Fuck you, you KNOW you can/will/do always take an extra helping.
/before writing this, set my DVR for Syracuse/Maryland Friday Night ACC craptacular, to give myself something to “look forward to” when I get back from my daughter’s cross country event.
Squeezing in a mini-Hippo Thought about my Donks’ opener…it’s mystifying in this QB-driven NFL how Cam Newton could play so magnificently and lose, whilst Trevor Fucking Siemian (you will likely see that and other pejoratives often this autumn until it is QuarterPax time in DonksLand) was subpar for your typical scab fill-in. But footy is strange sometimes. Also, MOVE OVER OAKLAND, there’s a new asshole in the AFC West! From sweeping the leg on Kelvin Benjamin at every opportunity to what can only be deemed attempted homicide on Cam Newton (who took it like a man, because he doesn’t get credit for being the stone cold warrior/leader that he CLEARLY is), the black hats are clearly out. Feels…odd?
Back from the fucked-up international break after only three lousy weeks after we just had the lousy fucking Olympics…Lesser Footy will try to re-assert some momentum with the following slate of fixtures, selectively highlighted for your viewing pleasure.
Hey, this will totes help get your blood boiling early! The Manchester Derby, from Old Trafford (7:30 EST, NBCSN), with City’s new keeper (Chilean badass Claudio Bravo) ready to go. Both sides are a perfect 3-0 so far, so one group of Manc arseholes will be especially unbearable next week. God help you if you work with any.
The 10:00 window is reasonably good, with Arsenal/Soton (NBCSN) and Spurs/Stoke (CNBC) the lead options, and well-chosen for a welcome change. Saints are the kind of team that can give the Gooners trouble, in particular. I’d watch that one, for sure. Nobody wants to watch Stoke as their primary choice. Hull lost their unbeaten run in extra time against Manure, we will see if they collapse in full against Burnley (Extra Time).
Liverpool get their delayed (due to stadium construction) home opener against Leicester in the 12:30 showcase on NBCSN. It will be a Redshite wankfest, and I will be glad to swerve it for JV NFL action.
Only one Sunday fixture, a weakened Swans side taking on unbeaten Chelski (11:00, NBCSN). I think I will watch NFL preview stuff instead. Monday Night Footy features Everton against former manager David Moyes and Sunderland (3:00 pm, NBCSN). See, narrative isn’t just limited to American sports! Otherwise, this match gets no highlighting whatsoever.
NC State at East Carolina (Noon, ESPNU)
This is a game that the legislature makes us play, or rather, the legislature made us play (the Basnight political machine is all voted out and/or dead now), and the powers-that-be are too shit scared to rock the boat and give the methheads the finger. My oldest kid, sadly, is studying music education in this God-forsaken town, and will be at this fixture. I politely declined to attend with a FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK NO.
Penn State at Pitt (Noon, ESPN)
A game to prove methamphetamine abuse is not limited to the American South and Ozarks. Also, JoePa is a fucking asshole, and his cultists should burn in hell with him. Hat tip to Sill, if you aren’t pulling for James Conner, you loves teh cancer. And this week…touching middle schoolers.
Kentucky at Florida (3:30, CBS)
Marvel at the cesspool that is the SEC East and the late afternoon window of fixtures. Get up early for the Derby and feel free to nap in the middle here. You won’t miss much, unless you really dig punting and despair (well, who doesn’t but FUCK ME, there’s a limit).
South Carolina at Mississippi State (7:00, ESPN2)
This sure looked more interesting before last week happened, eh?
Arkansas at TCU (7:00, ESPN)
Probably the only game on the slate I am genuinely excited about, which means it will almost surely be a piece of shit, and KY/FL an instant classic. But these are two sleeper teams for November contention.
Virginia Tech vs. Tennessee (8:00, ABC)
Game is at a race track, or some dumb shit like that. These teams are dull as watching cars drive in a fucking circle, so hey…
Washington State at Boise State (10:15, ESPN2)
Late night/DVR/tweaker special! Wazzu is likely garbage, but they should at least score some, and Boise should score a metric fuckton. FUN STUFF. Unlike UVA/Oregon, which will be a more traditional ass-blasting.
From your “THE FUCK??” file…Jawja 10, Nicholls?? 7 at the half.
