TGISF…AKA “Return Of Teh Cheerleaders – Pt Deux” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Don’t stare at that banner image up there too long.  Because you can’t have her.  But we’ll get to that.

Last week, we paid homage to the amateurs…


TGISF…AKA “Return Of Teh Cheerleaders – Part I” Sexy Friday Open Thread

Yes, a good portion of last week’s TGISF was a shameless NCSU plug, why do you ask?

And we lost anyway.  Meh.

But this week, we’re going to the pros.

So to speak….

Return Of Teh Cheerleaders – Pt Deux :  Pro Footy Edition

The sequel rarely lives up to the original.  Hopefully this will be the exception.

Now, about that banner image.  That is my favorite pro cheerleader.  Her name is Andrea, and she’s just all kinds of swell.

Does it surprise you to know I have a favorite NFL Cheerleader?  It shouldn’t.  But what might surprise you is which team she cheers for, since I most strenuously do not care for the team she cheers for.

But still, you might see more of her tonight (Translation:  You’re totally gonna see more of her tonight).  Like now, for instance…

Yeah, I like her….

…I like her a lot.

Don’t feel badly tho.  If you looked like her I’d probably like you too.

One more?  At least for now?  Sure, OK…

Halloween. But she gives the treats.


Sports That Make You Seek Professional Help

So there was some game on last night or something, I think….?


It’s back for realsies now.  And all which that implies.  The league finally got to the real games last night, as the defending Superb Owl Champion Tawmmy’s (I think they mentioned that a time or two) hosted the Chefs.

Now personally, I very much enjoyed the humbling of the Pats at home in their opener as Defenders of the Galaxy.  It was fun to watch Tawmmy eat dirt multiple times and look dejected as hell on the sidelines.  Couldn’t happen to a nicer fella.  It was also a lot of fun to watch Kareem Hunt bounceback from an early setback and kick some Patriot Ass.  That was a lot of fun.

Having said that…..between the aforementioned (and yes very enjoyable) Brady beatdown and Travis Kelce coming to work on the short bus last night, I lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 18-20 fantasy points I was kinda counting on.

But still….Pats lost, 42-27 is your final.  Worth it.

Week One Schedule



Soooooo, remember last week when I told you the Dodgers would still take the division going away?  Well, it seems shit has imploded at Chavez Ravine.  I still think they’ll pull out (phrasing) in time to still take the division “comfortably”.  But going away is now looking like a bad bet.  Yeeesh.  Arizona is pretty much assured of a wildcard spot (10 game cushion) even if they don’t overtake the Dodgers, and Colorado is still hanging on (3 game cushion).  The American League wildcard picture is more messy so I’m not gonna talk about it, but suffice to say that any of 8 teams could get hot down the stretch and still slide in.


  • Baltimore at Cleveland – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (regional split)
  • Tampa Bay at Boston – 7:00pmEDT – TV: MLBN (regional split)

Full Schedule



College Football

There’s some games tonight.  You heard it here first.  Sadly, probably the one with the most watchability (Memphis/UCF) got cancelled.  Thanks hurricanes.  OhioU/Purdue and OkieSt/USA it is then….I guess.


  • Alcorn State at Fla. International – 7:00pmEDT – TV: beIN (wow, really? LMFAO)
  • Oklahoma State at South Alabama – 8:00pmEDT – TV: ESPN2
  • OhioU at Purdue – 8:00pmEDT – TV: FS1

The Weekend’s Slate


OK, Time For Some Professional Help

Yes, I know I just used that joke in the last header and that it even sucked the first time.  But this time, of course I’m referring to the NFL Cheerleaders.  Heh heh…


Not every team is represented.  Some might be represented more than once.

I’m pretty much going with the best links I can find which wouldn’t end up attracting too much attention.  ‘Nuff said.

But first….Andrea.

I was “lucky” enough to still be a local for her rookie campaign, whence she first caught my attention.

In 2017 she’ll be a fifth year veteran.  For the Arizona Cardinals.

