Your “I Want Football And Boobs-Not Necessarily In That Order” Friday Night Open Thread

Aren’t breasts of all kinds completely amazing in every way? Let me tell you about my latest experience that occurred just hours ago. I was at the grocery store and I was completely blown away by a perfect set. They were sticking out like a sore thumb at the deli counter. Needless to say, I bought that wondrous pair as soon as I got to the front of the line. They’re cooling in the fridge right now and I can’t wait to smother them in mayo, pepper and top them with lettuce and cheese. Uh, where was I? Oh yeah.

Jets/Redacteds-Nate Sudfeld, all 6’6″, 235 lbs. of him, was a scintillating 10/15 for 89 yds. last week. Scouts just lurv the hell out of these big body types. “He’s got the height to see over the line, the frame to withstand punishment, half-decent mobility and a cannon for an arm!” [Coaching staff gives him a script of plays that don’t involve any throws over 5 yards] “But, uh, but…the defence has to THINK that he might go long AT ANY TIME!” This is your NFL at the moment, folks.

Jets 2nd round qb pick Christian Hackenburg didn’t see any action at all last week. I guess when you’ve got a logjam of mediocrity at the position you don’t want to…expose the heir apparent to playing time? I’m just riffing here. There’s a position battle going on at the te spot. Jace Amaro and Kellen Davis won’t be deciding it on ability, that’s for sure. Maybe a chicken wing-eating contest? “Hey Jace, there’s too much meat left on that drumstick, that one doesn’t count!”

Fins/’Boys-DAK! Prescott’s light might shine a wee bit less due to a certain starting qb’s first appearance in the preseason. Chants of “Romo, Romo-how fat art thou?” will not be ringing through the upper levels of AT&T Stadium, not because it’s a home game but because Cowboys fans aren’t literate. First round rb Elliot is a no-show tonight because his slight hamstringy thingy is being baby-ed by training staff. [makes note to read Ezekiel chapter of bible in order to make more salient references]

Arian Foster will make a small debut for Miami tonight. Ill-informed dudebros everywhere will make references to his veganism but partially-informed open thread-makers like myself will make light of the fact that he is a yoga practitioner. Here goes…”All the women in Arian’s hot yoga class think that he’s a poser”.

Ari/S.D.-In non-sequitur news, David Johnson won me my auction league last year. In further non-sequitur news, I like Bruce Arians’ head gear. That’s about all I have for the Cards this week.

If Melvin and Gordon put it together this year, being offensive won’t be a problem for the Chargers this year. In a perfect, injury-free scenario, I can picture Marmalard tearing through defences the same way that Sarah, Gunner, Halle, Grace, Rebecca, Caroline and Peter have torn through Tiffany’s vagina.*

*Alanis Morissette thinks that comment is ironic






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Sill Bimmons

The big hole in the middle of the ventral skull is called the Magnum Foramen

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Are you just pointing that out or did you miss the joke completely?

Sill Bimmons

I like saying “Magnum Foramen.”

Sill Bimmons

A Merry SillMas To All

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And to all a SillNight


If this were the 90s, Microsoft having something called Project Scorpio would truly be worthy of the eponymous Simpsons character. But now it just seems like aging hippie nonsense.

Doktor Zymm

I remember an argument in high school where one guy was trying to come up with a scenario where Microsoft lost it’s virtual monopoly via market forces, without government intervention. He wasn’t even close to correct.


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I’m, well …

Doktor Zymm

Coconut jam is a thing that is delicious

Sill Bimmons
Doktor Zymm

I would be willing to try a bacon jam/coconut jam sandwich. How bad could that be?


I think it would be pretty gelatinous and disgusting

Doktor Zymm

Bacon and maple syrup is good, and coconut jam isn’t TOO far removed from maple syrup…..

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Depends; how stoned are you?


Pretty high

Porky Prime

Literally, Marmalard.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Sill Bimmons

I love you people.


Crisis averted…well aside from my dipshit neighbor having a bonfire at 12:30am. This one isn’t even a redneck either, but a hipster from New Chapel Hill…aka Hillsborough, NC. A few days ago, and assault might have occurred. Tonight, I could appreciate stupidity.

Well, at least it’s raining with no wind.


Doktor Zymm

Get him a fire barrel for christmas, with your portrait carved out of the side. Then every time he has a bonfire he’ll see your glowing face looking at him.


That would frighten even the most hardened of souls.
Not to mention me. I don’t need to see my glowing face next door. I see it in the mirror too much as it is.

Sill Bimmons

Puppies every day of the week.


Why not both?


Aw, I miss all the fun

Doktor Zymm

One hand on the keyboard, one hand on your dik dik

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

You damn young people have NO IDEA how difficult ir was to Fax-A-Fuck!


Especially if you mistake the fax machine for the shredder while really drunk.
You don’t recover well from that.


