Yep, I’m mailing this one in big time this week. Mostly because I’m traveling and I procrastinated all week on writing it until it was too late. I probably should have shopped it out to someone else, actually. Meh. Who cares?
But there is no content this week other than pretty girls. And this week even those are random so I can do it quickly. No theme.
And if there’s one thing tWBS knows about it, it’s getting nothing.
Sports Which Will Make You Feel Like A Nothing 2Nite
Nothing. St. Louis @ Boston Stanley Cup Finals don’t get rolling until Monday. (sigh)
Nothing. Golden State awaits the winner of Toronto/Milwaukee, but they don’t get Game 6 in until tomorrow night. (sigh)
Nothing. At least not national broadcasts, as always on a Friday. Check your locals or else enjoy the tiddly winks tournament on ESPN Ocho. (sigh)
You’re Wearing Almost Nothing
(no I wasn’t complaining)
Oooof…there’s nothing going on in my pants…as far as you know.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Love ya’s.
Oh man, you are killing me.
Her pelvis is a cunnilingus fantasy camp
Hey, the Mariners just gave up the lead in literally 2 minutes.

That was the joke.
That was the joke.
“Your whore eyebrows will always give you away.”
– real redheads
What’s up with that asshole comment?
Does he still have a Vegas residency?
I know it’s boobies night, but was just wondering; how safe a space is this to explore….well, some revolutionary sort of questions? We appear to be at a hell of a crossroads.
Always a safe space. Whut’s up?
Thinking about assasinations. McConnell, Graham, Barr, Sanders, Conway, Jared, Ivanka, Nunes, Ryan, Bannon, Miller, Nielsen, Bolton, Pompeo. I’m leaving MANY out. Make the case for allowing these people to live, based on the pain and suffering they’ve caused by aligning themselves with trump.
Not thinking of doing such things, of course. Just imagining though; you truly have to WORK to make the case for the continued existence of members of the highest levels of the ELECTED government of the United States of America. Who do we signal SOS to?
A rich criminal cunt now has the power to create headlines which begin “Trump Orders FBI, NSA, & CIA…”. No words matter after those.
Explain Nancy Pelosi to me. Please.
Having a military past which includes Russian linguistic training?
/pistol shot
//body slumps
///children wail
What did Sessions tell Trump he would do before he “fucked up” and had to recuse himself?
What happens if FBI etc. tell Barr to fuck off?What are we left with? Unenforceable laws?
I’m getting passports for the family. I’ll be fucked if I’m getting extinguished by some fascist bullshit orchestrated by donald fucking trump. Heard he just endorsed the death penalty again. If only there was evidence THAT had ever gone wrong for him.
The end of the American Empire is at hand. But it won’t happen overnight – it’s just the long slow burn of corruption, stupidity, gluttony, and complacency taking us out of the top spot. Not unlike Rome, to be honest.
Man, I wish it was that easy to get head.
Hey, the Orioles just gave up the lead in literally 2 minutes.

Program Tumbler has failed.
Cintia Dicker. She’s nice.
Dicker? I hardly know her!
Dear. God.
Confirmed DFO approval.
Credit goes to Unsurprised.
Holy moly.
She’s undervalued among my preferred searches, although for what reason I can’t imagine.
She’s incredible.
She might even have to get her own week before long.
We should try to meet her.
I’m listening…..
I’m plotting.
Milli or Vanilli?
Ayo wins.
Holy shit, what is up with the Orioles tonight?
And by that I mean, they’re playing well.
Loggins or Messina?
(I just want to play along…)
Maverick or Goose?
This is hot, but one of the comments makes it awesome.
For the record, this is Emily Willis from her premium Snapchat.
What a sumptuous background!

