Ehh, I’ve talked about him enough. Besides, there are other things to vibrate the vocal cords about. Like, why the heckfire are you gonna watch this oh-so-entertaining shit show? Let’s talk about your childhood-did you fall out of a tree as a youngster? Did you hear your parents make grunting noises through that paper-thin wall your bed was resting against? He wasn’t trying to hurt her, you know. (most likely) Did you take an overnight trip with your best buddies to go see a dead body? Did Mr. Cuddles talk back to you? Did your older sister play “Cheeseburger in Paradise” on repeat while she did your nails? Were you told that “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure” was a documentary? Did Uncle Touchy earn his nickname during the celebration after Joe Montana hit Dwight Clark in the end zone? Did you get an erection when you heard about the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion?
If you answered, “I’m not sure” to any of these questions…whoo boy! I don’t think you deserve to have Tevin Coleman on your fantasy roster. He deserves much, much better. Shall we wander over to the tilt at hand on this Thursday “Ya got anything better to do? I didn’t think so” night snoreperience. TO THE GAME!
Them Jets/Them Browns:
Binary code for these two squadoo’s combined record at this point (11011) can be translated loosely as “at least we’re not the Giants, haha” And yet, they still are who they are. Let’s let them off the hook for a wee bit and see how things go.
This has always been like one of my favorite names.
I’m enjoying the lack of sound on the NFL Network set. It’s just Michael irvin making karate chops like he’s Dolomite.
1-1-1. Such a mathematically pleasant record. Of course, it could also read like a racist video gamer kid ending an exclamatory sentence.
1-1-1. Such a
mathematically pleasantperfectly balanced record.FTFY
Gregggggg looks drunk already
Hope Clicks eternal: Browns edition could be fun to read
You have my attention.
Jesus, I might have to make the time.
Seriously tho, sauce plx
I think Michael Irvin needs a bigger, tackier diamond in his ear. No reason to be such a shrinking violet.
It’s funny to see all these positive homer excited Mayfield tweets. In three years they’re gonna all be like,”Always knew the BM wouldn’t develop. Bad pick.” And we’ll have these tweets to enjoy.
I saw one already comparing this to Brett Favre
aw, fuck off media, don’t make me hate him already
Oh seriously?!
Good for them!
SEVENTEEN points FOAR the mighty D/ST of #ThePauls!!
Go Baker Go!!
“They should burn Cleveland to the ground tonight”
“It’s only one game.”
“What game?”
Unlock the coolers!
So, The Pauls haven’t won since Obama was president. That’s kind of funny
Neither has the US.
“Michelle says I can do it again, so long as it’s only a few years, and I get Saturdays off for marathon tantric sex.” – Barack Hussein O., Chi****, IL
SACK! Gimme mah point, you usurpers!!!
But…but…the streak…
The Jests are the one in 1-1-1.
Standing there on his hind legs, downing a punt. Like a bunch of Boddy-Calhouns!
for once, the punt is mathematically correct
Go for it!
Oh wait, they could still fuck it up.
Block it!
Such a feel good story that the Browns got their team back this year.
Joe Buck is the worst
The Browns could still lose this. If anybody could, it’s the Browns.
I was just going to call a Jets punt return for a TD, followed by Cleveland just sliding into Lake Erie.
doing some math and IMAGINAAAAAAATION! we could get a punt, followed by safety, followed by onside free kick!
Where were you when the Browns won their game?
OK, I gotta go buy an Instant Pot, and wrap my head around the fact that the Browns did a good.
I might need to pressure cook my head in the Instant Pot to get this fact in there good.
I ML bet them at 3-14 because their backup QB was coming into the game. CONFIDENTLY.
You smarty.
made up for the Lesser Footy bets I lost at halftime
Will my head fit in a 6 quart, or do I need the 8 quart?
Which one?
Who cares? I don’t use either one very much anymore these days.
eh, then go for the 6 quart one.
