Divisional Weekend Eve! Live Thread

Ah, the night before the NFL’s second round. The night before NFL’s Elite Eight is eventually dwindled to its Final Four. Hopes, dreams, and delusion reign, and for many, those will be crushed like an all-you-can eat gravy buffet in Indiana.

Tonight, though, we shall have to entertain ourselves. There is A LOT of NBA action, though I have absolutely no interest in listing any of it here. It starts at 19:00 EST on TWWL.

There is not one JV hoops game featuring a ranked team, though George Washington travels to Dayton at 19:00 on TWWL2. The Flyers are one of those mid-majors that you forget about until March, when they enter the NCAA Tournament as a ten-seed, and wreck your bracket all the way to the Sweet 16. Afterwards, Evansville (PURPLE ACES!) travel to Illinois State to play the Redbirds. One thing I love about nights like this are getting an opportunity to see weird teams and schools you never knew existed. It’s like #MACtion, but, uh… #OVCtion?

On the frozen water, the Ice Stillers travel to Tampa to face the Lightning, there’s another Original Six match-up, as the Blackhawks visit Toronto, and Anaheim hosts Dallas.

The PGA Tour’s first full-field tournament, the Sony Open in Hawaii’s, second round is on Golf Channel, also at 19:00. I know you’re ALL fired up for that!

Of course, there’s always our preferred option of time-wasting: ALCOHOL! Or, in the case of some others, medicinal and/or herbal substances! OR BOTH! The choices are your’s, and your’s alone!

He watches you masturbate.

Also, it merits mentioning our own Old School Zero must’ve had New School Zero give him tips from the future, because he just landed himself a new jorb. O AN U NOE HE GON DRANK.



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Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook
Brick Meathook

Depression is a real motherfucker.


But don’t worry, my Packers will get obliterated tomorrow and that will make things all better.


Is this what constitutes a menagerie?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I think it is just relaxed and diverse nap time. In other words; no predators.


Good alcohol intake management. Blew 0.015 on the breathalyzer. 40 oz Slurpees are delicious.

Doktor Zymm

Sleep time?
Sleep time.
Imma gonna go pre-heat my bed.
G’night all!

Doktor Zymm

Fun Fact : The real Arthur probably didn’t exist, or if he did, he wasn’t all that heroic and didn’t manage to defend his domains against the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. The Britons were driven westward, where the Saxon word for foreign, welisc, gave birth to the nation of Wales.


Boadicea, however, DID exist, and she managed some serious asskicking of the Romans until she overextended herself and relied on using captured Roman food stores to supply her own armies.

Boadicea.. no fucking joke.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That is a great story, real things documented and researched that by itself is a great story. It is one in which Hollywood could completely fuck up.


I have no desire to see her story turned into a film. It would probably be some kind of weird Michael Bay action movie, or, even worse, a Braveheart-style revision of history about “freedom” and some kind of lost love revenge fantasy.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I should have said would instead of could. They probably won’t because Mission Impossible 18 needs to be made.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Does anyone remember The Prisoner? It is an old, very odd show.



Yes. I tried watching it once… I was not successful.

Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

comment image

Doktor Zymm

Weirdly enough I think my parents introduced me to this show when I was in my early teens. I passed it on to some friends of mine in college, and eventually stole the whole DVD set from my parents, which I still have.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I wonder if they still look for it occasionally…..

Doktor Zymm

It was a “I’m taking this, ok?” kind of theft.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

With my memory I’d still look for it and wonder….. where the hell did I put it? Did I loan it?

Doktor Zymm

She turned me into a newt!


Did you get better?

Doktor Zymm

Nah, this is a special keyboard for the use of newts.

Doktor Zymm


(this comment)

Doktor Zymm



Right, where’d you get the coconuts then?

Doktor Zymm

I found them!

Doktor Zymm

There are very few movies that I see referred to and then feel compelled to put on. Anything Monty Python is in there. I’ve gotten more value than you might think out of taking Latin in high school and college, but by far the most valuable thing was when I watched Life of Brian and was like, “YES! HIS GRAMMAR IS HORRIBLE AND THOSE GUARDS HAVE CORRECTED HIM CORRECTLY!”

Senor Weaselo

Are you saying his name shouldn’t be Biggus Dickus?

Doktor Zymm

Actually, ‘-us’ is a masculine singular noun ending, so that’s totes cool

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I still laugh at The Meaning of Life.

