While this year things will be a LOT different, there is something eternal about giving each other gifts and telling each other how much we care for each other.
As you may or may not know, I am more of a glass half full and it’s half full of something delicious kind of guy. This year has given us a golden opportunity to avoid traveling to visit people we don’t want to see out of “obligation”.
I am not personally in that boat as I am happily single and do not have in-laws to deal with. Also, we left our extended family in Mexico and the phone has worked quite well for catching up with them.
I do know many people that are cancelling family trips this year and are staying home. The funny thing is that the people in other states are pissed off at my friends in Cali because they are being cautious and avoiding the COVID. What the FUUUU???
I wish the best to all of you and your families this holiday season. Please stay safe and stay away from the idiots in your family. Honestly, that’s good advice for any year, let alone 2020.
For those of you prudes that don’t like cheesecake or beefcake, click HERE to skip to the music videos.
Without further ado, here are the Top Twenty Five Pics of The Week:

And now, for the music!
As I mentioned before, I’ve decided that I must take up the mantle that tWBS ran with and help to make this world a better place. I will do this in the one way he couldn’t: By introducing you to good music!
Congratulations to Gumbygirl, who correctly guessed that all six songs last week were Cure songs that were on the Mixed Up LP.
Please check out this selection of good songs. No puzzle this week, so just enjoy the music!
Song Number One:
Canción Número Dos:
Chanson Numéro Trois:
Canzone numero quattro:
Canção número cinco
Seigarren zenbakia:
That’s all for this week, folks! Be good to each other and try to stay the fuck away from stupid people. That’s not COVID-19 advice, that’s just general good sense. See you next week!
Mine is just Inspector Kemp’s pronunciation of “Frankenstein” because I have always loved the idea of a German character with such a thick accent that his own countrymen sometimes have no idea what he is saying.
Okay, 2 things: First, I almost never get on a thread in time to offer any salient comments. My internetting is scattered, usually very late or ungodly early, hardly ever when the rest of you knobs are having a discussion. Which is a bummer, because I think you are all dead-excellent writers and you sometimes make me laugh until I actually cry. (Unlike my ex, who makes me cry until I realize it’s over, and then I laugh.)
Second: My user name was taken off a list that Me and a friend used to use when we were climbing guides back in the early 1990’s. When clients were getting assigned to rope teams, our boss would circulate in the crowd (usually about 40 people or so, calling out client’s names and making sure they would get to the righyt team. We would sneak different joke names onto the list so that he would bellow them out, obliviously, as the rest of the room started laughing. “Phil McCracken! “Jen Edelwartz!” He would yell these names out repeatedly, a lot like when Moe answers Bart’s crank calls. “Phillip McCreviss!” There was a bunch of them. Dolph Ucker was one of them.
You’d be surprised at when others are lurking/going back to see if they missed anything
Like now.
I am fascinated by the breadth of knowledge and expertise we have in this site. I never would have guessed we had a climbing guide in our little group!
I have had an afternoon/evening. Gig from 5-10:30 (it was running on CPT so we started rehearsal at 6).
Went to Senorita Weaselo’s and parking is hard enough after about 10. How about 1? With snow all over.
Finally found an open spot but it wasn’t cleared. The next 20 minutes I used the weight and front wheel drive of my car and the tools I had to dig it out. Which was a scraper. The non-telescoping kind.
I hope I never have to work that hard for a spot ever again.
And there’s pie!
Phrasing! For both “working hard for a spot” and “pie”
Here’s a little bit of advice for ya – get an entrenchment tool (or a sapper’s shovel) from your local army surplus store. They’re dirt cheap, easy to stow in your trunk without wasting space and are worth every penny in situations like this 😉
Oh, if Brocky is still awake, if your dad is actually behaving and not going out and about amongst the covid, I’d suggest like a delivery from Portillos or Lou’s or something.
Evening Mister Scrooge!
It isn’t about Christmas. I’m just overworked and overtired and don’t think a respite is coming til next weekend.
Well I hope you feel better. You’re a good soul and deserve the best.
Until Sunday at least.
Hard to get worked up over Captain Kurt and Trubisky
Point taken.
Dear Santa: I would like a new air pump for my 40 gallon fish tank.
My fish are awesome and the pump is noisy so if you can bring me one that would be swell.
I’ll leave cookies and a vaccine out for you.
This year we’re staying home as everyone should be. Got a Zoom call with the family.
