Remember that old SNL sketch “Fecal Matter with your Host, Doug Fecal”? No? Yeah I figured it was just me. It was a solid (heh) talk show format with a specialized host and topic. Well, we ain’t exactly doing Pod Flies Open around here, but what about in written form, maybe
Tag: Too Many Links
Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 3” Monday Night Open Thread
Your “Happy Bastille Day Eve!” Wednesday Night Open Thread
Time for Random Thoughts with BFC
Your “Sup?” Thursday Evening Open Thread
Your “So Let Me Clear My Throat” Thursday Open Thread
Good evening, fellow miscreants and dick joke enthusiasts. As you may have noticed, without Thursday Night Football and hobo season, we don't have a regular Thursday night poster (is that joke out of bounds now that he's paralyzed?). So sometimes you get tehHippo, sometimes you get DonT, sometimes you get
Your “Oh, crap, did the season start already?” 2021 Chicago Bears Preview / Bye Week Update
Your “Beware the Ides of….August, I Guess” Sunday Night Open Thread
On the Kindness of Strangers (aka ArmedandHammered Is Really Generous With Beer)
Drunken Ramblings of a Jew on Christmas / Christmas Eve into Christmas Morning Open Thread
When I started writing this, it was in the wee hours of Christmas Eve Eve, when the nerdy kids are checking NORAD's Santa Tracker, the kids that bully those kids are starting to sweat a little, and I'm enough cocktails in that I've just started throwing some new combinations together
Your “Who’s That Mysterious Figure?” Sunday Night Football Open Thread
It was a cold night. Not historically cold or even stereotypically cold given how goddamn freezing it can get around these parts but just objectively and objectionably cold. I hate it when people dismiss temperatures in the 20s (that's Fahrenheit, obviously) as "not that bad"--Fuck you, when condensation chills to