There’s a reason alabama never schedules them ppl forgett that
Nicholls has a couple of barely literate guys from the Netflix ‘Last Chance U’ series.
It is seriously depressing at how goddamn dumb most of those kids are, and there’s maybe one person who gives a shit and tries to do something about it. To everyone else they might as well be slabs of meat.
Really looking forward to the incessant #BasketOfDeplorables drumbeat over the next two weeks.
I’m looking forward to not looking that up and assuming that it is some kind of family friendly animated sequel

Meh, it’s either that or #CrookedHilary or #BEngHAZi or #Whudatoeremials?
Meh, it’s either that or #CrookedHilary or #BEngHAZi or #Whudatoeremials?
Damn Pitt’s QB got crushed after that handoff
Can’t even watch JVNFL without fuckin Peyton showing up.
I think that one has been on every commercial break
Mhm. His q score can’t drop fast enough. Like his ped levels.
Announcers: “That’s a good c lean hit, definitely not targeteng, it will get overturned”
Ref: “Call is confirmed.”
Pittception! Let’s see how Penn State squanders this scoring opportunity, shall we?
Didn’t expect that shitty call.
Think I’m gonna walk down to the beach and see some sights.
Then after the grocery store trip and the Cubs (the DVR is a goddamn glorious invention) I have some leftover gravy with the meatballs and sausages from my homemade lasagne post and I’m going to make a meatball/sausage sub that will make all the panties drop.
Seize the day indeed!
My this is great was only for the food. I may have not eaten yet today.
Think I’m gonna walk down to the beach and see some
And Harbaugh is violently throttling the defensive coach on the sidelines.
Could you imagine if Harbaugh showed up to a party you were hosting? I think I would actually prefer Tebow to Harbaugh.
Harbough would be the coked up guy in the corner shouting about music to anyone who will listen.
Nope. Crossfit. All day, crossfit.
I keep forgetting that exists.
I take that to mean you’re not friends with anyone who does Crossfit.
Three consecutive series with a fumble.
FOUR now! Jesus fuck somebody go get some gorilla glue for these assholes
WTF?! Is Hyundai saying they are going to murder anyone who buys a competitor’s vehicle?
I didn’t get that one, I did get a Pilot J commercial that advertised clean bathrooms and wifi so your shitty kid can skype when you pull over for gas
I met Bad Religion at a flying J truckstop. Gotta appreciate them just for that.
28-7 now. The only reason it took that long was 2 injuries and a review
Ball control only a priority in the uniforms during the Pitt/Penn State game.
Jesus, does Penn State even know how to play this game any more?
21-7 Pitt now and it could be worse. I am sure Sill is having a good morning.
Fuck Penn State.
– J Sandusky
/rhythmic slapping..I MEAN CLAPPING!!
He tried.
mixed, Saints capitulated late
7-6 West Chester after one. Slippery Rock are wearing away white jerseys that have “THE ROCK” stamped across their chests, and they appear to be wearing gray yoga pants. The announcing team seems capable enough, but every other aspect of the broadcast is a glorious disaster, but it’s fine. It’s how people learn. And I don’t want to say the crowd looks pathetic, but I think I saw Dennis Quaid sitting by himself with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
Fuck Pac-12 scheduling. I wake up and get NFL action every Sunday (even have to get up early/login to Yahoo when Jagruars are in London) but don’t get Pac-12 football action until the other conference have already filled out the final four selections. I get that it’s hot af in AZ (still think they should use it to their advantage and melt opponents) but why can’t I get a UCLA or UW game at 11:30am?
Fun Michigan Stadium Facts
107,601 is the capacity set up (which is actually less than what it once was)
Originally built in 1927 with a capacity of 72,000.
Over 200 home games with a crowd over 100,000k.
On average, 7% of the crowd are Michigan graduates, 12% Went to Michigan for at least 1 semester. and 57% have only their GED.
Does anyone know the average age of a college football TV viewer? I ask because I swear based on the ads I have seen today it is 70 year old white men.
I’m only 49 goddammit!!!!!!
UCF is putting the “special” in special teams. Two of their punts have been blocked and they just got their field goal attempted blocked.
We’ve missed 2 chippie FG’s. And those have been our highlights.
I am not happy atm.
dirty motherfuckers
/also likely literal in Greenville (which they DO call “G-Vegas”)
Homicidal urges rising.
