Your “This Isn’t What I Meant When I Said Blow Me” Friday Evening Open Thread

I’m on my way to pick up teh King Hippo.  We’ve decided…. fuck this hurricane, we’ goin’ drankin’.

Yikes Hippo, looks like I might be a little late.

Just kidding folks.

Having driven in the middle of more than one hurricane over the years, I’m staying home this time and hoping no trees come down through the roof.  But if they do, at least I’ll be able to fire up my chainsaw and cut some stuff apart.

As I type this, I’ve spent the past two days hurricane proofing my property.  Which generally means either moving stuff inside, or bungee’ing things down so they don’t end up going through my neighbors’ windows when wind gusts happen.  More or less….so I don’t get sued for stupid shit.  Currently, it looks like the storm is gonna veer south a little bit, which means we’ll miss the worst of it here in my neck of the woods.

But pray foar Hippo.  He’s gone south to save his eldest and will then be moving inland.  But he’ll still be directly in the path if things stay the way they look currently.

Imma be really pissed off if he ends up ded.

Also, there’s not gonna be any talky talky this week, or sports listings.  I’m just trynna to get this written before my power goes out.  And trust me, it will.

True Story Bro

Two weeks ago, I was briefly planning to hit the coast this  weekend and try to do a little sunning and surfing before Autumn hit.  I’m really happy now that I opted to not do that.

Hopefully, in a couple of weeks from now, I’ll be able to do it anyway and also get some good deals on accommodations.

“Why no, I don’t mind if there’s sand in my living room.  Just cut the room rate in half and you’ve got yourself a deal!!!!”


Cheerleaders Delayed

Normally, to celebrate the recent return of footbaw, I would have been doing cheerleaders the past two weeks.


But because of complications here at home and elsewhere, I’ve been away for a coupla weeks.

Shoulda been College Cheergirls two weeks ago, NFL Lovelies last week.  My apologies.  But we’re gonna make up for it this week.


Rah Rah


Stand up and Cheer!!!!

Equal Time Fo’ Da Ladies?  You Betcha!!!!

(though honestly the pickings are slim for it this week)

((there are pretty much no good male cheerleader photos to be had so I’ll give you what I can))

Damn.  Almost makes me wish I was gay.


Getting Blown (Away)

OK folks, that’s it for this week.

Keep teh Hippo in your thoughts.

Imma go outside now and check on some stuff….

Artist’s Conception

Love ya’s


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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Spanky Datass

Rough first half in AFL footy. Collingwood scored as the horn sounded to make thier lead 7 over GWS then them blokes decided to fight! Krikey!

Brick Meathook

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Wow, New York Ave in DC has changed since my last trip

Brick Meathook

Almost all of DC has changed drastically in the last ten years.


Yeah but I was here earlier this year

Brick Meathook

Oh I know, I was just saying that because it’s my hometown and I don’t recognize it anymore. The redevelopment is vast and quick.


Just about to hit the hay, but I’mma fall asleep watching Calgary & Boston playing hockey in China.

The pre- pre-season is upon us, foUlks!

Brick Meathook

I got a pot store down the hill from me and another up the street, but I only get high about once a month on legal weed. Tonight is that night. I’m watching Stop Making Sense right now. I’m also going to do the Saturday NY Times X-word puzzle high, and I can do pretty good at it, but it’s a lot funnier.

Brick Meathook

I’ve never actually seen Stop Making Sense before. This movie is fucking amazing.

Mr. Ayo

How’s the crossword puzzle going?

Brick Meathook

I forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. I’m high. I’ll do it now; give me 20 minutes.

Brick Meathook

Mini puzzle done in 00:58, a little slow but perfect. Now on to the big game.

Brick Meathook

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Mr. Ayo

Well done sir

Brick Meathook

That was after a giant bong hit.

Mr. Ayo

You’re a fucking legend.

I’m not even going to try to embarrass myself trying to beat that.

yeah right

Every year I have a joint birthday party with youngest right.
We are 10 days and 28 years apart.
I let her choose the location.

She’s hit me for 2 years of Ruths’ Chris and now she wants to go Mr. A’s.

You San Diego folks hear me.

She learned from her mom.

That’s a 350 bill on the barrel head if I’ve seen one.

She’s not a cheap date, that’s for sure.

So looking forward to it.

Look! Caviar!

Mr. Ayo

Hey, is she seeing anyone? Asking for a friend

yeah right

If you’re picking up the tab we can talk.

Mr. Ayo

350 is a rounding error. Send pics.

yeah right

Bring the blini!

Mr. Ayo

Straight to the dirty talk? I like it.


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yeah right

Big Ern!

Mr. Ayo

That’s a split I can get behind.

