this interactive, drop a note/question/bon mot in the comments ala my old Mouth Flies Open attempt at an advice column.

  • Were you expecting DonT tonight? Too bad!  Gotta keep you on your toes around here.
  • As you may have heard, this past weekend was DFOCon East: Baltimore Boogaloo, and it was more fun than a bunch of dickjoking bloggers should be allowed to have.  Big thanks to DFO SoCal Rep Brick Meathook for being my DD to and from DC Saturday and the group photographer all Saturday long. I feel like I need another 32 days off of drinking after those shenanigans but alas, I’ll forge ahead with courage.
  • Oh, and thanks to DFOCon East: Revenge of the Crabs (yeah, that’s a better title) I believe I’ve now met at least a dozen DFOers in person. Guess you’re not-so-imaginary anymore.
  • I know intellectually that July means we’re more than halfway through the year (and when you factor in Thanksgiving and Christmas, even more so), but it does NOT feel that way.  Ever. Especially not this year. Good thing it’s almost August, I guess.
  • Want to help turn this country around?  Take a page from RTD and put a parental lock on Fox News in every hotel room or other public tv you can. The default code is usually 0000 and then you can take it from there.
  • The most recent round of hand wringing about kids these days not knowing who Metallica and Kate Bush were prior to Stranger Things is just perfect. Is it a shame I learned about Alice Cooper from Wayne and Garth?  No, it was a fucking mitzvah!
  • ICYMI this is legitimately hilarious:

  • Have you noticed that at some point references to KY Jelly gave way to just saying lube? I think that’s a win, but I’m sure the KY people are pissed they aren’t the Kleenex of intimacy assists.
  • Is this format working for folks?  Should I ditch this as a recurring feature?
  • A friend and neighbor wants to do an Archer season premiere watch party, but neither of us has cable/whatever. Will it be “debuting” on Hulu?  Something else?
  • I didn’t take as many pictures as Brick during DFOCon East, but the trip he, Sharky, and I took to Fort McHenry was pretty sweet so here’s a photo:
Photo Credit: ME
  • Nothing like the phrase “heat apocalypse” to get the juices flowing.  Those juices being sweat. Stay cool, homies.
  • Alright, that’s enough with the random thoughts (and to make you really miss DonT).  Nos vemos pronto.


What’s On TV Tonight?




CONCACAF Women’s Championship, ‘Murrica v Canadia, 9PM DFO Time, Paramount+

Women’s Copa America: Venezuela v Brazil, Ongoing/started at 4pm DFO time on FS1

Pachuca v Mazatlan FC, 7PM DFO Time

Look, I can’t do the soccer thing. If I could, Hippo would have an Everton flag and a Baltimore bar would have a flagpole holder that wasn’t bent. Here’s a link to what ESPN says is happening today:


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BFC is a Chicago native transplanted to our nation's capital and transplanted again to the mountain West, then to SoCal, then back to the mountain West, and then again back to our nation's capital. He enjoys football, whisky, and the oxford comma.
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[…] impact on my attention span. I feel like I literally cannot focus anymore. I wrote in the last edition about procrastinating work with writing for DFO. But it’s almost inevitable at this point. I […]


Do toilets have warrantees? Ours has a hairline crack in it.


The USWNT won, despite the ref. “We are going to buttfuck Alex Morgan inside the box!”

Ref: “Since I don’t know if you are in her box or in her ass, I’m going to allow it.”


I’m flying back home from a weekend in the northwest celebrating blaxito ‘s fourth bday.

These Californians are seriously cancering all over. I’m seeing how KC is so popular.

Thinking Santa Fe may be the go.


We’re like mold, but less useful.


Golden Corral’s new slogan!


It’s funny to see a post about parenting include a positive mention of Kansas City.


Daniel Jones wishes he could be as cool as Beavis.


Few can be as cool as Beavis. But we try… Lord knows we try…


Daniel Jones isn’t even up to Stewart’s level.

comment image

King Hippo

/but probably DOES own a Winger t-shirt


Canada is doing their best to make this game boring. Why, Canada, why?