She kinda pertty.

So yes, I have hereby already long ago dubbed Arizona’s Andrea to be the NFL Cheerleader Queen of the Planet (pronounced “Ahn DREY’ uh“, btw …  shut up it doesn’t make her arrogant it makes her mysterious … SHUT UP!!!!).


But here are your runners up.  Enjoy…

Tampa Bay
Included only so I can remind you guys to use “Redacteds”? LOL, sure, let’s go with that.
New England
San Francisco
Moar Andrea?? Twist my arm why dontcha…
New Orleans
Philadelphia (and also, dear lordy lord)
Yinzburgh doesn’t have cheerleaders, but I just had to use this image again.
And this one, too!!!!
Seattle Again (bcuz I can)
The Giants don’t have cheerleaders either. But still, pretty nice photo.
But the Jets do!!!!!! Who needs recent Superb Owl titles when we’ve got girls?!?!?
One last Andrea to… ahem … bring up the rear? Yes.


Equal Time For Our Northern Friends

B.C. Again…
B.C. Again. I think maybe I just became a Liouns fan.

OK, enough of that.

I suppose that’s about it this week.

Other than a special shout out and a hearty “Atta Boy!!!” to the lovely and talented ALXMAC, who was the only one to correctly guess last week’s musical theme.  In fact, he was the only one to even make a serious guess.  And because he played my game, he’s my new BFF.

The rest of you can suck it.  😛

OK fine, I didn’t mean that.  Probably.

Have a good weekend folks.

Love ya’s.

Do you have a “request” or an idea for a future TGISF theme?  Drop me a line…

[email protected]

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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We would be remiss if we didn’t also consider new music.

Even though much of it is horrible.

I find this not horrible.

Howdy DFO!

Mr. Ayo

I actually enjoyed this one.

Brick Meathook

Toni Basil goes to Mardi Gras with Billy and Captain America
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Mr. Ayo

Is that Wes Welker on the left?

Mr. Ayo

Wait, which way are you facing right now?



Everything is right and…

Everything is left!

Far out!

Mr. Ayo

With the D.E.R.P. is doesn’t matter.

Mr. Ayo

Now face north
Think about direction


Ola all.
Don’t know if this has come up yet, but we hear anything from DonT? Hope he’s out of harm’s way.


He’s such a tough sumbitch he actually wrote a post and published through the hurricane! He and family made it through ok.

How you doing? Hope the damage wasn’t too extensive.


Get out of my brain.

Senor Weaselo

Whoppers for everyone!


So this is where my investment went?



Burger King to be exact. Where apparently they make sandwiches as well.


I got lucky, just fences and stuff in my neighborhood. A 40 minute drive north is another story.


Glad to hear it!


Evenin. How are we all?

the Alpha and the Amoeba

I got those pre-NFL season jitters. I’m gonna have to find a good recipe to make to calm myself down. Any suggestions?


The Peppermint Hippo:

1 oz peppermint schnapps
2 pills of your favorite opiate, crushed.
Fill a shaker with ice, pour in schnapps and crushed pills. Shake to cool. Pour onto martini glass. Top with ginger ale.

the Alpha and the Amoeba

If i don’t have opioids (Thanks Obama!), can i substitute amphetamine?


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Mr. Ayo

That sounds WAY better.


I think I would get arrested if I made that at the bar.

the Alpha and the Amoeba

Watching this to get myself pumped up for the upcoming season. (NSFVF) not safe for vikings fans.

Brick Meathook

Toni Basil (nearest camera) watches as Jack Nicholson doesn’t get a sandwich.
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Everything sucks and I feel like a giant loser.

Mr. Ayo

Haha! Welcome to the party!



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Senor Weaselo

Fuck… I might go to a Rays game?

the Alpha and the Amoeba

There are three other parts of this, this is the one that almost made me wreck my laptop by making me laugh with a mouth full of Gin and Tonic. I’m afraid they’re all rather low quality tho.