Gifts shipped to home addresses.
Some will probably get there late.
Eldest granddaughter can most definitely play the fucking bass so I got her a Rickenbacker T, the Wahini gets Legos and their parents get house slippers.
Littlest right gets books, books and books.
That girl is going to write.
That’s awesome gifting
Twas the week before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for the delivery guys who decide it’s a good idea to park in the middle of the street when there’s room enough for one car.
Now Door Dash away, dash away all!
We just watched an episode of The Crown and it sent me down the Princess Diana death conspiracy hole. People are pretty crazy when they start believing that stuff; the most ridiculous things get treated like they are evidence of a grand plot.
Good thing we’ve gotten better.
I’ve discovered a fondness for going to sleep with no ambient noise.
It’s incredible.
I had no idea the harbor could be so quiet.
We’re so close people. Let’s not fuck this up now.
It’s tragic to think of how many people are going to die in the coming months that wouldn’t have died if people could have simply kept their shit together over Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year’s Eve and Super Bowl Sunday.
It truly is and I can easily see another 2 to 3 more months of this.
At least
I am not even remotely flexible, or green, but I do have an oddly shaped head!
Actually,part of my last name rhymes with Gumby.
Your 4-2 Pac-12 champions Oregon Ducks
Yeah baby!
Conference champion: Oregon
North champion: Washington
South champion: USC
Highest-ranked team: Colorado
Will they go to the Rose Bowl? No one else will.
No, unless the committee selects them to the playoffs.
I thought the playoff game was separate from the Rose Bowl, don’t know why!
I heard I Touch Roses on Sirius the other day, I’d completely forgotten that one!
First Wave?
I have gone down a dancehall and Afropop youtube wormhole. Sexy Friday indeed!
This is day one of isolation and I’m not gonna be able to take it much longer.y’all are gonna have to get this because I’m BOREd.
Gotta be honest, sounds like heaven.
HOWEVAH, can totally see enjoying for about 4 hours, then being in hell.
Being a pariah is not all it’s cracked up to be.
You’ve seriously run out of porn already?
Howdy All! To add to ’s question about usernames, I am, as you can see in my bio, a recovering Steelers fan, hence the Steel. The Balls part should be self evident.
I love my balls.
I have some sext friday for you,
Yeah you do!
And the fury?
Is that your Friday night balls activity?
So, funny story. Originally I was Balls of Steel, but I messed up my password/ login and needed to create a new username. Mad Max Fury Road was in theaters at the time and Voilà!
That works! One of the best movies of the last 10, 20 years, maybe longer.
Also, thanks to this post, wife is rocking out in the kitchen (WHERE SHE BELONGS) to Tom Tom Club.
I saw them twice.
Once with Talking Heads.
The other time at Iguana’s in TJ.
Circa 1988? I’m gonna say.
My origin story is not that exciting and gives no read on why I’m a Vikings fan. My first user name on KSK was 12 Pack Abs.
Most certainly not because I’m ripped dude! FEEL these abs! But more because I can drink a 12 pack for breakfast.
People on here can attest to this.
Anyway, didn’t feel right so I went back to my Jersey Shore days. Bel Mar, central Jersey shore. The constant response to any minor form of agreement was “Yeah right?”
Always asked with an inflection as if inquisitory.
I always found it super annoying and I still can’t fully explain why it’s my user name but there you go.
I’m making chile verde from scratch tomorrow.
I believe I’ve told my uninspiring origin story before as well. Basically i was sick of seeing the media fawning over Brett Favre’s comebacks given how clear it was he should have hung it up and I made a comment on KSK that if they were any further up his ass they’d be giving him a colonoscopy. Hence the name.
Good Scottish lad.
This is embarrassing.
Locked out of your place with no pants again?
I am beginning to think USC’s undefeated record is a wee bit of smoke and mirrors.
It wouldn’t be the first time.
now that is indeed quite rockin
WVU is 6-14 from the free throw line. My white, out-of-shape, middle aged ass can do better than that.
Jeebus Criminy.
How is King of Track Suits taking it?
He rocks the chin diaper better than most.
but don’t just having a mask anywhere upon his personage make him a libtard commie Moooslim Murrika hater??
