Good evening to you! Happy Fathers Day to the Dad’s out there who didn’t go for smokes and not come back.
Decilitre is 5 now and sneaky for a large individual (He takes after his uncle BC Dick in brick shithouse stature and will be as tall as Gametimedecision). The other day he woke up at 4:30 in the morning which isn’t uncommon so we thought nothing of it. Mrs. Cola heard an odd noise downstairs and woke up to check out what it was. The front door was ajar and Decilitre was happily inside watching his tablet like nothing was unusual. I came down and asked what was up?
He stated “I was in your car.”
“What? Why? Where are the keys?”
“In the car.”
I then explained to him that Litrepug could have gotten out and he’s a puppy who would run away forever. I then got to thinking about this event. We had Gummi Lifesavers in the car after footy practice the night prior. On the way home he asked where I kept my keys overnight so bad guys couldn’t get them? I thought nothing of it and figured it was the ramblings of a 5 year old. Nope, he was starting his plan of waking up early and heading to my car for the rest of the candy. Sneaky.
He also has done this with ice cream. He wakes up earlier than normal which is 6 am, and he comes to the living room with his already set up tablet to gorge on foodstuffs he would not normally be allowed to eat.
That’s a good Scottish troubadour right there!
Travel story time!
In the early 00’s I moved from the Canadian Rockies to Scotland for work at The Turnberry Hotel. At that point it was a Westin but now it’s a Trump….
Anyway I didn’t have my sommelier papers yet but did have a lot of wine knowledge from working in a wine bar for the prior few years. Once I arrived in Scotland I was immediately asked if I could go to Edinburgh to work the MTV Europe music awards? My answer was of course I would go. I got to go with two other people from the hotel with whom I’m now very good friends. In Edinburgh at The Sheraton I was assigned to deliver wine to the VIPs in their room and while I was there I redid their wine list for them because it had many mistakes. (I also made a mistake confusing my Pouilly’s in France and the mistake was still there 5 years later)
A call comes through to room service for two bottles of Cristal to a suite, so off I go. At the time I didn’t know who I was delivering it to but when I knocked on the door Dave Navarro answered! He invited me in to serve the bubbles. After a few minutes he was curious as to why I didn’t have a Scottish accent? I explained that I got to Scotland a few days ago and was sent to help out here from another hotel. He laughed that what if I was a “fuckhead” and was useless as the hiring hotel didn’t know me yet. I then proceeded to pour all of Jane’s Addiction their wine and was about to go on my way when he asked whether I smoked? I responded that I did and then offered a cigarette as is custom. He thanked me and gave me a 50 pound note and asked if I could go get him two packs of Marlboro Reds. Absolutely Dave! Instead of buying expensive packs at the hotel I shot across the street to the offie. I returned with his smokes, attempted to give him his change and he refused. He then gave me another 50 pounds and asked me to come have a dart with him, he then also poured me a glass of Cristal. I ended up chain smoking and drinking with him for a couple hours. The whole time Perry Farrell did not move from the couch and played xbox not speaking to a soul.
When I was leaving Dave asked if I would like to come to the show tomorrow night? I told him that I had to work but thank you very much for the offer. A part of me thought that fuck this shift I have a work visa, I could find more work. The other part of me thought to stay loyal and also I had no money to get a flat or live without a job.
The next day when I arrived at the hotelI was told I was not needed as the afterparties were at The Balmoral Hotel and I had a free night. I obviously did not get Dave’s phone number and didn’t get to go to the gig. It was when they released Strays which to me is their best work. I am still mad about this 19 years later as to why I just wasn’t a “fuckhead”. You live you learn.
Wine time!
We have done the basics for Italy, Australia, and New Zealand thus far. Today we take a look at Argentina.
In the last 20 years Argentinian wines and more specifically Malbec has burst on to the international wine scene. It used to be high quality and quite inexpensive as they tried to make their name throughout the world. I wrote about a theory I had when getting my sommelier papers that was inexpensive high quality wines moved West to East. See me through this, we are talking New World wines as Old World wines are already established globally.
First came the Aussies and their Shiraz. Market flooded with the stuff for cheap. Next came the Kiwis and their Sauvignon Blanc that as discussed can be epic or shithouse. Next on the scene were Chilean wines with Carmenere (next week). Then we got to Argentina and their Malbecs. Following that Spanish wines got bigger over here when before that it was French, Eyetie, and Kraut white wines. I predicted that South African Pinotage wines would take off. Insert Homer waiting for a gun gif.