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Mr. Ayo

Step aside Andrea. You’ve been replaced.

Mr. Ayo

3 way? Nice!


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Beer, weed, cheerleaders. Denver has it all.

King Hippo

someone is making his way nicely through teh Bojack S4


Was doing fine til literally the last line of the episode

King Hippo

they know how to kick in the balls

King Hippo

The little lady loves this


Speaking of Conan, these always made me laugh somehow


Text before link!


As you wish; damn, the thumbnail on ytube had Trump in it and was the reason I posted that one in particular.


So how many people in the world are hoping Irma completely destroys Mar a Lago?


Everyone with the exception of the Drumpf family, all of the Martians, all of the Lizard People, and every sentient on the planet X’z’aac$z in the Sirius system.

Senor Weaselo

You’d think the Martians and the X’z’aac would be rooting for the hurricane. Y’know, because they’re aliens.


At least 65,853,516


Per the Star Trek episode “City on the Edge of Forever”, an Liberal peace dove caused the Nazis to win WW2.

See Democrats? Much like going Full Conservative is terrible, going Full Liberal is also bad too.

King Hippo

Yes, nobody (I hope) is arguing the Kucinich position. JEEBUS, I hope not.


We need a FDR with working legs to set this world right.


For all the crap Andrew Jackson gets, if he was still alive…

(I just realized I cannot finish this comment without Secret Service breaking down my door)


Nah. Fuck Andrew Jackson forever.


A scant few elected liberals/Democrats actually oppose any sort of foreign military intervention anymore.


I also think you can’t compare a war against a fascist-run conquest-minded major world power to the “wars” fought in the last few decades.


Also that episode is fucking stupid because the people who wanted to keep the U.S. out of that war were Nazi-sympathizers not pacifists and Germany declared war on the U.S. to honor its pact with Japan after our declaration on Japan.


Russia would like to make a comment about Germany’s commitment to pacts…


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The Pope of Texas


Key West Resident: “Yeah, I’m not leaving. We never have a hurricane hit here.”
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Cruel…but natural selection in real time


Just be careful when one of your H. customers crashes into your front porch.

King Hippo

I ate popcorn through the shot. I’m a sick bastard and can eat through anything. Gimme a monkey abortions channel, whatevs.

Senor Weaselo

Fuck, I’d want one not-high.


I have spent all day looking for the Conan Obrien clip where he looked into the future, all the way to the year 2000, and saw that the worlds first openly gay Hurricane will gently punish the tip of Florida.


Why is Irma gay? To me it sounds like a Lunch Lady at an Elementary School.


more so because I loved the “year 2000” bits and that one always stood out to me.

King Hippo

they were very, very funny

King Hippo

Just started actively noticing that I am drinking WAY the fuck more than usual. HUZZAH!!


For tonight at least, I join you


I travel a lot by car to SoCal. i always text this to my work wife when i visit the other offices.


Fyi, text first, then link.

King Hippo

Holy shit guys….Spur is goddamned Li’l Sweet!!


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she should wash her hair


Teaching night school and one of the sudents said she has a friend in fort meyers who was deserted at her homestay. Jesus.


That doesn’t sound good.


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I just had a thought. How awesome would it be if the Patriots went 0-16?


Great. Now I have to figure out how to clean my ceiling.



King Hippo

I hope this hurricane isn’t ruining anyone’s 9/11 weekend.


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Ok State didn’t even name their stadium after T Boone Pickens? What’s a guy gotta do? When will this country finally stop picking on the small business man?

King Hippo

“I blame the Jews who did 9/11” – Pete C., Everett, WA


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much better


Maybe Kaep has the right idea about kneeling…


I feel asleep before the Pats feel apart. Did Collinsworth cry? Please tell me he cried.


No, but the Massholes filed out of their stadium in record time.


Rodney Harrison didn’t know how to spin it to a positive and his head nearly exploded!


Folks. IT was okay. There should have been a gangbang at the end.


Your boys’ long nightmare is over.

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