KSK days I thought Farva was perfect, and the Canadian spelling of Litre and now it is many, many years later.
so i need some advice:
I have absolutely no fucking idea what to get my dad for Christmas now that he has specifically stated he doesn’t want any more sweat shirts or fleeces. (or blankets or slippers)
he turns 60 next year, doesn’t drink by choice, quit smoking, and seems to have no hobbies anymore except whats on Netflix.
he’s a casual BEARS/IU fan but he’s never been a big fan of wearing sports apparels. he also doesn’t golf
his favorite band is led zeppelin, and hes good with most late 70s stuff, and he honestly diikes metal or any of the harder stuff that came out mid 80s or later.
also i think he hasn’t read a book since the 90s
I’m at a loss for ideas.
Led Zeppelin on vinyl or a box set (rarities whatever).
Pay for a year or 6 months of Netflix; they probably have a gift option on the site.
Coffee table book of travel ideas, maybe as inspiration
Nice poker chip set
Lotion and Kleenex
Led Zeppelin on vinyl or a box set (rarities whatever).
he’s got most of that already. has a record player but never listens to it
Pay for a year or 6 months of Netflix; they probably have a gift option on the site
I’m already paying for his netflix
Coffee table book of travel ideas, maybe as inspiration
this will not go over well. I’m not saying the guy is never sentimental for knick knacks, but he already threw out the plaque he got for 20 years on the job
Nice poker chip set
I’ve legitimately never heard him express any interest in it. he went to Vegas ten years ago and i don’t think he gambled once.
Lotion and Kleenex
shit I may just get a brazzers subscription. guy has a thing for blondes. we have that in common
Sorry man, I tried.
Round trip to Vegas.
Or a hooker.
or seriously, call a truce – he ain’t got to buy you nothin’, neither. I have done this with almost all of my family types.
Yeah, mom refuses. We siblings just exchange gag gifts if anything. (Gags like funny, not ball gags)
There are a lot of niche streaming options that can work if he has particular interests. For example, there are a couple of channels devoted to British shows. Similarly, there are documentary channels, international sports channels, foreign language channels, etc.
For that reason, your Brazzers idea may end up being the best option.
We have that problem with Gumby’s dad, who is much older. We usually get him some sort of food thing. This year we got him sausages and cheese from the company that uses a sasquatch in their ads, I tiink it’s called Jack’s?
Amazon fire stick? Subscription snack box? Home baked weed brownies?
Nail gun. A gun rack. A fire pit. New BBQ. Clamps. Orbital buffer. Badass ice chest.
found a funny:
DnD? Oh you mean Dinersdriveins N Dives
Monty Python has been a rather large influence on my sensibilities.
Against teh Hippo advice I put 20 on USC ATS and another with teh Hippo advice on Rutgers ML.
Am a little worried about the backdoor potential. And PHRASING.
Mine came from an interview with the creators of the Venture Bros.
Because I’m a fat piece of shit? Honestly, I don’t remember. I was always a bit skittish about not being cool or funny enough for KSK.*
*still am not cool or funny, I just aged in to giving no MOAR fucks
This is why the West shall NEVAR be the Best Coast. Get better slave chilluns JV FITBAW morans!!
70 and sunny today.
But then I’m sure the occasional hurricane adds flavor.
(USC is evil and should be eradicated however)
also Slovis is a dumb name
His last name is somehow better than his first.
Terrible special teams work. SPIN THE LACES!
Thems used for tying wrists and such.
Watching the Pac-12 championship. Oregon with a 3-2 record is representing the Pac-12 North, because Washington with a better 3-1 had a COVID outbreak when they were scheduled to play. This really isn’t going anywhere, just wanted to say Jr. NFL doesn’t mean jack shit and any claims to titles and championships should have a giant asterisk on it.
This entire season should be a giant asterisk.
My Guess-
Each one of these tunes features drums and guitars and some other instruments. And singers.
DAMMIT PAY ATTENTION oh you’re carving up a hobo sorry, carry on.
[strokes chin slowly] Okay, the common theme of these tunes is “denial”?
/gotta admit, that was the hardest one yet…
Boba Fett died from Parkinson’s.
Tommy Tuberville is somehow worse than Nick Saban.
I lived in Birmingham for many years. Trust me, Tommy T is a bajillion times worse than Saban.
Just saw he wants to challenge the election because Trump loss even though he won in the same election.
I prefer when Alabamans called him Wingnut because of his ears.
/pushes up glasses
The glass is always full, its a matter (pun intended) of what the glass is filled with.
A glass of Zima is never full.
Caroline Vreeland. Same as below. Plenty of nudes.