How is Wisconsin ranked 10 now? Did they not watch last weeks game? I know they beat the #5 team but LSU was ranked that high only because they were LSU, not because of any talent.
When you get the opportunity to watch Slippery Rock vs. West Chester (ESPN3), you watch that fucking game.
That game is on one of my local affiliates.
Lotsa cracker ass chuckleheads in Greenville, NC.
/not news
Who is this dumbshit on ESPNU who has Houston as the #4 in the CFB playoff projections this week? Is he fucking serious?
Dude….go the to clue store and buy one. Please.
They’re fun as hell to watch. Gigantic WRs. Any rankings this early in the season are horse poop, though.
They beat Oklahoma, and they don’t play anyone worth a shit the rest of the year. If they’re undefeated, and no one else is, they’ll be 3 or 4.
They play AT Louisville in November. On A Friday, IIRC. Louisville could be in the Top 5 too, I think they are better than Clemson and FSU.
Wow, did West Ham spit the bit. I have truly found the lesser footy Jets.
Lost a 2-nil home lead to WATFORD??
Uhhh…it made a great highlight package?
Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Woooo Bournemouth!
Hey, it turns out the o/u on Donks/Cats was…41.5. SCARY ACCURATE, but my under bet woulda held after all.
Those assheads in Vegas really piss me off sometimes with all teh knowledge.
Come on, being black…hatted is clearly the problem with Cam.
–Colin Cowherd, probably
I’m bored. How ’bout some pregame depression music?
No? Fuck you.
anytime is the RIGHT TIME FOAR depression radio WOO!!!
Hippo, you completez me. Good thing you don’t have a vajayjay. I’d wreck that thing.
Did someone say depression music?
I admit it: I sometimes miss the XX Century.
Dos Equis?
Sure, I’ll have one. 10am drinking is fine on CFB Saturdays, right?
Sure. But no chilled vodka before 11. Passing out during the first game is frowned upon. Uptight bastrds.
/begins watching the clock for T-minus vodka time
//43 minutes…I can do this.
No chilled vodka?
OK, the warm shit on the shelf it is….
/might have just broken the 11am vodka rule
Also, this is still totally funny….
Am I hearing things, or did Pawhl just blame MissSt losing to USA last week on Dak now starting for Dallas? Granted, I wasn’t listening terribly closely, but I’m pretty certain that’s what he said.
Mourinho addresses the refereeing to the press after the game (big Latin candle description):
Fuck EPL and fuck England
A classic: I Can More Than You
In soap form (really works!):
My tiebreaker in this fixture has always been that Ian Curtis was a City supporter, and it’s nice for his ghost to be happy, FFS.
That’s a valid reason.
If he losses, the weekly dead rat Mourinho mails to Arsene Wegner shall be severely decomposed.
Zlatan is hate proof. For me, at least.
No one with a man bun is hate proof
/realizes it’s Guardiola’s team
Mourinho – Guardiola matchups compels an ancient choice: root against the dickhead, or for the douchebag to eat shit?
Oh De Brainer! (As the English say)
I liked it better at 2-nil, but it was like “off the pitch, kiddies, the grownups are having a training session.”
Q: What’s the difference between a litter of puppies and ECU fans?
A: Eventually puppies grow up and stop whining.
Q: What do ECU cheerleaders and ECU quarterbacks have in common?
A: They’re always on their backs.
Q: Why can’t ECU get on the internet?
A: They can’t put 3 W’s together.
tl;dr: ECU sucks, fuck those guys.
It’s funny because they sell those in the market and most supermarkets near my home. Never doubt the power of a big ass candle.
The little bodega near where I used to live in Mesa, run by the cutest tiny little old latina chickie (if she was 4’10” I’ll eat my hat) had a whole aisle devoted to these candles.
I love candles in general, and while me and Jeebus ain’t exactly friends these days, I did buy a lot of these with his selfie plastered on them.
I may steal this one.
Aujourd’hui nous sommes tous les Pittsburghers.
That banner pic is the food boner-producing equivalent of this pic
Full-sized (WARNING: The following link will contain several annoying, NSFW ads if you aren’t running an ad blocker): http://www.imagebam.com/image/00ec36503775817
Can’t wait for that Washington State-Boise State game.