Extra TOE.
Ah, the elusive molded flange holder option. Quite a rare thing, that.
Austin White
We like her.
OK, last one….
Elton John or Kiki Dee.
As an aside, did anyone ever hear of Kiki Dee either before or after this song?
And yes, I know most of you aren’t old enough to answer.
And be happy I didn’t post Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.
Dolly Parton always wins no matter what.
Dee Reynolds
You might have fight King Hippo for that one.
Just toss a bottle of pills and I’m golden.
The Captain and Teneille. Or Sonny and Cher when they had a TV show. Shit, I’m old enough to remember The Carpenters TV show.
Don’t mess with urban wildlife.
Gladys Knight, or the Pips?
Ella Fitzgerald
But nice choice.
Pips, because I know most of the Pips’ parts in this song. “Midnight train to Georgia! Woo woo!”
Buckle It Up,
Buckle It Up,
Buckle It Up
Or You’ll Dieeeee!!!
Peaches or Herb?
(yes, I really am laughing hysterically now)
Fiona Apple
Oh man, I’d wreck that chick.
You know, if she wasn’t already wrecked.
So someone I hate at work got laid off. But rather than blow them off when they were packing up their stuff, I was the better man and walked into his office to say goodbye.
Artistic Impression of me entering his office:
We also would have accepted:

I’m most partial to this, myself.
I converted it to a gif and a downloadable video:
Mike D
He’s definitely gon’ at least need some Vicodin.
And probably an MRI.
I like the way he looked to the ref – “you’d better end this fight – he ded.”
I wish MY computer smelled like that.
That is the desk accessory I was missing!
Ike and Tina.
(fair warning…if you choose Tina, Ike might punch you in the head a few times)
Tina. Rick was a bitch and coke or no coke I’m more than twice his size. Bring it.
Yeah, he needed a good “attitude adjustment” fo’ sho’.
But he ded now.
That’ll make kicking his ass easier.
I am watching Paradise Hotel. I am astounded by the sheer stupidity of these people. This rivals when Jersey Shore came out. Is Ball writing a blog about it?
I fell behind. But yes, that show is incredible.
Mrs. GTD was talking about how it’s the trashyest show she has ever seen. And she loves her trash TV. She was even making fun of how badly it’s shot.
Simon or Garfunkel?
(yes I’m laughing)
Don’t be fooled; Art gets him some, even in the movies.
Phil Collins or Philip Bailey? Choose one.
If you say Phil Collins I’ll be disappoint.
Oh, you mean the drummer from Genesis?
Avett Brothers
Definitely Scott. But Seth is OK too.
They wouldn’t let me back stage last night. Jerks.
This is an absolute nightmare and I would want to die if I ever fucked up this badly. Rudy Giuliani thinks this is a little sloppy.
It must be nice to be so rich and privileged you can only ever fail up.
I described it to my wife as the equivalent of writing a book about how badly the cops fucked up a murder investigation, only to find out that the victim was actually still alive.

Ohhhhhh…2 run bomb and the Orioles take the lead.
He hit the shit out of that.
Wow…the Orioles look semi-competent.
It’s early.
Yeah, Rockies are about to retake command methinks.
“I am travelling” you finding yourself TwBS? Maybe on a contiki tour in Europe?
I’m actually already back home. I wrote that early yesterday. I drove all night to avoid traffic.
Hall? Or Oates? Choose one.
Bret Hull for sure. Adam Oates sucks
That’s a single with a two base error, not a triple.
Generous scoring in ColorAdo tonight.
“Two base error” also describes the first time I had sex.
Banner this man.
Oh hell, major decision to make…..
Watch the Orioles get their asses kicked….again.
Or watch Caddyshack….again.
Have the Os ever tried “Free Soup Night”?
You get a free hat.
But it looks good on YOU.
Which one of these is correct?
a.) accomlishments
b.) achomplishments
c.) accomplishmence
If you picked a, b, or c…CONGRATULATIONS! You got closer than the Shit-For-Brains who is completely and totally capable of managing a trade war *and* a regular war at the same time!
Stable genius!
I’m not laughing.
OK yes I am.
If I worked at Google I would make sure that when someone Googled “Trump accomplishments” this story dominated the front page.
Poor off!

Love the race for the track and just how batshit crazy it is to go that fast on those streets. Hate the race for the racing.
Ah, Baywatch …
NOTHING wrong with that.
Keep rollin’
They see me rollin’, they hatin’….
He’s gonna need a new bike.
Change of pants, too.
Miley Cyrus needs to relax.
“A+ driving”
— Cam Newton
Fuuuuuuck I’m already tired and half to go to a thing tonight.
Half to?

I really enjoyed the