Pardon me a moment if you will, I smell smoke and wish be sure my house isn’t burning down. Not kidding.

King Hippo

insurance money WOO

Porky Prime

Why does every google product always turn to shit over the years? Case in point, maps. What kind of fucking map doesn’t have a scale?

Mr. Ayo

Why would you use a map to weigh things?

Doktor Zymm

Mine has a scale. I would say they liked me, but considering the regular vitriolic feedback I give them about Calender’s horrifically idiotic handling of time zone changes, there’s no way that’s the case


It shows up on mine if I click on the Maps option on the search page, but if I click on an embedded map search result, no scale. HOW ARE THEY NOT THE SAME THING! And the “new” maps page, new as of 2 years ago, still sucks.


Classic case of google bullshit; when they changed the maps page, there was an option to revert to the old version. I did this instantly, and found a way to make it persistent. Then one day I have no choice, the new version is here to stay, slower and harder to use.


I use it for work and it only goes to 8 stops. Used to go to 24 for fuck sakes.

Doktor Zymm

Do kids still have rocking horses? They damn well should. Rocking horses are awesome. Even marmosets know it.


Ummm Dok, I am a little high but that isnt a rocking horse. That seems to be a standing horse.

Doktor Zymm

Yeah, I know, but I don’t think they actually make baby marmoset sized rocking horses, and little dude looks like he WISHES it was a rocking horse, right?


He has the front rock going. I believe that he would rock himself til he fell off and be completely happy with that

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I should have put “safe search” on before I Googlebinged that…….

Porky Prime

If that horse is a rockin don’t bother knockin.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

there we god damned go!

Doktor Zymm

Has Trump addressed the impact his Mexico wall would have on the NFL playing games in Mexico City?


Behave…there’s a girl here.
Hide the porn.

Doktor Zymm

It’s true, it’s really embarrassing when a girl critiques your porn choices.


Sometimes useful/beneficial…sometimes.

Doktor Zymm

Probably depends on the temperment of the person who’s porn is being critiqued


Interesting take. My attitude is that if she’s willing to critique it, then there’s not much to lose in the….ummmm….exchange.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“OK, that is fucking sick you god damned disgusting pervert!
…… Where is the rest of it…. SHOW ME!”


That was our old rundown apartment, we ain’t gone none here.

King Hippo

YUUUGE!!! Even bigger than his monstrous hands!

/help me Dok, me drunk

Doktor Zymm

He has to buy the BIGGEST GLOVE SIZE

King Hippo

IT’S TRUE! Just ask my sexy kitten daughter, who I would totes wear out if I wasn’t related to…

Doktor Zymm

The fact that his statements regarding his daughter don’t bother more of the country freaks me out even more than his statements regarding his daughter……

King Hippo

RIGHT? How is this uber-perv even pulling 40%?

Porky Prime

Easily addressed.

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Doktor Zymm

I think you just earned yourself a shot at Secretary of State

King Hippo

methinks I had too much beer

oopsie daisy


How much is too much? A question for the ages.

King Hippo

in my case…4?


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King Hippo

tis a long hard road from university…


WP Login screen: You can now save time logging by….

Me: Yeah, it’s a goddamned good thing since you’re LOGGING ME OUT EVERY FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!!! You cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shits!

Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where’s the Tylenol?


I think we overloaded the mainframe with all the songs on request line.


Probably so. For me at least it’s been way worse tonight. Plus my computer is having it’s own issues for some reason. Been needing to do something about that for a while actually.

King Hippo

If you guys broke R-T-D, I am surely not going down to teh Black Hole to tell ’em…


I already avoided a gaping chest would by tricking MTWV to do my dirty work for me.
Not taking any chance now.
How do I delete the above posts and leave BFC hanging in the wind for this one?


(fuck you typing)


If you will it, it is no dream.


Hahaha….I did a 5 flusher today.


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King Hippo

I said “no really it’s so fun to relate”

DO LYRICS better than that, I am fucking waiting.

Porky Prime


King Hippo

He do make a persuasive case…TRUE DAT


Things are about to get weird methinks.

Sill Bimmons

Really? No love for Oysterhead?

Oysterhead is the most Sativa thing EVAR

Indica is nothing more than bring-down shit.

Sill Bimmons
Sill Bimmons
Shogun Marcus

Les is much like Mike Patton for me. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but odds are good I’m going to like it.

Porky Prime


King Hippo

ppl don’t fear teh reaper

/shit, thats Blue Oyster Cult

//Christ, I’m fucking old

Shogun Marcus

Including that link. Smgdh.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I can’t ever be mad at someone that has Captain Murphy as their avatar. By default I just trust their opinion on everything

Porky Prime

How dare you bring the room up? BUZZKILLLLLLLL

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Rick and Morty – Get Schwifty

I just replied to a 4 hour old comment on the wrong tab. I’ll repeat what I said. What do I need to do to confirm my status in your insanity league Sill. Just log in on yahoo is what I would assume

King Hippo

I used this as my FF name in my auction league and am unduly proud of it…


Think I’ll end my night on an upbeat number.