Brick Meathook

Convair 990, a super speedy airliner introduced in 1959. It had modified fighter-plane engines and drank fuel; those pods on the wing are “shock bodies” to help aerodynamics while flying trans-sonic. It was not a commercial success.
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Mr. Ayo

Bring back the concorde (or modern replacement) already.


Agreed. Where’s my goddamn space plane already?

Brick Meathook

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Brick Meathook

Here’s a 4:49 video that’s a tour of an SR-71 engine by a former SR-71 pilot. It’s pretty cool, and it’s even better if you’re high:

Mr. Ayo

I’m still blown away by that fact that ZODIAC_MOTHERFUCKER found love.

Anyway, Heat fucking rules. That is all.


So does this.

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She seems nice

Mr. Ayo

Funny that as soon as he got his dick wet he stopped posting to twitter.


Wouldn’t you?

Mr. Ayo

I don’t post on twitter.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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It’s a shame she can coast on just showing cleavage for the rest of her career.


Better to have loved fapped and lost then to have never loved fapped at all

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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B&R are right to fear Californication.


If only her boobs’ center of gravity were going with her overall momentum instead of against it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mr. Ayo

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Senor Weaselo

Me, last night: “I need to go to bed early after rehearsal for my gig tomorrow morning.:
My brain, while in bed, on fucking loop, at like 2 AM:

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

The R-4360 Wasp Major:
28 big-titted cylinders and the most homo supercharger you ever saw
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Mr. Ayo

Looks more potent than this one
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Brick Meathook

They cleaned three cylinder Anzanis out of the oil filters on the R-4360

except it didn’t have oil filters! It drank 195 g/hp/hr of oil!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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This looks like a weapon a video game boss would be carrying

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

I wonder if it went *clang* when it hit the guy’s head

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Damn, I hope so.

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Brick Meathook

Two R-4360s with counter-rotating propellers as Howard Hughes sits in his prototype Hughes XF-11 built at the end of World War II. That airfield is Hughes Aircraft in Culver City CA, and the land is now a mini-city called Playa Vista. Hughes crashed this plane smack into a house in Beverly Hills that burst into flames on the ground and Hughes somehow lived through the crash and was pulled out by a neighbor.

At 3000hp each, the aircraft was capable of flying 450mph at 40,000 feet, which is still impressive.

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook

The gigantic B-36 had six R-4360 engines in pusher format. This prototype aircraft still has gigantic rear wheels too:
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Brick Meathook

Here’s the flight engineers station on a B-36:
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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Brick Meathook



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Mr. Ayo


And little doggo!


I’m worried this pic violates the “no nudity” rule

Mr. Ayo

Agreed. Red rockets are allowed.



Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Back update: Still not healthy enough to do stretches.

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Mr. Ayo

She’s quite pliable.


I’d hire her as my physiotherapy coach

Senor Weaselo

It’s the Bart on drugs episode! Dingers, dingers!

Senor Weaselo

They only need one more win to not meet the Mets!


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Mr. Ayo

I’m thinking closer to 120 with that schedule.


You`re (almost) #1!

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Mr. Ayo

Pshaw, that won’t happen under … [checks roster] Bundy’s watch!

Well certainly not with … [checks roster again] Cashner.

Ok, but definitely not with [checks roster through bleeding eyes] Cobb standing guard.

JFC, what the hell happened over there?

Mr. Ayo

Alright, time to go catch up on Barstool’s blog posts from today. BRB


What a week. When you marry and sign on for that, and for kids, you konw whats coming. And there are days when you are sitting in trafic and start that internal bitching. and you realize tht you have it damn good – healty children and a roof over your head – and you check youself. And even though you think, “Fucking I am a parody of what i didn’t want to be”, you still realize you are rich and lucky. so shut your fucking mouth and smile.


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Dear NFL,
if you ar etrying to fucking sell me on your shit sevice, you don’t want to show me some docuhe head yelling “How about the cowboys@”

This makes me mad. It makesme want to drink your bile.


Where are you? And I hate your ever loving guts


I hope you are safe and dry. Keep drinking because when shit is going down, the guy with the buss on is the fucker who rises above.

Mr. Ayo

Also, passed out drunks float better.

Mr. Ayo

Love you bro


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John Gruden talking to a flat tire is the reason why the rest of th eworld hates us


That post is a justifiction of the fact that curvy women rock the fucking house


jeeesus mary and jobeth

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Mr. Ayo

Red beans and rice didn’t miss her.


They hit eevery fucking good apar t of her

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

moah liek jizzfozz amirightpple?!?!?