I used #ThePauls as a fill-in D/ST and they scored 14 points! Perhaps even more if Hey Darnold!! gets the ball back with a few ticks left to tard around with.
Well, that was just not a very good check down.
So, normal Thursday schedule then?
That sound you hear is both the the ball landing in a Browns DB’s hands to cement the win, and the cracking of the Fifth Seal.
and you were here with DFO to see IT BEGIN!!
Jesus Christ, Buck has Trent Green brain damage. How many times did he say #1 overall pick tonight?
India is a strange land.
That guy holding that sign is on par with the shit-stain soldier in Private Ryan I was talking about earlier. You want that side to win, but, damn, they ruin the pure joy.
/drops fork
I want Cleveland to lose solely because of that guy’s sign
PLEASE PICKERCEPTION, and why didn’t I bet more moneys on my hunch when Mayfield came in??
/that’s why I ain’t bet MOAR I guess
Well asscrackers…now someone’s almost certain to win. I was rooting for another tie.
Still time for 2 safeties! Think positive!
If anyone can give up two safeties in 2 minutes, it’s the Browns.
Pick Six puts the Draw back in play!
Christ, if they win this the Browns are going to set an opossum loose in the stadium every night.
thank of the wonderful RABIES POTENTIAL!!
It’s Ohio; rabies would be an improvement to their overall health care.
I once caught a possum in alive animal trap. It had a bunch of babies, and I felt really bad about relocating it.
Did you relocate the babies with it?
I’m assuming so. if one scrambled out during the truck ride over, I didn’t notice
This game is looking good!
Seriously, been at least a B+ since Tyrod’s brain went Trent Green.
Spur’s question about podcasts reminded me of this funny excerpt from the RT podcast, animated for your pleasure.
Forgot about RTAA!
clicking around the League, the guy playing our money league commish DID start Crowell. Oh, he gon be mad.
Sucks for that guy.
good for me? my opponent left Hyde (29.8) on his bench. His team is still really good, though.
In case you needed sommet else to ponder after commercial/kickoff/commercial:
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
BeerGuyRob, Maestro? Can I crash on your couch until this shitstorm is over?
From “wasn’t there” to “rough horseplay” to Beavis and Butthead “it was uh…other kids or something.”
ok, not-Manziel. You want to what passes FOAR a hero in BELIEVE-land?
How did they not expect the Enunwa play? Is Boss Todd calling defense too?
I need a good podcast to listen to. Suggestions?
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
Yes. Very yes.
Have that already
I bet Todd Bowles has a great one
Better than Jim Caldwell’s.
good luck finding that’un
What are you looking for? Comedy? Sports? Political? Science?
All. If it’s interesting I’ll listen
Here are some of the comdey ones I listen to:
Rooster Teeth Podcast: People from a web video production company shooting the shit about what’s happening in their lives, and the lives of their fellow employees. Full of interesting characters and humorous anecdotes. Most episodes are about an hour, and they’ve been releasing one a week for 10 years.
Off Topic: Kind of a spin-off of the rooster teeth podcast. Very unfocused, centers mostly around banter between the people on it. Hard to describe because they literally talk about whatever they fell like. Episodes are 2 to 3 hours, they have about 150 now, i think.
Comedy button: Made by IGN employees, but not an official company podcast. Biggest draw is it’s absurdist humor and banter, as well as lots of nostalgic stuff about nineties nerd pop culture. Episodes are about an hour, they have about 350 episodes now
I’ll try these. Thanks
Seconded for the Rooster Teeth crew.
If you want a taste of the type of stuff on the Rooster teeth podcast, they take the best parts from their episodes and make animated shorts based on them.
We Hate Movies is my go to. Just 4 former improv-ish guys riffing on shitty movies. They’re great.
predicting #ThePauls 21, Jest 17
see, NAWT all my predicciones are merde. JUST MOST
Johnny Football starting tomorrow. Wooo!
Browns are going to Browns here and continue to stomp on their fans hearts.