Let’s go electro 80’s:

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I don’t remember when I put pants on again. I know it was the wrong choice so I have fixed it now.


I thought Sill tried to stop sad songs with the picture of a seal.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

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Porky Prime

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King Hippo

This was used twice tonight by different Commentist Party members in good standing, despite Minnesota being WAY out teh el beisbol playoff picture. WEIRD!

Porky Prime

Yeah!! Thpft! FUCK I AM YOU CAT!!!

Sill Bimmons

Nope, I just wanted to confuse persons who aren’t completely against the shutting down of the entire idiocy and criminal of baby harp seal slaughter with their tiny tinge of pro-Canadian sentiment.

People who would kill baby harp seals for their fur are the second-most reprehensible fuckweasels on the planet behind only those who would pay people like that to make them a fucking jacket.


Yes. And. Yes.


It seems to have become a free for all.
You know, pretty normal night.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Someone threw Edward Sharpe into a bunch of bands that were mocked for a reason. He get’s a pass for a song in Community


The common thread i was going for was bands with names of people who are fictional/not in the band. Then upon further examination, the dude’s name IS actually Benjamin Folds, so that kinda blew up. And Pink Floyd was too obvious.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I really don’t care. I just like the song that was on Community

King Hippo

Community is in the running for bestest show in the history of ever. Other contenders (across eras) – Cheers, WKRP in Cincinnati, Six Feet Under

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van


King Hippo

Dunno about you guys, but any day that included an empty bottle of gin…HOLY FUCKBALLS


Brand new shit. Day old I think.

Salutations Commentist party.
Wie gehts?


Sehr gut

King Hippo

Most Glorious el beisbol Cardinals comeback WOO!!!!

Shogun Marcus

Liebe ist fur alle da.




Time for a laugh, even if only momentarily, since sill went too far just now.
I’m kidding sill…no worries.

Sill Bimmons

How I did what in the who now?


I’ll always have a soft spot for his older stuff btw.
At times it was the only thing I could still laugh at during some pretty dark times.

King Hippo

Close your eyes and it’s better…


Supergroup idea: Steely Dan, Hootie, Ben Folds, and Edward Sharpe

Shogun Marcus

Dan Blowfish Folds Zeroes?


Hootie and his Honkies



King Hippo

New nuclear test site? Sure!


Could we have it at Gillette Stadium?

Porky Prime

I’m sure there are Steely Dan fans here, but I’m of the opinion that no other group formed where the members were all in their mid-20s, sounded so much like a bunch of guys in their mid-60s.

/oh, no, Guadalajara won’t do


I think Steely Dan is best described as “compositionally obtuse”

Sill Bimmons
Porky Prime

Ah, yes…Weezer, the golden years. Before Rivers Cuomo recorded 100 vaguely similar songs of questionable quality in one weekend around 2001 and proceeded to release about a dozen every couple years.


I agree in principle, but there’s still a gem here and there..

Shogun Marcus

Pre-Harvard if I’m not mistaken. Moar proof no good comes from there. Got that Fitzpatrick?


Mmm, yes, true class only comes from a Princeton man.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I love this song. Nice pick WBS

I meant Say it aint so

King Hippo

Forget “like” – if you don’t think Silversun Pickups are goddamned genius, you can GET FUCKED.


Fantastic live.


Wanted to catch them in Phx this week but they played the night after GNR.

It would seem I missed out.

Porky Prime


King Hippo

She’s hot enough I would wipe. LIKE YOU WOULDN’T

King Hippo

My only two necessities…


Stampeders Lions is on now fellas. Preview of the west final.

Sill Bimmons
King Hippo

many words…but they make no sense

Sill Bimmons

I’m going to go ahead and try to pre-empt The Saddening currently in development with the saddest thing ever…

…and demand that we move on to happier things.

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Sill Bimmons
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am gonna punch you in the face for this. Then kick you in the dick, Then beat your body laying on the ground for like 5 minutes because fuck you.

Sill Bimmons

This is partially your fault, you know…

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I swear to god this is the one scene from any show that makes me cry every single time

Sill Bimmons

How could you not?

If you have even a shred of decent humanity within you, you cry every single time you see it.

It’s how you know you’re just weird and angry, not dangerous.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I watched this twice.. Cried both times

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons



I’m keeping my mouth shut
/yes I agree tho…sad


Vanilla Ice Cream and Beelz are my two faves.
Oh and Voices in my Head.
Oh and….


As much as I enjoyed his old shit, Lion had some next level shit.

King Hippo


Shogun Marcus

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