Doktor Zymm

My favorite thing about that movie is that loads of parents agreed to let their children be in the “Every Sperm is Sacred” bit.

Senor Weaselo

It was either that or medical experiments for the lot.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

(Sees Supergirl commercial)
Toy man is without his costume

Doktor Zymm

comment image

Doktor Zymm



Who are the Britons?

Doktor Zymm

You are?


Oddly, you are correct.


Doktor Zymm

Eh, he was hotter in the books.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Not the greatest actor IMO either, but looks the part. Hey I’m tryin’.


When your entire job as an actor is to shout gibberish and look menacing, and you STILL fuck it up, you might want to go back to your job in contracting.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

He was OK in this, but it wasn’t a stretch.



Actually, I agree about that. I like the Red Road so far, although I’m wondering what the huge fascination with PA/New Jersey tribes is these days (Banshee, RR). Hell, the Lenape can barely even get government recognition these days.

Doktor Zymm

So I’ve been filled with goo all week (No, not like that, you filthy person you, I mean congestion) and while my current state of feelin’ good can be attributed to decongestants and the temporary effect of alcohol suppressing the immune response which creates goo, I choose to believe this will last forever! And I shall go forth into my preheated bed, sleep the good sleep, and wake up gooless!

Senor Weaselo

Kelly’s Heroes might be my favorite war movie.

Doktor Zymm

Let’s not go to this comment, it’s a silly place.


I always forget Rhona Mitra is in that movie until I flip past it on FX or something.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

So apperently, Colbert has a new segment that involves (ugh) twitter voting. But I kinda like it.

Senor Weaselo

I’m gonna pick Thanos, but LeBron and the Ring vs. Jordan and the lamp’s a tougher one. I think I have to give the advantage to LeBron because there’s no wish limit, as much as I don’t like it.


Huh? I am so confused.

Senor Weaselo

1st matchup: Who would win a fight between Thanos and Santa?
2nd: LeBron with the Green Lantern Ring vs. Jordan and a genie’s lamp


Ahhhhh gotcha. I’d say Thanos, too, just because he’s a prick. Unless we’re dealing with early Santa, whose sole job was ensuring the sun came up. That guy was bad ass.

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Just wish for a yellow Mike Brown.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh
Doktor Zymm

In college I briefly dated a guy who thought I was fucking a girl on my floor cause we were friends and went to Puerto Rico together for a weekend. Also, I stopped wanting to sleep with him. This was mostly because he didn’t wash his ass and balls and it smelled really gross. Rather than admit he had horrible hygiene and was a disgusting person, I was clearly a lesbian.

Senor Weaselo

Well obviously.


Where is Don T when you need him?


Something something a dirty finger.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Seriously dude, not like it is a tough thing.


Shit, I shave mine.

May have said too much.


It’s truly amazing how many guys I’ve met that have zero clue how terrible their hygiene is. When I first started my current job, we employed an analyst with an entirely too high opinion of himself whose notable trait was eating greasy food and wiping his hands on his shirt leaving big grease spots. He’s just walk around with them as if it was perfectly normal too. Another coworker once saw him brushing flakes out of his hair and eating them. She was a very sweet and polite girl so she was incredibly diplomatic describing it despite the fact she was disgusted beyond belief.

He quit because he felt disrespected. (And his boss was truly awful.)


He also wrote a spectacular review on Glassdoor ripping the company a new one. I printed it off and post it at my desk to read whenever I need a giggle.

Doktor Zymm

There’s a dude who works with me now, not NEARLY that bad, and actually pretty alright, though super socially awkward. But his chair is gross, cause he’s a messy eater and doesn’t clean up after himself. It’s fine, except when we have people visit the office.


Am currently 4 IPAs into a junior hockey game I am attending. Looking forward to a football weekend.

Senor Weaselo

So, 12 minutes left in the 1st?


End of the second. Five goals; two fights; one set of twins in the row in front.


Herbal applications have been,well, applied.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The only image I could find, but one set of relatives HATES this tshirt. Guess when I wear it.


Only image I could find


A friend of mine refers to me as “bear,” for all manner of reasons, and she delights in sending me random images of bears doing weird things. I am stealing this and sending it to her now. Thanks.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

There is a better image somewhere; give me a sec.


That’s great!