The main growing area that we all see on wine lists and at the wine store is Mendoza. For our purposes we will only look at this region as the others are not widely available from what I have seen. In fact the map below show how small Mendoza is compared to all wine growing regions down there but it contributes 70% of Argentina’s wine production.
Mendoza is on a plateau tucked right next to the Andes mountains which benefits it greatly or it would be too hot and arid. ( I don’t think the word arid is used enough)
- The first vines were planted by Jesuits who knew how to get down.
- Malbec is king, World Malbec day is April 17th should you celebrate it.
- I don’t particularly like Malbec, CHANGE MY MIND!
- I want to go to a Boca Juniors game
- Dok Zymm got me a Boca Scarf when down there.
- The altitude here is key as the height makes the climate cooler so they can grow grapes. (2600 – 3900 ft)
- Malbec is 45% of all plantings, Cab is next at 15% then their rest are all over the place
- Hippo and I have adopted Deportivo Moron as our Argie side.
Mendoza Malbec is very dark in coloUr and will stain your glass. In warmer vineyards you will get blackberries, plums, black cherries on the palate.
PAIR. WITH. SALT. Argie BBQ (lamb, beef, game), mushrooms, blue cheese are fantastic with Malbec. If Yeah Right in his years doing his amazing Sunday Gravy has hit you with a Chimichurri then do that too as the acid from the vinegars are amazing for the full bodied wine.
In looking at the sub regions of Mendoza I only recognize the Maipu Valley so start there when you are in the wine store and let me know. I do feel my mind can be changed on this one with the right wine, unlike Semillon which is and will always be trash.
We’ve got sea lions barking in the harbor.
And a nice comfy marine layer blanket, which actually amplifies the sound.
This is incredible to fall asleep to.
Banging also makes for good sleep.
These are great. Just two notes:
1) Clean your windshield
2) Do the Bullitt or Rendevous C’était un Rendez vous thing and dub in engine noise.
I watched the first episode of the new Iron Chef this evening. It’s fine.
Oh, and I watched that new Emma Thompson film (Good Luck To You, Leo Grande) and it was also fine.
Everything’s fine. Just fine.
[is just here] – Marshawn Lynch
But is it … DANDY?
I know at least one guy who was inspired by that book.
Finally done. I picked the wrong week to quit drinking/sniffing glue.
If you took amphetamines you’d have been done sooner. Whatever it is you do.
What if it was preserving amphetamines?
I like to save prescription painkillers by taking twice as many of them. It sounds crazy but it really works.
Every week is the wrong week to quit drinking/sniffing glue.
Spam and other Malbec lovers give me a label to try please.
Had to look it up, because I remembered Keiko
Turns out it Kaiken. Had the Ultra which was really flavorful and…meaty? Wrong word. Whatever. Also affordable.
Meaty is a good description. I describe a couple of Sangioveses at the resto as mealy so I get it.
I’m pretty sure being fat makes me look younger. Both because fat skin doesn’t wrinkle, and because people a few years younger than me really spearheaded the childhood obesity epidemic
The Big Turk is a thing with Litre. Maybe he owns stock in the company. Or maybe it’s just his Milky Way thing (we all have ours). But he’s asked for my review so here goes. From a guy who has endured C rations and MRE’s for many year’s so I’ll admit, my bar is set pretty low. I thought it was pretty good. Different and tasty. I have enjoyed Turkish delights, while visiting Istanbul and from vendors who sell the real deal here. And who does not like milk chocolate (not counting my lactose intolerant wife and those like her). So I found the blend of the two pretty pleasant. I give it 3 out of 5 on my candy meter.
It is definitely a unique product. I concur with your review. The fact that Canadian chocolate is far superior to American chocolate helps a lot.
I do not. It is polarizing and not as offensive as rotting shark and always elicits a reaction.
/buys stock in Nestle
I thought you were looking for validation… my bad…
Oh it’s ok, I will house one if given but some people haaaatee them up here. I am with you 3 out of 5.
I’m still on fucking conference calls
On a fucking Sunday???
Fucking Sundays are for fucking.
I wish
I sure as fuck hope you are on mute with your camera off and drinking
Best 2 out of 3?
California being an expensive place to live is basically a living illustration of the laws of supply and demand.