The format is fine Buddy. Our random thoughts are usually great conversation generators.


Anyone see that Garland story about the May 2022 memo? People (Maddow started it) are freaking out like it says “We can’t investigate Trump” but I’m not seeing that at all.

Looking for a sanity check among the insane. I feel like a bunch of people are losing their shit for no reason.

(look at Garland on Twitter to get caught up)

Horatio Cornblower

If Rachel Maddow started it go ahead and disregard it.


I had a similar freakout, but it didn’t even get onto the radar of Josh Marshall (or Kyle Griffin) so I won’t lose any sleep over it tonight.

FWIW it’s not like they are idle. They are literally prosecuting Steve Bannon right now.


I just told Mrs Sharkbait about the Everton flag “incident”. She’s just been repeating “oh my God” in a tone of voice that can best be described as incredulity, mixed with judgement.

The latter mainly for not relaying the story sooner.




Holy. Sweet. Shit.

Holy. Sweet. Shit.

Better Call Saul just earned every Emmy.

For yinz later viewers, don’t miss this one.

Horatio Cornblower

I was not happy with the ending. They need to explain a few things that happened during that jump.

Rhea Seehorn needs an Emmy.

King Hippo



Question for the Canadians out there. DAZN Canada appears to no longer carry the EPL. Does anyone know who is now the official provider of the Prem?


I had no idea. No wonder DAZN was trying so hard to get me to re-subscribe three months ago.


Fubo has them now.


Fubo? That doesn’t even sound real


Yessir. It also has BeIn sports, OneSoccer. Actually better than redzone for futbol.


Went swimming in the morning, played tennis in the afternoon. Too much sun today. I’m wrecked and feel like my skin is glowing.


Love the format


Wifey does very well in her field so over the course of her career she’s caught the attention of a few employers. She’s been approached many times with job offers. She’s exiting her current job because it’s an insanely toxic workplace. (the CEO that ‘headhunted’ her retired and things went to shit) So she’ll have her first formal job interview in 26 years tomorrow.

Her: [is going over material related to the interview]

Me: [trying to be as helpful as possible] “God, you must be so nervous-I can’t imagine!”

/I’m only here to help her get over her anxiousness through the power of humoUr.


Well if she doesn’t find a job at least you’ll have your degree to fall back on in…
Oh no.


Give me some slack. Wait…


Woo hoo, home run derby!


“Hitting balls repeatedly with a wooden object? Where do I sign up?”

-Adrian Peterson


“Fingers! Fingers!” – Eli Manning, excited about the chicken Olivia is preparing for dinner tonight.

Horatio Cornblower

Deanna Favre says that same thing when she wants to feel something.


I too have random, intrusive [ kill whitey ] thoughts, so your format is perfecto, BFC!


Also, one of my favourite tunes had tons of comments on YouTube saying people discovered it through the show House.

Fuck, I don’t care how people discover good music, as long as they enjoy it, that’s all that matters.


That’s honestly how I find music from people I’ve never heard of or even think of checking out


I pick playlists on spotify for genres I am into. The algorithm gets me.

King Hippo

Discovered through satellite radio:


I’ve found a bajillion great tunes just from Request Line!


Tru dat. This crowd has the best taste in all kinds of music.

King Hippo

Per the Series of Tubes, I see that Archer will premiere 24 August on teevee, available next day on Hulu.

And look. I am still imaginary, you are still imaginary, we are ALL still imaginary, consarnit.

(but your format is great)


I like the format, and love the photo acknowledgement. Shakes fist at German shyster lawyers.


Love the format.

Archer will indeed be on Hulu. The Bob’s Burgers Movie is now on Hulu and should be watched.

Glad y’all had a great time in Baltimore!


JaMarr Chase has only the 18th best WR rating in Madden?! That cliches it; I dreamed the Bengals Super Bowl run. I knew it was too good to be true!

How did they really do in 2021? I can take it. Is Joe Burrow at least walking or were they not able to save his leg?

Last edited 1 year ago by Redshirt

I was going to make a joke about “which leg” but it seems kind of cruel considering that the answer to both followups is “no”.