As a marketing weasel, i see campaigns in a different light – and having been on a million pitches – i gotta say whoever the motehrucker was who pitched th whoel sasquatnch thing to jack links that guy – or gal – is a fucking genius who could sell ketchup popsicles to a woman in white glvoes

Spanky Datass

Ladies choice skate at the rink so slick back your hair and chew a breath mint, animals.


Where’s the T. Swift version? That one has real soul.


Mr. Ayo

She really likes months. I should be a month.


I missed work today, because i got a fucking speargun and hunted down every moronic mouth breathign asshole who called in and said, “Fuck Joe Flaco, lets’ get Lamar jackson in NOW!”

it was a bloody morning. and i ate their brains.


That’s good hustle.

slaps you on the ass… HARD


Wait wht? Brocky????? Whoa where the fuck you bee? My pants are tingly


Asking some important questions.

The real question?

whispering: why are you wearing pants?


I am wearing pants because the crust on my underwear was slciing into my thighs


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In the aftermath of whatever in fuck whent on in the fuckign slackage channel, and whatever i said me piece. i see awhole s of boobies in this thread.

if you think i’m coma;aining your ass don’t know meeeee

Mr. Ayo

What happened in the slack channel?


Somde dude went afteter another guy an dinsulted him and was not cool, and it was about this site, and how we don’t want to be like Barstool – and i agree completely – but he went after another one of the commenters and that ain’t cool.


Never ever. You got a problem with a friend, you go and talk to HIM. Not his buddies.


Nothing, because their a bunch of slackers McFly. They’ll never amount to anything, just like their old men.


I didnt’ want to, and if i did, my fault. I’m kinda hammereaded and yeah, i think that guy was out of bounds.


I luuuuuve youuuuuu

Mr. Ayo

Fuck that whiny bitch then. No reason to take this shit so serious.


You are my best imaginary internet friend! I admire you r stick to it iveness


My dudes and dudettes how is it going? Makers Mark is my lady tonight, and my wife, well, she ain’t.

Col. Duke LaCross

Three cans of Strongbow in and some replays of F1 practice on the teevee. Won a couple skins in a cash game this afternoon. Life be kinda all right.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mmmmmmm. Lorena Garcia.


TSN’s CFL panel are wondering why Travis Lulay gets hurt a lot. Nice to know that guys who get paid 6 figures haven’t been paying attention for close to a decade, because the Liouns’ O-line has been a dumpster fire for that long and has ruined the career of many QBs.

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A good OL can elevate any offense and a bad OL can destroy any offense. I don’t care if you have the fusion of the fusion of Tom Brady and Joe Montana and the fusion of Brett Favre and Johnny Unitas, if he only gets 1-2 seconds before he has to run for his life, he’s not going to do anything good.


See Also: 1999 West Virginia Mountaineers

Dynamic offense, led by five future NFL starters, and an offensive line that shouldn’t have started at the NAIA level.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Nice to see the Liouns bounce back in this game (Lulay left) and they are heating up at the right time.

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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(studio audience cat calls)

Mr. Ayo

RIP that magnificent rack.


Radio: “Joe Mixon is out for knee surgury.”

(swallows handfuls of poison pills)

Radio: “He should be back in two weeks.”

Aw, darn it to heck. Where do we keep the Antidote Pills?


Liouns with back to back pick 6s. Liouns are going to be the French Birds tonight. Manziel didn’t play and he looked pissed on the bench. Liouns are now primed to cross over in the playoffs (for now)

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When isn’t Manziel pissed?

Senor Weaselo

Nisssan, if I get to take home a Titan, I want… shit, that’s why they took over the sponsorship to Tennessee’s stadium, isn’t it.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Mr. Chairperson, I raise a Point of Order about why Aaron Rodgers’ gay jokes are now frowned upon when the right to make a dick joke is written into our by-laws? Is it because it is thought of as a hateful joke or is it because the joke has been run into the ground and its time to let the dead horse rest in peace?

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“He’s a fag.” jokes are in poor form.

Mr. Ayo

We’re above making light of anyone’s sexual orientation is my understanding of this decision.

Col. Duke LaCross

As a Bears fan, those jokes never get old for me, but as a fairly progressive dude that lives in Utah, gay jokes kinda make me feel icky.


I agree. Honestly I didn’t even get the joke. He didn’t seem like someone who was gay. Honestly, except for some exceptions, homosexual people don’t usually seem gay or straight to me. Its almost a running gag that someone I have a celeb crush on turns out to be a lesbian, like it wasn’t enough that I had no chance in hell, it had to go even further to illustrate that I have less than no chance in hell.

I’m just curious. Its like this joke went from acceptable to verboten. Not sure if it was society moving forward or just people sick of the easy no-effort joke.

King Hippo

It’s a combination of “got really old” and was coming across as too close to the hateful end of the spectrum.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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