That’s a great story Buddy. Clubhouse friends, I received a package this week from the fine Mr. Cola here. Our scarf exchange is complete. He sent some pogey bait also axin for my opinion (validation) on a certain item that apparently some of you had also been gifted. That follows. Be well everyone.
Cannot wait for the Big Turk review!
If Paolo Nutini is Scottish, then surely Rigoberta Bandini is a Spaniard
Jose Gonzalez is Swedish
Oh, and note to Litre, had some Patagonian Pinot Noir when I Was down there, furthest south wine region so chilly and Pinot is the only grape they do. Lovely stuff! Mendoza is their Napa, complete with tourist trails, but I know a couple has a place in Bariloche, I’m thinking that’s the spot
Dave Navarro seems cool as fuck. And Perry Farrell seems exactly what I would assume.
Seeing Jane’s Addiction open for Smashing Pumpkins in November, will ask Dave if he remembers you. (Will probably not happen)
Loving the Decilitre story.
Children are the future…unless we stop them.
Also, a spicy Malbec is terrific with, um, air? Pairs with air it does.
That’s a smart kid, I’ll tutor him in cards/math when he gets older if he’s up for it
My daughter helped me all day with movin’ to my new Apt. Best FD yet.
Happy Fathers’ Day to all dads. Especially deadbeat dads talking about their kids for hooking up.
Carmenere is the shit. Looking forward to next week.
Deci is a bad ass. Great job.
Napa is hilarious. I’m drinking a reasonably priced $8 pint while eavesdropping on a couple of macho hispanic men in their late 20s earnestly discuss their golf game
Do they drink Mexican beers while playing or Bud Light?
Not sure on the course, but were on Moscow Mules at the bar
Am I ready for dabbing?
Man, I’d forgotten about Fucking Fartbook.
That’s what I tell everybody. If you can get past that episode, you’ve got one of the best series in a decade.
But I guarantee that episode loses a bunch of viewers.
Having a little cheese and charcuterie to tide me over until I’m ready to make dinner.
Fuck, I’m just going to gorge on this stuff and never get around to dinner, am I?
I’m pretty sure that IS dinner.
Who needs dinner when you have cheese and meat?
As a Father’s Day Gift: I went to his house and vacuumed and cleaned his pool.
As a bonus gesture, I did it with my keyfob in my pocket so he had to drive me home for the spare.
When do we get a Boxed Wine seminar, good Litre?
Makes a pillow when backpacking in Oz as per 2005.
Goodness blaxito is 4 next month and is a full on little boy. Reading this decitale makes me about ready to just throw in the nurturing towel and see if he ain’t ready for that high school in Dangerous Minds.
No he’s just mostly a chore and so we’re entering the boundaries/ punishment conversation where my casting soft wife and I discuss the fine points of the only thing I learned from my parents — “Get the belt.”
I did get a nap though cuz it’s Father’s day so I look forward to my next one in a year. I need to hit the drug store too (my pavlonian response to litre, even sans Farva).
Holy shit! I’m rewatching Letterkenny and Glen actually had a girlfriend in episode 1.
Didja drink the Bobby Margs?
Not yet but I fucking housed that bag of Ketchup Cheetos faster than I’d have sex with Salma Hayek.
McBain / Just For Fun – TV Tropes
Was I just summoned with the “meat signal?”
Why yes, we have done a chimichurri and I fucking love this entire menu.

I am also a big fan of the Malbec, especially its back pepper finish. I didn’t serve wine with this menu since we were pounding Caipirinhas.
chimichurri is heaven, and I have a sad again about our kickass Cuban/Argentine dive closing down
My mind keeps coming back to how funny it would be if at the end of a Bob’s Burgers episode, Teddy were to sing “Fuck the Pain Away”
This is Dok Zymm travelling IMO.
Happy for Matt Fitzpatrick, knowing that he was kicked around his high school corridors by bullies every other day.
I liked that he’s in the same club as Palmer and Inkster on winning the US Amateur and Open at the same course. That’s pretty cool.
Seems like a good kid, even if he’s a walking, talking Big Book of British Smiles.
Deci is a smart young man.
I wonder if you could train him to raid neighboUrhood medicine cabinets, eh?
I mean, betting on MORON is just so fun.
I want to buy a scarf.
Next bet we have will be 2 Moron scarves.