Doktor Zymm

Is there an agnostic one with a sleepy mealworm?


I don’t recall exactly when I bought this, but I bought this.

comment image:large


The rainbow makes it.

Doktor Zymm

You can never wear that without ironing the brand new fold marks.


That’s definitely the most disturbing thing about that shirt.


Take the nose off and keep the ears and dress and we’re in business!


Oddly, I was thinking keep the nose and lose everything else.


Different strokes…


And there will be strokes.


I have this one, which I love for the frowning face at the end:


As well as this one, which is fun to see on someone my size:



LOVE the first one. Where did you get it?


Shirt.woot, about 8 years ago when they first started.

Doktor Zymm

I had no idea they were 8 years old. Were they only recently bought by Amazon?


Yeah. Woot is actually older than that; they started Shirt like four years into their lifespan.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Paul Newman and Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)


Doktor Zymm

I’ve used the “Paul Newman or Steve McQueen” conversational gambit from time to time.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Two of my favorite dudes, if you will. Guess I’m stuck in the past a bit.


Hey, they were great people. Nothing wrong with thinking highly of the two of them.

(big Paul Newman fan here)

Doktor Zymm

Nah, I’m with you. The protagonists nowadays are pretty shit.

Doktor Zymm

It’s actually not much of a gambit. Basically, if whoever it is doesn’t stare at me blankly, they’re probably a’ight. If they have an actual opinion on the matter, I can probably talk to this person for the rest of the night without saying I have to pee and never coming back.


Dumb shit heard on TV:

“The wires for the telephones run through this wall, each of which is protected by a copper sheath…”



WTF stupid ass channel were you watching?


Ah, CBS. That explains that.

Doktor Zymm

Telephones with wires you say! LET’S ALL CHARLESTON!

Doktor Zymm

Fun side note, I can do both the Eastern and Western Charleston.


Telecomm Engineer here. I still deal with all manner of telephone wires (also, Cat5 cable, fiber optics, Co Ax cable, all manner of fun shit that isn’t just transmitted through the aether).

Doktor Zymm

Oh, I know it still exists, and I know more about it that I probably should for someone who has never worked in the area, nor done anything illegal over phone lines (I don’t think). Basically I know enough to laugh at the things people say when they know shit. Then I make a call on my watch cause I’m a muthafukin’ super spy. In my mind.


My favorite telecomm story is that when my old company was expanding into the International Telecomm market, I asked to speak to someone from AT&T with experience in sending calls around the globe using local toll free service. Basically, every country gets to do whatever the hell they want with 800 #s, and to get one that crosses international borders, you had to petition the UN (no shit). The guy I spoke to was a VP of some division or another and his advice was, in its entirety, “drink heavily.”

Doktor Zymm

Damn. Given your background, and the fact that you’re here, you ever write anything for 2600?


Nope. Most of the things I know how to do, I tried to keep hidden, or within a rather select group of people. Phreaks are actually really annoying people if you’re doing real work in telecomm.

Doktor Zymm

I’m sure. I read occasionally cause I like to know how shit works, but it does seem that a number of people writing the articles are in the field.


I did walk into a TGIFridays one night and reprogram their phone system when no one was at the hostess desk for 30 minutes (it was my mom’s wish to go there for dinner, and she was in the middle of chemo, so making her wait was not something I entertained well that day). People leave the default passwords up for EVERYTHING, and if you knew Nortel systems, you could do almost anything. So I sent a ton of their calls to 911. Cops kept showing up.

I laughed and laughed until my mom gave me the “FULL NAME” and a swat on the arm treatment, then fixed it.

Doktor Zymm

Hah, you got pwned by your momz 🙂
Also, I feel really bad for people who live in places where that’s one of the best dining options.


It wasn’t the best, just what she wanted. My mom was awesome. She had weird taste in food, but she was awesome.

Doktor Zymm


Doktor Zymm

I just noticed in the tags…”How Does This Jerk-Off Get A Job”

Well done sir.

Doktor Zymm

Also, I hope that tag originated with the Chip Kelly post.

Doktor Zymm

It is a pune, or play on words!



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

That’s tangy!!


Of course the third one is just lying there indifferently.

Doktor Zymm

The one in the bag seems pretty indifferent as well, despite having his face smacked up.



Doktor Zymm

Set em up again!


That’s pretty much exactly what I say after a round of shots!